Women who ride FJRs

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If it wasn't addressed in the video already... just remember - if it ever goes over on the left side, put the kickstand down FIRST or you'll be doing that maneuver twice.

The FJR is my 3rd bike and I still have the other 2. I wasn't comfortable with the stock height so I used the Soupy's adj links to lower it. That's my son in my avatar - we did 5000 miles in 13 days out west last summer... we saw 5 National Parks, stopped at 15 Harley dealers and crossed the Continental Divide 9 times. I crossed a bunch of stuff off my bucket list and still have a bunch more to see. That was one hell of a trip - he can't wait for this year's adventure.

You need to post up some full size photos of your FJR. I've never seen one in a color like that. I'm sure a lot of folks would like to see it in more detail.
I was going to when I got back from the trip but I had some difficulty figuring out how to do it here. All my pics are on the computer, not a hosting site and I never had the time (read: patience) to get off the short bus and learn. The highlights of the trip are here if anyone is interested:


My wife, Julie, took over my Gen II FJR when I got the Gen III. The whole thing was contingent on her liking the ride of the FJR over her previous Yamaha 950 Tourer. One ride on the FJR and she was hooked. She has longer legs than me, so she has less trouble touching down than short crotch myself. We had a nice little hour ride today in awesome 45 degree heat of Wisconsin.

If it wasn't addressed in the video already... just remember - if it ever goes over on the right side, put the kickstand down FIRST or you'll be doing that maneuver twice.
Not once. Not twice. But THRICE! Probably had my license 2 weeks. On my litle 400 when I was too stupid to realize gravel required a bit more attention. Initial drop plus two more just throwing it over to the other side. In the parking lot of my office. I cannot believe no one saw me, but they did not. I figured out the 'put the side stand down' pretty quickly

Wow - that's cool! Many thanks...

*Note: with the exception of one - the dates displayed on the pics are inaccurate as my son had some trouble working with the camera and it's battery compartment and his gloves while "on the fly"... it was his first time being the pillion photog and he accidently lost 3 sets of batteries along the way. And I'm too lazy to reset the camera memory for date, time, etc... He's doing much better now tho...

there's a woman in my neighborhood that has a gen1 (04 I think) She's been across country several times. Pretty tough gal, in her mid 50's full of piss and vingar, she couldn't lay it over much with all that silicon, she has to be top heavy :)

What a cool Mom ! I hope he knows how lucky he is and you obviously do ! Thanks for sharing ( via da Beam too ) !



"What a cool Mom ! I hope he knows how lucky he is and you obviously do ! Thanks for sharing ( via da Beam too ) ! "


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Hey Riona, I noticed you have an AE. How do you like it? That trigger shifter is awesome isn't it?! :)
I love it. Just switched from a Ducati Monster, which had a fairly heavy clutch, despite having an aftermarket slave cylinder. I have a little arthritis in my hands (early onset genetic disorder, I'm not THAT old ...) - having heated grips and not having to worry about being able to hold the clutch in in traffic is a big deal for me.

Now, if only I could avoid hitting the horn when down shifting ...

Lmao! Yeah, it took me a while to stop hitting the horn too but, trust me! The day will come when it stops happening. Can't wait to see the GenIII AE get over here. I'll be patient. My '06AE is still able to pull tree stumps whenever I need it to! This bike is Amazing. :)
Did y'all know the fore finger shifter will up or down shift. I kept hitting the horn too.

Also @ 5'8" and 29" inseam I did lower mine just barely (1/2") and no real loss in peg scraping ability.

Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.
Ahhh BanjoBoy, the ADVRider Inmate salute!

You ladies are okay in my book, just getting girls to ride is a big step for most of us gents! I've only gotten one of my friends to transfer from my pillion to another bike... and not an FJR either.

Glad to see more feminine members on this forum than I first would have guessed... and I agree, y'all DO make the FJR even better looking!

I was going to when I got back from the trip but I had some difficulty figuring out how to do it here. All my pics are on the computer, not a hosting site and I never had the time (read: patience) to get off the short bus and learn. The highlights of the trip are here if anyone is interested:
Thanks to Ion for posting the pics. I really like the unique color of the bike.
Looks like you had a great trip with your son. I used to pick up my son from summer camp or school all the time, but never took him on such an epic adventure. Biggest problem was him falling asleep while resting up against the topcase!

BTW, Mein Sohn ist auch Deutsch, aber leider nur halb Deutsch da meine Frau ist Amerikanerin.

I was going to when I got back from the trip but I had some difficulty figuring out how to do it here. All my pics are on the computer, not a hosting site and I never had the time (read: patience) to get off the short bus and learn. The highlights of the trip are here if anyone is interested:
Thanks to Ion for posting the pics. I really like the unique color of the bike.
Looks like you had a great trip with your son. I used to pick up my son from summer camp or school all the time, but never took him on such an epic adventure. Biggest problem was him falling asleep while resting up against the topcase!

BTW, Mein Sohn ist auch Deutsch, aber leider nur halb Deutsch da meine Frau ist Amerikanerin.
Same here - both of my kids have nodded off on the back of the bike... I think we'll be headed south for this year's trip - probably the Natchez Trace Pkwy. Next year will be really great - Canada!

BTW: Mein nur deutsch ist meine Nachname und meine DNA von meiner Urgroßmutter. Ich bin ein großer Fan des Dictionary.com-Übersetzers!

Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.

That is one sexy picture....jes admirin...that's all I'm sayin.
she's mah little "bad attitude" ride'in buddy; she's kinda cute 'n kida married too. Butt the girl can ride (That pic wuz taken at the Forks of The Salmon up off HWY 3 in NORCAL) 'n iz fun ta ride with.


Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.
This enough???

I wuz think'in mor like this...


Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.

That is one sexy picture....jes admirin...that's all I'm sayin.
she's mah little "bad attitude" ride'in buddy; she's kinda cute 'n kida married too. Butt the girl can ride (That pic wuz taken at the Forks of The Salmon up off HWY 3 in NORCAL 'n iz fun ta ride with.


Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.
This enough???

I wuz think'in mor like this...


Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.

That is one sexy picture....jes admirin...that's all I'm sayin.
she's mah little "bad attitude" ride'in buddy; she's kinda cute 'n kida married too. Butt the girl can ride (That pic wuz taken at the Forks of The Salmon up off HWY 3 in NORCAL 'n iz fun ta ride with.


Wut this thread needz iz mor pics.
This enough???

I wuz think'in mor like this...


Oooopppps, dunno how I dun tripled everythang up?

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