What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Been nice here lately, calling for rain tonight. Did another 200 mile loop through south central PA yesterday, some old favorites and explored some new roads. Starting to get green in the lower areas. PA 475 and Plum Hollow Rd. at Clear Ridge, PA:


Enid Mountain Rd.:


Only remaining snow is the little bit on the ski runs at Whitetail. I imagine those folks had a disappointing season this year with the unusually mild winter we've had.


Flurries of snow yesterday, and the dammed wind is persistent. We always get our last snow the first or second week of April, then the weather breaks and the warm starts. So, another few days of funky weather and things will start looking up. Not like it's really been that bad anyways.

There are two times a year when the weather here in the Central Valley of Cali is just freaking glorious, and this is one of them. Spring and fall, sometimes for weeks at a time. Clear skies, enough to show the snow-capped Sierras a hundred miles away in sharp detail, mild temps all day and evening. Highs from mid-60's to mid-70's. Makes you forget the cold rainy days of the winter (not that we've had too many of those lately), and forget to dread the blistering, too-hot-to-ride 100-plus days of later summer.

What am I doing here? I should go riding.

Rain last weekend, and rain this weekend. ⛈ So now I'm just being a post whore on the forum. Sunshine State my ass! 😤

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About 4" of snow last night, -17C this morning.

I'm still on track to get the bike out soon. We've lost about 7/8 of our snow cover, just drifts remaining. With any luck they dont' salt the roads again after the rain this past week.

8 °F overnight for last couple of nights; same for tonight. Daytime highs not cracking the freezing point. Not much snow left but the only days where it has been warm enough to ride have been rainy. A little rain does not bother me that much but combined with the residual salt (corrosion) and traction sand (slippery) on the roads, I have not managed to get the bike out yet this year. I almost always manage a ride by St. Patrick's day but not even close this year. AS far as winters go, this past one has been rather benign but it is refusing to leave!

If it makes you feel better I cut my grass yesterday for the third time this year. Spring is springing vigorously here right now.

It was a bit chilly on my ride home this morning though. 55 degrees F. I had the grip heaters on medium and my winter gloves on as well.

Like RFH said, spring has sprung for us as well, I've hit the yard 3 times with the mower so far. We not had much rain the past few days with high temps in the 70's making for some great riding. Trying to enjoy it before the triple digits get here.

Dogwoods are popping and the Bradford Pears (nasty things) have already dropped their blossoms. Azaleas will be along in a few days.

Azaleas will be along in a few days.
Really? I'm surprised as mine are already in full bloom, along with irises.

Anywho, mid-60s, sunny but chilly nights. Cold enough that I had to bring my tropical plants back in or risk killing them. So, at least through the weekend, I take them out for some sun and fresh air and bring them in at night to keep them comfy. Kinda like the dogs 'cept the the plants don't poop everywhere.
