What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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About the same here. High of 22 today, but going to be sunny and 55 on Saturday!

It's all good... got the generator going, have internet, TV, firewood. It all reminds you that Mother Nature can be unpredictable, you've got good friends all over the place, lots of people are worse off than you, and life keeps moving on. No power yet, but hopefully soon. Bit of work cleaning up next spring and getting more firewood stored up.

41 and dry at 5:45AM when I left Mercer Island for Redmond this morning, forecast is for mid to high 40's this afternoon. Not uncomfortable for 20 - 25 minute commute but I wouldn't ride much longer than that. Slider Cold Pro gloves keep my finger tips warm but I don't think they be good enough for longer rides and don't plan on testing.

Ice storms just suck!!!! Best to you guys hunkered down in this sh*t. Send rain to the west we need it, this drought is not a good thing.
How about sending just enough ice to Arizona to kill off our desert scorpions, this little bastard nailed me on Saturday and I spent all day yesterday at Chandler Hospital with an IV hooked up to my arm: Fighting off a serious infection from his sting with antibiotics! It is bad enough that the Southwest has HotRodZilla, but we have the damned scorpions too! Does anybody here know of a good pest control specialist? Bugnatr, do you know anybody?

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That sucks Don.

You know, on my trip out that way in 2010 with Rob 'n Tom it was the first time I ever saw desert. I managed to stop between Kanab and Jacob Lake, all by my lonesome and take it all in. The sights, the smells (deserts smell awesome! who knew?). Then I realized, every damn thing IN that desert was actively trying to kill me. Not including Patch 'n Zilla. They were a given. Feck that mess. I'd rather freeze me arse off for half the year.

Heal up!

An ice storm can leave behind a photo op in its wake.....


The maple tree in my front yard. Needless to say the FJR will not be making it out of the garage for a while.

The generator kept the heat on and a kettle for a hot cup of tea. The major crime was the power outage shut down the Tim Horton's in town.

How about sending just enough ice to Arizona to kill off our desert scorpions, this little bastard nailed me on Saturday and I spent all day yesterday at Chandler Hospital with an IV hooked up to my arm....

This is what happens when you run around kissing critters.

Life is rough, Bill. The local Tim's here is shut down also...... luckily I have an alternate source of coffee that keeps the withdrawl symptoms bearable. Perty here too but there is reality............

Dang! I hope youz guyz get yer power back on soon!

It's just cold here today. A couple of snow flurries here and there but that's aboot it.

Dang! I hope youz guyz get yer power back on soon!
It's just cold here today. A couple of snow flurries here and there but that's aboot it.
I just came inside. -22C here right now. To cold to snow. We're going to have a seriously white, frosty Christmas. Of course, I only remember one time ever that we've had a green Christmas up here. Ah, those were the days...

After a complete snow melt and torrential rains, today we got 8 or so inches of the fluffy white stuff, so we'll have a white Christmas after all. No issues here with power, so we're thankful for that. Here's hoping all those without electrons can stay warm and toasty until the the lights come back on!! And seriously, Timmy's doesn't have a backup generator?? What are they thinking?

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I was on my way home from work today, yes, I had to put in a 1/2 day on Christmas eve even though they owe me 6 days off. I got to thinking "Man am I hot!" Then I look... its 85! No wonder I feel hot with the vents zipped up and the liner in, it IS hot!

Supposed to be about 82 and Sunny here near Temecula Ca. on Christmas Day.

Taking my 91 year old Mom to church and maybe a short afternoon ride.....riding Thursday for sure, about the same temp.


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