What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Yeah, I was just gonna let it pass...I chuckled at this. But then again, if it snows this much in an area that never gets snow, they just can't deal with it. No one knows how to drive in it...
When I was living in Atlanta GA we got >1" of snow between 9:00 am and noon. OMFG, it closed down the city and there were hundreds of crashes as people tried to get home. Nobody had snow tires or experience driving in the snow and it was a total disaster. I guess this happens anywhere people don't have a need to own a snow shovel.

It was ZERO F on the way to work today. No temperature AT ALL. That's f*cking cold.

It's -20 sumthin C here today, unusually cold winter. My buddy Dan in SD is in #1 spot on the Coldest Ride contest on the ST forum, at -25F. Second place is -14.5F, me in #6 at a wimpy 13F........ can't go riding due to all the ice, I won't make it out the driveway.

North Carolina Blizzard? I worked in Raleigh NC in the 80's, working hard and got up to stretch. The parking lot was empty.

WTF?, where is everybody? Man, they went home for a Snow Day, Snow Day?, Aint seen one snowflake anywhere.

Dude you're in NC now, they all went to the Food Lion to buy milk, bread, and toilet paper they won't use.

North Carolina Blizzard? I worked in Raleigh NC in the 80's, working hard and got up to stretch. The parking lot was empty.WTF?, where is everybody? Man, they went home for a Snow Day, Snow Day?, Aint seen one snowflake anywhere.

Dude you're in NC now, they all went to the Food Lion to buy milk, bread, and toilet paper they won't use.
Yep, here's somebody that understands.

Way too cold (for us!) now. 10 tonight, 27 for the high tomorrow. Luckily no precipitation and very little wind. Damn Canuckistanian winters..........

Couldn't sleep, got up to surf a bit, then wanted a butt. Went outside, -30 without the windchill. Looking around, the average snow bank is about 6' tall.

Now, I understand if you live in an area that typically doesn't get much snow, but a 1/4" and your entire town goes for a ****? 10F is cold?

The take away from this is two things. Ya'll are ******* and I need my damn head examined.

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0f or -18c here this morning, -17f or -27c with the wind...and the wind is supposed to pick up this afternoon. ENOUGH of this **** already!!!

You know I think the weather channel is behind this cold winter weather,used to be the jet stream would dip and bring us frigid air from Canada. That wasnt fast enough so nowadays they are bringing it down on the polar vortex and now they think there is a need to name the winter storms. so I think the whole thing is a weather channel conspiracy not sure how they do it but it's a conspiracy alright.

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You know I think the weather channel is behind this cold winter weather,used to be the jet stream would dip and bring us frigid air from Canada. That wasnt fast enough so nowadays they are bringing it down on the polar vortex and now they think there is a need to name the winter storms. so I think the whole thing is a weather channel conspiracy not sure how they do it but it's a conspiracy alright.
I bet they are using Dyna beads!


It was ZERO F on the way to work today. No temperature AT ALL. That's f*cking cold.
Tell me its 0 Kelvin and I'll agree widcha.

Sorry, bad geek joke. But I just had to...
Prefer Kettle-One or GG, but at these temps any will dew

Explanation for the geekiness impaired: Zero degrees Kelvin is also known as "Absolute" Zero.

Kevin is cold.... Oh wait that's Kelvin.

It's fuking cold here today -5 on my outdoor thermometer and 30 mph winds.
The Mighty Mac is closed due to zero visibility and a minor fender bender on it.

Hate to be stuck on it right now.

It's a balmy 12F here right now.

This morning, I heard a hissing sound from the basement. Our hot water heater is singing its swan song and leaking a steady stream of water. The bad thing? Our heat runs off hot water so no hot water = no heat. The really bad thing? It's not looking like the contractor is gonna be able to replace it today.

It's a balmy 12F here right now.
This morning, I heard a hissing sound from the basement. Our hot water heater is singing its swan song and leaking a steady stream of water. The bad thing? Our heat runs off hot water so no hot water = no heat. The really bad thing? It's not looking like the contractor is gonna be able to replace it today.
It's almost shorts and t-shirt weather here at 16...sorry to hear about the water tank. If the pipes freeze, don't do what the idiot here in Buffalo did. Had the fire dept come to his house TWICE in one day. He tried to thaw his bathroom pipes out with a torch and started a small fire which he put out before the fire fighters arrived. They advised that he not use a torch to thaw pipes. They left and he went to the hardware store and bought a heat gun...which he then turned on and hung down inside the wall with the frozen pipes and left it to do its magic. Heat gun melted and started another fire. This time, the fire department had to actually put it out for him.
