What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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96 yesterday when I pulled into work at 2:30 pm. And sticky humid, guessing about 70%. Never did rain tho, that was a surprise.
So I've successfully pulled off the rear tire from the FJR, and I'm getting ready to swap it for a Pirelli Angel 'A' Spec GT. I looked at the temperature because it's really starting to cook inside my garage.

Bartlesville, OK (74006)as of 3:25 pm CDT


feels like 109°

Yup 109 Feels about right! Stay hydrated my friends.
I've been to Bartlesville in July. I didn't like it......

97F with a heat index of 107F

It feels like the devils armpit out here right now...counting the days down until we can get to Montrose!

I finally got ideal conditions to work on the catamaran this morning....73 degrees F and 36% humidity. I completed the final sanding of the hulls by reflecting sunlight at high angles onto about 6- feet of hull at a time. This let me smooth out the third coat of the 2-part primer perfectly with no brush strokes or imperfections. I then washed down the hulls and floors of the garage to eliminate dust and put on my first coat of Interlux Perfection 2-part epoxy finish. This stuff requires full Tyvek and respirators since it contains Hexamethylene Diisocyanates. The results were stunning! Supposed to get hot this weekend, but I hope to finish my second coat tomorrow.

This 1984 NACRA 5.7 cat had holes in the hulls and was leaking and looked bad. I re-glassed the bottom of the hulls with Kevlar fiber and faired out the holes and crazing. This is the cumination of nearly 2-months of work. Finishing the primer using sunlight reflected with a mirror and finishing to #400 grit:


First coat results. Harley riders would be proud. This paint reflects like chrome, but tons of work.



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Nice project, Tom!

84 degrees F and 20% relative humidity at the 4:30pm PDT peak. Not a cloud in the sky and a faint breeze through the trees here at 3,000' elevation. Sanding, painting and staining in the nearly finished downstairs addition today, instead of being out on the bike or at the golf course. Still, it's pretty hard not to be grateful for days like these. (Not to worry that the watch on the local roadways is being ignored -- I suspect that my aging neighbor, Bugnatr, is or will be out on his Katoom this afternoon.)

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111F indicated on the bike in motion today. That has to be partly due to direct sun and heat soak in the concrete. Stopped for gas and ate two salt packets and gunned a quart of Gatorade while fueling. All the better to ensure that more refined libations were well tolerated when I broached the garage fridge upon arrival. I've got pt test (no gear) and annual recert (in full gear) at the end of August. Merica.

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mid 80's today and getting hotter for the weekend. Getting close to my melt down point. Looks toasty for the ride to NAFO. glad I have the industrial cooling vests for Patti and I.

Yeah, we 'mericans do seem somewhat spoiled these days. But...it was 100 F' ing degrees here today, **** ain't funny.

Starting to feel like summer is winding down as the sun takes some longer angles, and I can hear the high school marching band practicing over the hill. Our weather as been great, but between all the projects, sailing, lazing by the pool and other priorities, I have not put on the miles I had in mind this summer.

I think I need some adversity. Bet I won't be disappointed.

88 and sunny with a slight breeze as I look out at the ocean whitecaps rolling in here at Myrtle Beach, SC.

No I don't need any adversity. Enough of that in the world and I've already had my share.

Loving the blessings before me...definitely not taking it for granted.

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