What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Morbidly watching the dashboard temp gauges during this afternoon's commute. Highest ambient = 105. Highest coolant = 226.

Chico Ca is where sinners go to repent in pre-hell before they die.

Give me a freakin break.

102F ambient feels like 112F

At 0200 it's to be a balmy 85F

Sorry Chico dwellers, but you live in hell.

I'm going back home.


Me n' KrZy8 will be at WOFT, tickets be damned.

Adios MF!

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

The heat island effect had me seeing 111F on Tuesday evening on a highway with major traffic. My car is pretty accurate and adjusts quickly - it was high 90's by the time I reached the end of the offramp. and around 92 when I parked in the shade a short while later. Same on Wednesday, this time on the bike - temps on highway at speed showed high 90's, but dropped to around 88 when I got off..

96 yesterday when I pulled into work at 2:30 pm. And sticky humid, guessing about 70%. Never did rain tho, that was a surprise.

So I've successfully pulled off the rear tire from the FJR, and I'm getting ready to swap it for a Pirelli Angel 'A' Spec GT. I looked at the temperature because it's really starting to cook inside my garage.

Bartlesville, OK (74006)as of 3:25 pm CDT


feels like 109°

Yup 109 Feels about right! Stay hydrated my friends.
I've been to Bartlesville in July. I didn't like it......

What's the weather like? In a word.....oppressive.

We've been in the 90s every day it doesn't rain for about 75 days. But the humidity is kicking ass and taking names, now.. The air is heavy. You can smell the moisture, I **** you not. And in the evening when the sun goes down? Forget it, peeps. The temperature this morning at day break was 82. I walked 15 feet out the front door to get the newspaper, and by the time I got back to the front door, I was swatting mosquitos.

So if we want to stay comfortable these days, after 9:00 am, we are forced indoors, where the air is stagnant, but at least dry, thanks to air conditioning. God bless whoever invented air conditioning. HOLY COW - if that compressor stops running, I'm screwed royally and sideways. Weekend picnic under the oak tree? I don't think so. How about a nice walk in the park with the Mrs.? Please......

And for the encore... there is NO end in sight. It will be like this, 24 hours a day, until NO less than early October. At least then, they will start teasing us with a day of north wind every now and then. But for another 75 days, we get this miserable and relentless, humid heat. So I'm half way through the crap season. And feeling pretty darn down about it.

Yeah - "oppressive" fits the bill.

Next time, I'll tell ya'll how I really feel about it.......

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What if your beloved Air Conditioner is really your enemy? How would you change physically if you did not have it? I guarantee there would be a lot fewer obese people if we did not have AC.

I work every day in long sleeved FRC (Fire Retardent Clothing) and I walk in and out of this plant in a 3/4 length Tourmaster Transition 3 jacket over that. I sweat but I don't die.

Highs in the 80s and enough humidity to make time in the pool nice. We ate dinner outside tonight at sunset as temps eased into the low 80s and upper 70s.

I will pay for this in February.

It's been over 100 almost every day for the last two weeks, maybe longer. It's not usually like this. This.last week was just awful with 104° more days than not. This morning, the news said we have 10 more days of this to look forward to. Jeez!!

Echo what Pants and AJ said. It's been about the same here lately. Pushing 100 degree highs with around 75% humidity. Cmon October. Looks like we are now paying for the mild winter we just went through.

Riding weather! 77F, sunny. I think I'm gonna take the young one to Killarney for some fish and chips. Maybe rent a kayak for the day.

Bungie said:
Riding weather! 77F, sunny. I think I'm gonna take the young one to Killarney for some fish and chips. Maybe rent a kayak for the day.
That is, if she can manage to get her butt out of bed before the crack of noon.

It was 79F when I went out on the bike early this morning. Uncomfortable in gear walking around, but felt great on the bike. By the time I got home, it was getting sticky even while moving..

We've been lucky. Our last hot spell (100's) ended a couple weeks ago, and the daily high has been no more than 90 for the last couple weeks and next week too. Low humidity, so 90 is pretty comfortable (out of direct sun, anyway). Central NYS had plenty of humidity, which I remember very well. No A/C when I was a kid, either. In fact, the only place to find it was in some movie theaters and restaurants. (Old enough to remember those signs saying "It's COOL inside," with icicles hanging off the word "cool?" BTW, cars didn't have it either.


I used to dread what I called "90/90 days," referring to the temp and humidity. Hell, 80/80 days were torture enough.

You young kids just don't know how good you have it.


It was hot and humid but the grass had to get cut. Of course it started raining before I was done. Or more accurately before The Boy was done.

So I stood in the rain while he finished cutting and we walked into the house together soaking wet. Right now it is pouring down. Baton Rouge is not a pleasant place to be right now.

True to form, she slept until nearly noon. Instead of fish & chips in Killarney, we went to Manitoulin Island for ice cream (I read somewhere today was national ice cream day, and even if it isn't, so what!).

Her first ride over an hour without a rest stop. I think its gonna take a bit of practice to her up to iron butt skills.

"When I get old enough to get my license, I'm getting a bike, everybody stares at you, and BRAAAAAP!"

That sentence sure made this old fart smile.


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