What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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The only reason this Canuckistanian is complaining is because of the abnormal cold, I mean -20 something going on this long is ridiculous. In this neck of the woods, it never gets that bad...... and I just think of those in SD, ND, MN who have it way worse than me....... this year, it's in like a lion, hope it's out like a lamb............ oh I 'spoze Wiarton Willie will be arguing with Punxatawney Phil again.........

RaYzerman19, Huron52 and yamafitter: You Hosers have nothing to complain about, eh! Your Boy Toy Justin Bieber is back in Ontario, eh!

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...Your Boy Toy Justin Bieber is back in Ontario, eh!
Petition to Deport Justin Bieber Nears Response Threshold
A petition demanding that the Obama administration deport troubled pop star Justin Bieber has reached 73,450 signatures, inching close to the 100,000 needed for an official response, The Washington Times reports.

The petition, titled, "Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card," reads:

"We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug-abusing Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked.

"He is not only threatening the safety of our people, but he is also a terrible influence on our nation's youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society."

The petition is on the White House's "We the People" website, which encourages Americans to create petitions on issues they are passionate about.

Bieber, who was born in Canada, could have his visa revoked after being arrested in Miami Beach on suspicion of drunk driving, resisting arrest, and driving without a valid license.

Uh ionbeam, you're aware aren't you MEM-MaryEllen has a full size poster of "Der Biebster" on the wall of her bedroom! Tread lightly, Amigo!

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I'll take the Canuckistani riders on this Forum, even the ones I have met, but send that punk b!tch back to Kanader.

He needs more years in the Great White North to straighten out.

Mebbe three decades should do it.

All I can say is, for being a "hardy people," you Canadians are a bunch of whiners.
I found out this morning that my new work computer reads in C. I left it in my car last night. At 0630, when I turned it on, it had to "warm up" before the hard drive would kick on. It was at -6C and I was in short sleeves.
AJ, since you are new to this cold weather stuff, I'll just advise you not to do that too often to your laptop if you want it to continue working for a good long time. Folks up north generally get into the habit of taking their laptops inside at night when the mercury is going to drop much below freezing.

That is unless it is provided at work and you are looking for a laptop upgrade, in which case you should continue on your current path.

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I'll take the Canuckistani riders on this Forum, even the ones I have met, but send that punk b!tch back to Kanader.
He needs more years in the Great White North to straighten out.

Mebbe three decades should do it.
I think we should send the little bitch up to Timmins were Shania Twain came from............ she turned out OK, yes?

(and Timmins is colder than Bungie country..)

I'll take the Canuckistani riders on this Forum, even the ones I have met, but send that punk b!tch back to Kanader.
He needs more years in the Great White North to straighten out.

Mebbe three decades should do it.
I think we should send the little bitch up to Timmins were Shania Twain came from............ she turned out OK, yes?

(and Timmins is colder than Bungie country..)
I've been there, in the summer thankfully. Not much going on. Flew a piece of mining equipment up there, I believe. That'd be a good place for him to cool off.

Finally a break in the weather. Temps are fcst'd to rise up to a balmy 21 F so I'm heading up to the cottage (half way to Bungee land) to get some of the snow off the roof. It's a problem. We've had 139" of snow since December 1st and the snow depth on the ground (and my roof) is sitting at 33". Too deep to move around without snowshoes. The lake is the fastest way to travel. Snow tends to blow off it and with these cold temps the ice is 16" thick. I think this winter is going to set records all over the place.


Call me a glutton for punishment but I'd like to live in a small house on HIGGINS LAKE Michigan.
Spent a few weeks in some Summers there when I was a kid and the lake is one of the clearest in Michigan, gorgeous lake.

National Geographic named it the "6th Most Beautiful Lake in the World"

It DOES get cold up there though!
Torch Lake. 3rd most beautiful. I love it up there...

the snow depth on the ground (and my roof) is sitting at 33". Too deep to move around without snowshoes. The lake is the fastest way to travel. Snow tends to blow off it and with these cold temps the ice is 16" thick. I think this winter is going to set records all over the place.
Luckily, Sludgebury isn't in the snow belt being just north of the lakes. But we've still got a crap load on the ground, about 2 feet or so. The issue is the snow banks on the side of the road are so high, you can't see what's coming before you pull out. On average, I'd say they are about 5 feet high.

Anyway, I've got pics buried around home somewhere of me and my buddy shoveling off the roof at camp. At one point the snow was over our heads. After we got that section shoveled off, the snow bank reached ABOVE the soffits. So being a good frostback, I rode the snow machine ON TOP of the roof where it was cleared.

Luckily, Sludgebury isn't in the snow belt being just north of the lakes. But we've still got a crap load on the ground, about 2 feet or so. The issue is the snow banks on the side of the road are so high, you can't see what's coming before you pull out. On average, I'd say they are about 5 feet high. Anyway, I've got pics buried around home somewhere of me and my buddy shoveling off the roof at camp. At one point the snow was over our heads. After we got that section shoveled off, the snow bank reached ABOVE the soffits. So being a good frostback, I rode the snow machine ON TOP of the roof where it was cleared.
Yes the drifts and sides of the roads are 6 and 7 feet throughout much of the area. I've already cleared the roof up there twice and I'm running out of places to push it / throw it. The last time I put a tarp down and threw the snow on top of that. Then we dragged it out on the property away from the building! One more big dump and I'll be digging down to get to the door knob!

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How do you get a wind chill of 0 °F with a temperature of 49 °F and 7 mph wind?

I would be happy with your current weather and ecstatic with the week's forecast!

All I can say is ICK. I have, of my own volition, traveled to a place that may snow before I get back out of here. As of now, its in the mid 40's but just the threat of snow and ice before I get gone has me wondering how you people live like this.

Beautiful today - sunny, dry, and about 65 degrees. Amazing how a few days changes things.

Tomorrow's forecast is partly cloudy, high 70. Hmmmm - what would go well with a day like that?


Stay thirsty, my friends!
