What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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'Twas 13 below this morning. It's warmed up to a balmy 6 below right now.Good news: we have hot water.Bad news: for some reason, it's not heating the homestead, which has remained at a fairly constant 62 degrees since yesterday afternoon. So the tech has been here to poke around and twist some valves and knobs and shit. Also don't have much hot water pressure. So he ran off to track down a backflow preventer for the cold water. The theory is that this will fix our issues.I'm just sick of being cold.
The first person that complains it's too hot this summer is getting punched.

'Twas 13 below this morning. It's warmed up to a balmy 6 below right now.
Good news: we have hot water.

Bad news: for some reason, it's not heating the homestead, which has remained at a fairly constant 62 degrees since yesterday afternoon. So the tech has been here to poke around and twist some valves and knobs and shit. Also don't have much hot water pressure. So he ran off to track down a backflow preventer for the cold water. The theory is that this will fix our issues.

I'm just sick of being cold.
I posted how the weather was here today when I saw the topic.I went back and read some of the other posts and feel for you guys that are struggling with the cold weather.sorry ,I didn't mean to sound like an asshole

'Twas 13 below this morning. It's warmed up to a balmy 6 below right now.

Good news: we have hot water.

Bad news: for some reason, it's not heating the homestead, which has remained at a fairly constant 62 degrees since yesterday afternoon. So the tech has been here to poke around and twist some valves and knobs and shit. Also don't have much hot water pressure. So he ran off to track down a backflow preventer for the cold water. The theory is that this will fix our issues.

I'm just sick of being cold.
I posted how the weather was here today when I saw the topic.I went back and read some of the other posts and feel for you guys that are struggling with the cold weather.sorry ,I didn't mean to sound like an asshole
Hey, go ahead and post. It's a free country.

In any event, yer giving people some good vacation/relocation hints for this winter.

'Twas 13 below this morning. It's warmed up to a balmy 6 below right now.

Good news: we have hot water.

Bad news: for some reason, it's not heating the homestead, which has remained at a fairly constant 62 degrees since yesterday afternoon. So the tech has been here to poke around and twist some valves and knobs and shit. Also don't have much hot water pressure. So he ran off to track down a backflow preventer for the cold water. The theory is that this will fix our issues.

I'm just sick of being cold.
I posted how the weather was here today when I saw the topic.I went back and read some of the other posts and feel for you guys that are struggling with the cold weather.sorry ,I didn't mean to sound like an asshole
It's all good!

Backflow thingamabob did the trick. All is well. But it's still cold as shit outside. Nothing I can do aboot that, eh?

nice today,sunny and 75,turning colder tomorrow,high in mid 50's
Hey Bob, glad to hear it. This is the way to win friends and influence people. My 5-degree high temperature and -10 F low feels a lot better knowing you have made it through another day of 75 sunny degrees.

I'll probably forget to post about your high humidity and flat roads next summer.

Geek...Why don't you pack your shit and move out here. We have an atomic Air Force base, Intel, and all kinds of other places for smart people to work. Mostly nice winters, great summers, decent roads, good beer and me. We'll get drunk and throw book cases around on Friday nights.

Oh yeah...We use gas furnaces here, so we have plenty of heat!

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nice today,sunny and 75,turning colder tomorrow,high in mid 50's
I'm putting sympathy in the bank to let mature so that when hurricane season arrives in your neighborhood I can care



Yankee Freezer
they do scare the shit out of me! this will really get you guys,I'm 54 been here my whole life and have not seen snow except a few flakes in the air when I was in high school

I have given up on weather and just stay inside now. We have home delivery in town for Forty Creek Whiskey and they deliver pizza so there is no reason to go outside anyways.

I'm waiting to see if the rodent can fix things come Groundhog Day.

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Next round of blizzard hit today. Snowing like a sumbitch again, been going on for about 3 hrs now and the accumulation is terrible. We've piled up about 1/8" already. Kinda unusual to get this much snow in one evening around these parts, we usually get freezing rain and ice this time of year. Quite the Canuckistanian polar vortex this go-round, looking forward to 14*F tonite and 11 tomorrow night, quite cold for this neck o' the southern woods.

Snow here. I'm sure glad I am South of Atl. They have had all roads blocked all afternoon. People have spent 6 or 7 hours getting their kids from school.

Geek...Why don't you pack your shit and move out here. We have an atomic Air Force base, Intel, and all kinds of other places for smart people to work. Mostly nice winters, great summers, decent roads, good beer and me. We'll get drunk and throw book cases around on Friday nights.Oh yeah...We use gas furnaces here, so we have plenty of heat!

Seriously, I'm so sick of winters up here I've spent the last month job hunting to relocate to a warmer place.

Call me a glutton for punishment but I'd like to live in a small house on HIGGINS LAKE Michigan.

Spent a few weeks in some Summers there when I was a kid and the lake is one of the clearest in Michigan, gorgeous lake.

National Geographic named it the "6th Most Beautiful Lake in the World"

It DOES get cold up there though!

Higgins Lake property is going pretty cheap right now.

Not nearly as crowded nor as pricey as that mud hole Houghton to it's south.

Great fishing,decent roads, and not a lot of high falutin' fuks!

Over here, east of Raleigh, we received 7" of snow overnight (for the second week in a row) and the temperature is a balmy 23. Tonight should be clear and 8 degrees...break out the shorts! I don't so much mind the snow and the day off it gets me.

Embrace it kids. It's gonna warm up tomorrow to normal.... and in another month, it's gonna be different. The real cold stuff just plain sucks.

19 last night and 39 now. Snow stayed up in OkieDokieHomer. Should warm up some by tomorrow.

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