What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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You poor bastages. The weather here was sunny and warm today--about 85. White fluffy clouds in the sky. It was the same yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. The forecast is for more of the same.

Oh, and the ocean temperature is 81 degrees. Life is sweet here on Maui!

It's a balmy 6 degrees here at Reuben central.
I don't miss living in those temps, Ray. Unseasonably warm for November here at 3,000 feet in the Sierra foothills, yet I bitched about the last couple mornings trending colder. But still: low to mid 50s at 10 am here.

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It's a balmy 6 degrees here at Reuben central.
I don't miss living in those temps, Ray. Unseasonably warm for November here at 3,000 feet in the Sierra foothills, yet I bitched about the last couple mornings trending colder. But still: low to mid 50s at 10 am here.
It's up to about 40 now and crystal clear. I think after lunch I'm going to the range to play with a new gun.

It was 23 this morning when we headed out for coffee and donuts. Got to Bend and nobody showed up. Bunch of wienies . This in only the second November in the 12 years we have lived here that we were able to ride.

It's 70F and heavy smoke in the air due to the wild fires in Butte county. We are about 150 miles south but the air has been bad the past three days. We really feel for the folks who lost their homes due to these fires.

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Looking like winter is about here. 43 for the high and popcorn snow this morning blowing 20-40. We'll see not ready to park it yet.

Got a few inches of the white crap overnight. Still sitting there. Hasn't gotten warm enough today to melt it. Looks like I need to drag the snow blower out of the shed and into the garage. Was hoping not to have to do that until Thanksgiving.

Got a few inches of the white crap overnight. Still sitting there. Hasn't gotten warm enough today to melt it. Looks like I need to drag the snow blower out of the shed and into the garage. Was hoping not to have to do that until Thanksgiving. :cold:
Thats been our usual routine too. Thanksgiving eat the big turkey dinner, then put on the snow tires and drag out the snowblower and get it ready to go. Make sure the bike tanks are full and add some stabil just in case they dont move for a while.
Im still hoping we get a little Indian summer to extend the riding season. Is that a non-PC term these days? :unsure:

We've had cold and snow since last week. The high yesterday was 30 with 2 to 3" of snow on the ground. My wife and I spent the weekend at the lake property with hopes of clearing 2 acres of oak leaves off the ground. That didn't happen.

Riding season in Minnesota is over for this year. The DOT has covered the roads with a thick layer of salt. Time to top off the tank with non oxy and stabil, and call it a season. I did manage to put 11,000 miles on the '14 ES.

Now it's time to get out the ski gear. Ordered new boots yesterday and have a trip booked to ski in Austria in Jan. Looks like I'll be at the World Cup ski race in Hahnenkamm, Kitzbuhel. For those of you that don't downhill ski, the Hahnenkamm is like a MotoGP race on skies. Steep, fast, dangerous, and very thrilling. Should be fun.

32 and sunny today, not breaking through 37 in the 14 day forecast, and with snow now remaining on the ground this riding season has ended. Managed to get out last Thursday to get top up with super, fuel system cleaner and stabilizer and get a few miles on it prior to storage.

Now the long wait begins for warmer weather and a new riding season.

Rain, rain, and ☔...

Not à Good weather to ride! But the good side, they are no more scooter on the road :)

Snow all day, but luckily temps right at 32 or slightly above. Ground temp still warm, so if it were the middle of winter we'd have several inches, but instead just a 1/2" or less accumulation.

Front yard...


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