What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Screw it, I had to go for a ride today.


Shit! I didn't see the minus indicator. Off to buy 2 more cases and a gallon of vodka!

That should keep me occupied till thursday.

Just got done clearing the driveway for the third time since noon, enjoying a cigar in the garage now.Tuesday's high is supposed to be -2 degrees f.

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Poor guy.. I can't and even if I could, won't clear my drive. It's going to melt in August and I can get in and outa the garage with snow on the drive.

It's kinda like "keeping up with the jones's" to me.

Drinking takes up all my free time anyway!


I have earned my PhD in snow removal this year. It is definitely piled higher and deeper. Maybe I'll have better sense than to relocate in the snow belt next time. Looks like I'll get a chance to try again as I lost my job last week. This eastern winter shit is brutal.

I found yer job behind your wastebasket Tom.. You have to be a bit more careful where you leave it!

Dude that suks, Hope ya end up back where snow depth is equivalent to Carvers IQ.

75 degrees F. Only 3% of yearly (seasonal) rainfall. I can walk across lake San Antonio. Wells are running dry. But it is great riding weather. 700 miles a week.

My landlady returned from a 3 week stint in Cairns Australia visiting relatives, 35C and near 100% humidity every single day in a jungle-like setting, palm trees everywhere, lots of bugs, geckos and large cockroaches that get in the house, a couple of boa constrictors living nearby so you watch the dog when you let it out, nice sandy beach that you can't use because of the stingers and crocks, wear big hats and lots of sunscreen when you go out, nights are hot and sweaty too..... gotta keep all your food in the refridgerator or it goes moldy in 2 days.... the natives think it's 'normal'........ even much further south in Sydney it is still humid as you're only at the 33rd parallel...... New Zealand would be better..... I can't stand that kind of heat, and will take the cold over that nonsense.

So, everything is relative, don't worry, be happy. Life is good.

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Was in the upper 60s here yesterday. Got "The Shop" emptied out and swept in anticipation of the floor getting epoxied soon. Shorts, t-shirt, and sandals weather. Strange how, in order to clear out the garage, it first has to get fuller.

Today will be more of the same before the next cold front moves through and we head down to a frigid 40. I think I'll make plans to set on the new patio, under the new pergola, at the new patio table with an old cigar and a aging bourbon to read more of a new-to-me book.

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I have earned my PhD in snow removal this year. It is definitely piled higher and deeper. Maybe I'll have better sense than to relocate in the snow belt next time. Looks like I'll get a chance to try again as I lost my job last week. This eastern winter shit is brutal.
The cold spell we're having this winter is the worst in 30 years according to the weatherman. Where's that damned global warming when you need it!!!!
Really sorry to hear about yer job there Tom! That sucks far worse than the worst kind of winter.

Poor guy.. I can't and even if I could, won't clear my drive. It's going to melt in August and I can get in and outa the garage with snow on the drive.It's kinda like "keeping up with the jones's" to me.
Yeah, it definitely can be like that especially in suburbia. The sound of one neighbor's snowblower often brings out all the other ones, so as not to appear to be delinquent. I would just let mine sit and drive through it, but there is always a chance of getting one of the bikes out on one of the rare, clear winter days. Keeping the driveway relatively clear allows the remaining snow and ice to melt away with just a little bit of sunshine.

That's my story and I'm stickin' with it. ;)

I have earned my PhD in snow removal this year. It is definitely piled higher and deeper. Maybe I'll have better sense than to relocate in the snow belt next time. Looks like I'll get a chance to try again as I lost my job last week. This eastern winter shit is brutal
The cold spell we're having this winter is the worst in 30 years according to the weatherman. Where's that damned global warming when you need it!!!!
Really sorry to hear about yer job there Tom! That sucks far worse than the worst kind of winter.
Yeah, but my driveway is really clear! I can always get on the bike and buzz around in circles since all the streets are still covered in ice and snow.

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I have earned my PhD in snow removal this year. It is definitely piled higher and deeper. Maybe I'll have better sense than to relocate in the snow belt next time. Looks like I'll get a chance to try again as I lost my job last week. This eastern winter shit is brutal.

Sorry to hear about the job! Man, the Pittsburgh area hasn't treated you very well since you moved here. Honestly it isn't always this way, well it can be, now that i think about it. But what do I know, lived here all my life, don't know any better i guess! Oh and March is when we can get the REALLY deep snow.
