What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Temps were in the negatives again last night, and so far only 10, but the winds are blowing hard, so the wind chill is still negative by a fair amount. My home heating can't keep up with it on this end of the house (office). Actually, I think the warmest spot in the house is around 64 right now. Of course, the basement shows around 72 because the boiler is running just about non-stop to try to heat the rest of the house. I may take this computer downstairs and work in the basement! Got our gas bill yesterday in the mail...not pretty.

I have given up on weather and just stay inside now. We have home delivery in town for Forty Creek Whiskey and they deliver pizza so there is no reason to go outside anyways. I'm waiting to see if the rodent can fix things come Groundhog Day.
Come on outta that house Billy-dawg. I got the sleds all ready for an extreme (hopefully not temp wise) play day.

Debbie asked about you the other day, she also wondered why my Canadian Bike buddies like it "up there"??... I told her your lips are probably froze to a bottle of Forty and won't come out of hibernation till July. This may hold some truth now that I see it.

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I have given up on weather and just stay inside now. We have home delivery in town for Forty Creek Whiskey and they deliver pizza so there is no reason to go outside anyways. I'm waiting to see if the rodent can fix things come Groundhog Day.
not to worry.

I was in Chicago yesterday, and I spoke to a guy that knows a guy that knows some guys that are going to have their rodent talk to that rodent and put the fix in.

So either an early spring or P. Phil gets wacked!
Why wait to see what happens, I say we run a preemptive strike and drop this down the hole right now. (BTW, P. is spelled just like it's pronounced, Punxsutawney)


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I wouldn't sit on the edge of my seat over that. Past experience shows the rodent is a pathological liar.


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Over here, east of Raleigh, we received 7" of snow overnight (for the second week in a row) and the temperature is a balmy 23. Tonight should be clear and 8 degrees...break out the shorts! I don't so much mind the snow and the day off it gets me.
Over here west of Raleigh we got 1". Man it's brutal. You think I'm kidding but it's 4 times how much we got from the last blizzard that shut everything down. My 8.5 mile commute turned up 3 vehicles in ditches and an abandoned hover-round. There's something you don't see every day- if you can walk away and leave your motorchair, did you really need one to begin with


Bungie’s To Do List

1. Shovel walk

2. Scrape windshield

3. Break icicles of gutters

4. Shovel snow off roof

5. Salt sidewalk

6. Defrost water pipes

7. Reschedule cancelled Airline reservations

8. Chip ice off car door

9. Tow frozen car to garage to defrost

10. Put groundhog in oven w/BBQ sauce

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If the February 02 rodent-inspired forecast is for another 6 weeks of winter, I would consider that to be a good thing. If someone told me that winter would be done by March 15 (other than a brief respite from the cold), I would be a happy camper. The bike hits the road on, or before, St. Patrick's day unless there is just too much ice to make it down the driveway!

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I have no idea how you snowbirds put up with this Winter crap. We've had a few days of freezing temperatures, and even a couple of days of freezing rain, sleet, ice, snow flurries..... BLAH!

Of course, we have what amounts to about 2 salt shaker's worth of de-icing materials. An we have no friggin clue how to drive in this crap. So the entire community shuts down to a grinding halt.

I've been going to work, but otherwise, it's back home and stay indoors. The bike hasn't been ridden in 2 weeks.

This ain't worth a darn.

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Man, all this bitchin' about the cold. You want to hear about rough?

I had to go to Mexico City for the week and its been upper 70's every day...and me forgetting to pack a single short sleeve shirt. Not sure how much more of this I can take.

View at lunch:


Yummy shrimp tacos:


Mexico probably looks good for a few of y'all right now.

Back to normal here...mid to high 40's with glorious rain!


All I can say is, for being a "hardy people," you Canadians are a bunch of whiners.

I found out this morning that my new work computer reads in C. I left it in my car last night. At 0630, when I turned it on, it had to "warm up" before the hard drive would kick on. It was at -6C and I was in short sleeves.

Whaaaaaah. Unless we're talking -F temps, I don't want to hear anymore crying about negative degrees.

Haha....Unless its around -150C, like at Bungie's house. Then you can gripe!

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Higgins Lake property is going pretty cheap right now.Not nearly as crowded nor as pricey as that mud hole Houghton to it's south.

Great fishing,decent roads, and not a lot of high falutin' fuks!
I know......just for kicks I was looking the other day at HIGGINS LAKE realtors and there were a LOT of homes (not cottages but homes with basements) that were 2 or 3 bedrooms WITH garage for less than $100,000!!! And they were like a block or two from the lake!!

Not much work up there though.....the wife is in law enforcement so she could probably find something but I'm in sales....would be harder...lots of retired people up there mostly I'm thinking.

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Over here, east of Raleigh, we received 7" of snow overnight (for the second week in a row) and the temperature is a balmy 23. Tonight should be clear and 8 degrees...break out the shorts! I don't so much mind the snow and the day off it gets me.
Over here west of Raleigh we got 1". Man it's brutal. You think I'm kidding but it's 4 times how much we got from the last blizzard that shut everything down. My 8.5 mile commute turned up 3 vehicles in ditches and an abandoned hover-round. There's something you don't see every day- if you can walk away and leave your motorchair, did you really need one to begin with

Stop it, your killing me here! LMAO!

We get more than that EVERY NIGHT.

Bungie’s To Do List
1. Shovel walk

2. Scrape windshield

3. Break icicles of gutters

4. Shovel snow off roof

5. Salt sidewalk

6. Defrost water pipes

7. Reschedule cancelled Airline reservations

8. Chip ice off car door

9. Tow frozen car to garage to defrost

10. Put groundhog in oven w/BBQ sauce
10 strikes and your out.

My to-do list looks more like:

Get up.

Deal with it.

It takes real fortitude to get up and go to work in the morning when it's -40F.

Unfortunately, by the time summer comes around I've used up my allotment of fortitude for the year.

I'll take some pics this weekend. Supposed to be a balmy -10. I think I'll take the girls skating on the lake.
