wiped out today.

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
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I was having a jim dandy week this week, settled a ton of issues w/ wife and was told by her if I can stay off cigarettes for a year I can have another bike!(r1200gsa) Well I was taking a sidestreet to avoid traffic, my usual route, it was about 38 degree's w/ the sun shining brightly and a few cirrus clouds wisping in the delicate blue. As I coming up to one of our lovely speed bumps I decided to go sround it to the left which is not uncommon. I was going about 18mph, speed limit is 20, and as I hit the edge of the speed bump my neurological center suddenly goes" why are we speeding up?" and then it happened.

All I felt was the impact of the bike and then the sound of gravel and plastic avoiding any drag coefficients. Meanwhile a ford explorer decided to help the bike in its agony by staying parked and stopping it w/ its trailer hitch and body via the left headlight. W/in the amount of time it took me to say "oh shit" it was over and I pulled my right leg from under the bike and hit the kill switch. I did the good old check, stand on good leg then gently put bad leg on ground. Foot: a little pain ,not too comfy to walk on ... Ankle: can't feel any pain...yet, everything else is okay.

I had my Joe rocket alter ego jacket on and some jr 5.0 pants as well as my KBC airborne 2 helmet(which never hit the ground btw). The jacket has minor damage to right forearm padding and pants worked flawlessly, not a frickin' scratch or burn through either.After body check I called wifey knowing she would beat me w/ her nightstick if I didn't call her first. Then it was 911. No ambulances needed I was the only one involved! It was amazing that no one else called 911 seeing as they call us for a scratched finger or doorbells being rung at their dinnertime, but whatever. I just can't imagine how long I'd be laying there if I was seriously hurt and only 2 fuckin' blocks from a hospital! :angry2:

All in all I'm okay, went and got checked 2hrs later because I could no longer support my fat ass on my right foot anymore due to the pain. All it turned out to be is a bad sprain, no broken bones :yahoo: . The bike on the otherhand........ mangled mess. I'll post some picks as soon as I'm allowed out of the house.

Otherwise when is my memebership card to the crash club coming? Luckily I'll be ready to ride before the Feejer is, unforunately it's starting to get real nice around here too.

As always, ride safe, be safe


I was having a jim dandy week this week, settled a ton of issues w/ wife and was told by her if I can stay off cigarettes for a year I can have another bike!(r1200gsa) Well I was taking a sidestreet to avoid traffic, my usual route, it was about 38 degree's w/ the sun shining brightly and a few cirrus clouds wisping in the delicate blue. As I coming up to one of our lovely speed bumps I decided to go sround it to the left which is not uncommon. I was going about 18mph, speed limit is 20, and as I hit the edge of the speed bump my neurological center suddenly goes" why are we speeding up?" and then it happened.
All I felt was the impact of the bike and then the sound of gravel and plastic avoiding any drag coefficients. Meanwhile a ford explorer decided to help the bike in its agony by staying parked and stopping it w/ its trailer hitch and body via the left headlight. W/in the amount of time it took me to say "oh shit" it was over and I pulled my right leg from under the bike and hit the kill switch. I did the good old check, stand on good leg then gently put bad leg on ground. Foot: a little pain ,not too comfy to walk on ... Ankle: can't feel any pain...yet, everything else is okay.

I had my Joe rocket alter ego jacket on and some jr 5.0 pants as well as my KBC airborne 2 helmet(which never hit the ground btw). The jacket has minor damage to right forearm padding and pants worked flawlessly, not a frickin' scratch or burn through either.After body check I called wifey knowing she would beat me w/ her nightstick if I didn't call her first. Then it was 911. No ambulances needed I was the only one involved! It was amazing that no one else called 911 seeing as they call us for a scratched finger or doorbells being rung at their dinnertime, but whatever. I just can't imagine how long I'd be laying there if I was seriously hurt and only 2 fuckin' blocks from a hospital! :angry2:

All in all I'm okay, went and got checked 2hrs later because I could no longer support my fat ass on my right foot anymore due to the pain. All it turned out to be is a bad sprain, no broken bones :yahoo: . The bike on the otherhand........ mangled mess. I'll post some picks as soon as I'm allowed out of the house.

Otherwise when is my memebership card to the crash club coming? Luckily I'll be ready to ride before the Feejer is, unforunately it's starting to get real nice around here too.

As always, ride safe, be safe

I am glad you are all right.

I had my first "almost" on the FJR this past Sunday when I was riding in the Texas Hill Country - I hit a slick patch when I was pulling over to put my rain gear on. Lucky for me, I hit it @ < 5 miles an hour and I was able to keep the bike up.


Best Regards,


Ed - glad you're OK.

Maybe there's something in the air. I almost bought mine today too. Heading home on surface streets, two lanes each way. Go through light, traffic is backed up in both lanes going the other way when some teenager decided to see if anyone was coming by blasting out from the left between the traffic right in front of me, across my path and off to the right. ABS kicked in and I was able to salute him as he headed away.


I was having a jim dandy week this week, settled a ton of issues w/ wife and was told by her if I can stay off cigarettes for a year I can have another bike!(r1200gsa) Well I was taking a sidestreet to avoid traffic, my usual route, it was about 38 degree's w/ the sun shining brightly and a few cirrus clouds wisping in the delicate blue. As I coming up to one of our lovely speed bumps I decided to go sround it to the left which is not uncommon. I was going about 18mph, speed limit is 20, and as I hit the edge of the speed bump my neurological center suddenly goes" why are we speeding up?" and then it happened.
All I felt was the impact of the bike and then the sound of gravel and plastic avoiding any drag coefficients. Meanwhile a ford explorer decided to help the bike in its agony by staying parked and stopping it w/ its trailer hitch and body via the left headlight. W/in the amount of time it took me to say "oh shit" it was over and I pulled my right leg from under the bike and hit the kill switch. I did the good old check, stand on good leg then gently put bad leg on ground. Foot: a little pain ,not too comfy to walk on ... Ankle: can't feel any pain...yet, everything else is okay.

I had my Joe rocket alter ego jacket on and some jr 5.0 pants as well as my KBC airborne 2 helmet(which never hit the ground btw). The jacket has minor damage to right forearm padding and pants worked flawlessly, not a frickin' scratch or burn through either.After body check I called wifey knowing she would beat me w/ her nightstick if I didn't call her first. Then it was 911. No ambulances needed I was the only one involved! It was amazing that no one else called 911 seeing as they call us for a scratched finger or doorbells being rung at their dinnertime, but whatever. I just can't imagine how long I'd be laying there if I was seriously hurt and only 2 fuckin' blocks from a hospital! :angry2:

All in all I'm okay, went and got checked 2hrs later because I could no longer support my fat ass on my right foot anymore due to the pain. All it turned out to be is a bad sprain, no broken bones :yahoo: . The bike on the otherhand........ mangled mess. I'll post some picks as soon as I'm allowed out of the house.

Otherwise when is my memebership card to the crash club coming? Luckily I'll be ready to ride before the Feejer is, unforunately it's starting to get real nice around here too.

As always, ride safe, be safe

I have no idea what just happened

Nonetheless, glad you're ok


That 'l learn ya.

Don't you know speed bumps are there for ramping and wheelie popin?

Heal-up soon

sorry to hear about your wipe out...at least you didn't fracture anything...hopefully one the of ER docs you know fixed you up with some NSAIDs and darvocet...get better soon..

Not sure I could follow how / why you went down. Sorry it happened though, and it's great you came out all right. But not really that big a surprise you're all right since you were geared up.

Welcome to the Crash Club. :( Mine was similar: single vehicle, first gear, before I could say "F**k!" I'm on the ground. What brought you down?

As for kharma, yes, shit's happening this week. I was almost killed this week going into work couple days ago (posted in "M.C. related....").

Speaking of gear, now that it's getting in the 70s every day out here in the Bay Area (yep, y'all heard right), I'm seeing a lot of bozos :clown2: in t-shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes riding around. You know, I try to wave at all riders, but I see those clowns out there, and I don't care that you're riding: We ain't got NOTHING in common! Sorry, but that's how I feel.

Sorry about your bike. But they polish up real nice. And your foot'll be back to normal in no time.

Do you still get that new bike in a year? :huh:


Total suckage man, very sorry to hear. Back "in the day" Sharp, Roamer and I could hardly go a weekend without someone wiping out, in fact, it was so bad we were called the "Wrecking crew" on the Euro board. I always thought that the only upshot was that we always were upright and talking about it right afterwards. Same thing applies here. Here is to a swift repair and return to the road.

You might a well get the new bike now since you could use that insurance money on the bmw and fix the fjr through the next several months buying used parts through the board. And promise not to smoke ever again cause the withdrawls helped cause the distraction - so it was kinda her fault too.

Glad you are well.


Glad you are ok. Sorry-but not surprised no one called 911. People in big cities hear rape victims screaming and walk by without doing anything.

As for kharma, yes, shit's happening this week. I was almost killed this week going into work couple days ago (posted in "M.C. related....").
Looks like I picked the right week to put my bike up on blocks. Might leave it up there one more for good measure.

Sorry about your getoff. Let's stay alive out there! And good on ya about the fag-free lifestyle choice. :drag:

Maybe we need a new forum heading for crash repair threads? :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your get off, glad you're OK.

Something is in the air, I almost got creamed in the cage today turning left...

Get well soon.

I can't follow why you crashed, I am assuming that you tried to avoid the speed ramp at less than 20mph and perhaps caught the kerb? Lost your balance? Either way if you only fell off at 20mph and presumably got straight back up why would anyone call the emergency services when it was fairly obvious that it wasnt an emergency? (cut finger/doorbell).

In the UK the police always accompany an ambulance and I would be more worried about picking up a ticket for riding without due care to add to my woes than wasting the time of an ambulance crew for a sprained ankle.

Sorry to hear that your bike/ankle are damaged, but aren't we over dramatizing an embarassing fall-over here?

Hope you mend soon and get back on the road quick. Then do some serious speed bump practice. ;) :D
