Well-known member
I think over 100 is jail here but it all depends on the Cop.30 over in Illinois is jail.
I think over 100 is jail here but it all depends on the Cop.30 over in Illinois is jail.
Oh come on HotRodZilla, We could use a little smartassed LEO perspective on the subject.I was gonna say something smartassed, but there's too many new guys and over-sensitive types that will go overboard and get their feelers hurt.
Tomorrow, I think I'm gonna write a book of tickets...Just for the Hell of it!
I think it's time that you desensitize those overly sensitive types.I was gonna say something smartassed, but there's too many new guys and over-sensitive types that will go overboard and get their feelers hurt.
Tomorrow, I think I'm gonna write a book of tickets...Just for the Hell of it!
Aw Hell...IF you only knew. I have been sensatized like a mo-fo. I am currently undergoing a "sensativity lesson." Problem is, I am way more sensative than I was a few years ago, but it's just not working. Somehow, I can't see myself getting hurt or killed because some desk dork thinks I need to say "please" with more svelt in my voice. Guess I'm doomed.They must be making him attend too many sensitivity courses.
I'll stay away from Six Mile for awhile...I hadn't had a ticket for over 15 years until I got teh FJR back in September. Then I got lucky.Got pulled for 60 in a 35, but written up for 44 in a 35. Didn't argue, as I know I was going much faster than 60 for a little while (it's a long straightaway heading out of town). Picked up the flashing lights wayyyy behind me and pulled over long before he got to me. I knew I was speeding, he knew I was speeding, and I think he just guessed at the speed. But my approach has always been to just suck it up and realize I've gotten away with far more times than I've gotten caught. And if it ever does seem like a situation I may want to go to court over, the rule is "Don't stand out from any other ticket he's written that day.".
The funny thing was that my son got a ticket in the same place by the same cop a few hours later on his way to baseball practice. Also 44/35. Had a hard time lecturing him over that one.
Not saying we don't like VA, just the cops and their strict standards or behavior patterns.To those who state that VA is the worst because of illegal radar detectors... perhaps you should use the 2 legal resources that you have... one being your eyes... & the 2nd... your brain. I speed every damned day... not just once a day. SEVERAL times a day. The thing is you need to use self control, be careful with your right wrist twisting & speed respectfully.
The things we overlook when we're gigged for doing what we shouldn't. Sheesh folks!
Now it is legal to possess/smoke Marijuana in Colorado. So does that mean it should be legal here also? IF someone does not agree with the law, its simple to avoid problems: Don't go there. Used to be states had differing seatbelt laws. NM has/had great big signs at the borders that said, "Bucke Up. It's the law." We'd stop cars all the time and hear, "Well in Montana, I don't have to wear my seat belt." Well, look around...THIS is NOT Montana. Here's your sign, press hard, there are four copies. Just like Oregon has 55mph limits on their freeways. The rest of the country is 65-80. I guarantee if I get stopped in OR and say, well, the speed limits are 75 in NM, CA, NV, and UT...the cop will write me a ticket for being an *******.When it's completely legal to use in every other state in the country (discounting Washington DC, which is kind of an extension of VA) it is hard to see why it would be "something we shouldn't be doing" there.
Let's put this in a more perspective situation.Now it is legal to possess/smoke Marijuana in Colorado. So does that mean it should be legal here also? IF someone does not agree with the law, its simple to avoid problems: Don't go there. Used to be states had differing seatbelt laws. NM has/had great big signs at the borders that said, "Bucke Up. It's the law." We'd stop cars all the time and hear, "Well in Montana, I don't have to wear my seat belt." Well, look around...THIS is NOT Montana. Here's your sign, press hard, there are four copies. Just like Oregon has 55mph limits on their freeways. The rest of the country is 65-80. I guarantee if I get stopped in OR and say, well, the speed limits are 75 in NM, CA, NV, and UT...the cop will write me a ticket for being an *******.When it's completely legal to use in every other state in the country (discounting Washington DC, which is kind of an extension of VA) it is hard to see why it would be "something we shouldn't be doing" there.
Trying to get away with something and getting caught does not make us ********. I've said it before...Follow the law. If you choose not to, that's fine with me too, but don't be surprised if/when you get cited for it. That's the risk we all take if we decide we are going to speed, drink&drive, not wear a seatbelt, whatever.
I have to agree to 'zilla on this one. I have no objection to civil disobedience if you believe a law is unjust, but you have to be willing to accept the penalty. And, ignorance of the law is no excuse. The validity of exceptions and other excuses are determined by the judge if you choose to take it to him.Let's put this in a more perspective situation.Now it is legal to possess/smoke Marijuana in Colorado. So does that mean it should be legal here also? IF someone does not agree with the law, its simple to avoid problems: Don't go there. Used to be states had differing seatbelt laws. NM has/had great big signs at the borders that said, "Bucke Up. It's the law." We'd stop cars all the time and hear, "Well in Montana, I don't have to wear my seat belt." Well, look around...THIS is NOT Montana. Here's your sign, press hard, there are four copies. Just like Oregon has 55mph limits on their freeways. The rest of the country is 65-80. I guarantee if I get stopped in OR and say, well, the speed limits are 75 in NM, CA, NV, and UT...the cop will write me a ticket for being an *******.When it's completely legal to use in every other state in the country (discounting Washington DC, which is kind of an extension of VA) it is hard to see why it would be "something we shouldn't be doing" there.
Trying to get away with something and getting caught does not make us ********. I've said it before...Follow the law. If you choose not to, that's fine with me too, but don't be surprised if/when you get cited for it. That's the risk we all take if we decide we are going to speed, drink&drive, not wear a seatbelt, whatever.
Lets' say Pot was legal in 49 States, and it's been now for over 20 years, no biggie. Now you just happened to travel into the [one] State that it wasn't, and you forgot that you had a joint left in your glovebox. I would say pretty common deal here folks, since it's legal in the 49 other States let's give this guy a little slack. Not saying you "have" to let him go, but you don't stand there and scold them for doing something so crazy and obscure as to bring a joint over the State line. It would truly not be such an uncommon thing, hey, we're not all perfect.
Same thing as bringing in and using a detector in VA. It's not such an offense to get all excited about like the Trooper did. Sorry AJ, Im on Fred's side ....AND!...Maybe that Trooper needs to smoke a joint!
'nuff said
Stay in NY!, and don't go to Virginia! ...just kidding!Pulled over 3 times over 13 years of driving. Never gotten a ticket. I hope my luck holds out.