What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Beautiful today - sunny, dry, and about 65 degrees. Amazing how a few days changes things.
Tomorrow's forecast is partly cloudy, high 70. Hmmmm - what would go well with a day like that?


Stay thirsty, my friends!
I can hear your Karma running away yelling, "Nooooooooo!!"

Yeah...and I've got two and a half more months of more snow and more sub-freezing temps.

If we ever get away from here...we ain't comin' back!

Some snaps from a few minutes ago...

The front yard


Out the side door. Notice the drifts on the roofs across the road.


The backyard, I have to keep it open because it's a fire escape/access to meters..


Drifts at the road. See what I mean about not being able to see anything?!


Again. this time at the cottage the snow on the roof is so heavy and compacted you have to cut it into slabs and then throw it over the side. This photo is the top half of a slab my son just cut...probably weighs 50-60Ibs



Snow and road/travel advisories here. Dang I'm glad I'm heading back today. It was 75 at home yesterday while it was cold and windy here.

packed snow on top of ice for the 200 mile trip home. the AWD STi did great except where chains had made the surface so rough it rattled my teeth. speeds mostly 20 to 40 on the interstate. lots of stupid people standing around on the side of the road (with their cars in the gutters or smashed into each other or guard rails) waiting for their signs. the 2.5 to 3 hour trip took 5+ hours.

Back to at least a week of freezing temps in Seattle and the surrounding areas. The yearly visit by weather coming down from the Fraser River Valley in BC turns this area into one big freezer. I knew it was going to be cold when Ming, my Bengal cat, turned around and headed back into the building pulling strongly on his leash to get out of the cold. It wasn't even down to 40F yet.

It's cold today. I hope it snows soon. You northeast guys should send that crap our way. I know it can be miserable, but if we don't get some wet, we're gonna burn up this summer...

It's cold today. I hope it snows soon. You northeast guys should send that crap our way. I know it can be miserable, but if we don't get some wet, we're gonna burn up this summer...
Mebbe, if LA didn't drink up all of the Colorado River...you could divert some to use on your cacti.

There was this bright orange thing up in the sky all day today. Rumor has it, that was actually the sun and not a UFO.

They're calling for Armageddon tomorrow night, though - looks like we're gonna get pounded by another winter storm.
