Wrecked the '15 already

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Allen is correct.

The gen3's are sheet metal brackets versus Gen1 and 2 being weldments. Much stronger and beefier.

Kinda makes me wonder what else changed, me thinks.


Allen is correct.
The gen3's are sheet metal brackets versus Gen1 and 2 being weldments. Much stronger and beefier.

Kinda makes me wonder what else changed, me thinks.


Actually, I think it is even worse than that, Dave. From the photos I've seen of Iris' and bigjohnsd's cracked subframes, I think they may actually be formed from a cast pot metal on the 3rd Gens. The stamped steel sub-frames of the earlier gens were malleable and would bend in a mishap, but were easily bent back and reused (been there x2). The new ones seem to want to crack instead of bending. Iris made a good permanent repair using "metal epoxy" and I would have no reservation doing the same thing if when the time comes.

I guess Yamaha did not envision riders dropping their 700 lb bikes. Or maybe they did...

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The possibility of damage to the subframe and the possibility of damage to other components that had not been discovered under the Tupperware is the entire driving factor in letting them do the work. Well, that and the fact that I am still working straight 12 hour nights and have been forever.

I would hate to take the thing apart and find something else broken underneath the Tupperware. Or worse, not find something that they would have found.

My lack of personal motivation right now is a reflection of working ALL the time with no end in sight. Since I was at the dealership at 9:00 a.m. when I am normally sleeping I was not at my witty best. I just want the thing fixed and to put all this misery behind me. Also, I am in the very unusual situation where my time has become worth more than my money. Hopefully that will revert to normal in the next month or so.

Yeah, get 'er done and move on. You've got some big fish to fry this summer with that bike. (kinda meant this as a pun, not very good however, but I knew you were the fish fry King!).

...you now have to show up at a Meet in '15!

If the stealership farts around too long for ya, I'm only an hour away. I'm off until January 5. You've got to learn how to remove the tupperware sooner or later, brother. Take a deep breath and dig in. She ain't gonna eat ya - I guarantee.

Holla if you need...

Good god RFH, hasn't the plant been brought back up yet??
Not with all the time RFH has been taking off pretending his ribs hurt. Sheesh!!
They MADE me take off 3 nights, I was off a total of four nights. I was able to B.S. the company doctor into letting me back on restricted duty for two weeks. That restricted me to two 40 hour weeks, after that it was back to 7/12s. Yes, the ribs were hurting but I was happy to be back on the job with my co-workers.

Plant is NOT back up, one problem after another. Not a good situation right now. Not good at all.

I sure do plan on covering some ground with Scar this year. I cannot say for sure but it is my hope to make at least one FJR gathering somewhere. I just did not have much desire to ride the Honda ST to an FJR gathering. I got enough ridicule about my ugly bike from my friends here.

EOM might fit the bill.

I look forward to reading, and seeing the pics of your future ride reports. Patience RFH.

Good god RFH, hasn't the plant been brought back up yet??
No shit Bogus, Papa Chuy Viejo may have to retest his Pipefitter Welding Certifications and ride back to RedHunt in LA and get that SumBitch up and running. Got Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 operational, his plant should be a piece of cake! jes' sayin' and nuff said, UA!

Good god RFH, hasn't the plant been brought back up yet??
No shit Bogus, Papa Chuy Viejo may have to retest his Pipefitter Welding Certifications and ride back to RedHunt in LA and get that SumBitch up and running. Got Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 operational, his plant should be a piece of cake! jes' sayin' and nuff said, UA!
Don... Weren't you one of the ones that built Unit 2 backwards????

Good god RFH, hasn't the plant been brought back up yet??
No shit Bogus, Papa Chuy Viejo may have to retest his Pipefitter Welding Certifications and ride back to RedHunt in LA and get that SumBitch up and running. Got Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 operational, his plant should be a piece of cake! jes' sayin' and nuff said, UA!
Don... Weren't you one of the ones that built Unit 2 backwards????
Yes I did Dr. Rich, set all the hangers and welded all the pipe up EXACTLY to the plans/blueprints/schematics provided to us by the Utility: Pacific, Gas and Electric! I have a very strong hunch that dcarver was working in the P, G & E Engineering Department at that time! jes' sayin' and nuff said, FUBARED!

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Got Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 operational, his plant should be a piece of cake! jes' sayin' and nuff said, UA!
When I lived in Pacific Grove my favorite bumper sticker was, "Diablo Canyon is Built Better than Jane Fonda."
Ah Kevin my Alma Mater, Fort Ord "The Pride of the Infantry!" jes' sayin' and nuff said, D-2-1!


I appreciate the work duress of 7x12 and what it means to all things in the personal life. I do it too. Too often.

We need to 'work' on this problem, my friend.

How about we both take 6 months off and just ride around USA, Canada, Mexico for a bit?

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Bike is back with me now. The Liquid Graphite saddlebag is on back order but the rest of the bike is back to original condition. I am very happy to have it back, its absence seemed to depress me more than it being scuffed.

I was very happy to see that the replacement mirror lined up perfectly, I had some concern that something was bent or misaligned and that the left mirror would be forever slightly tilted. This bothered me more than I would care to admit.

Scar rolled over 1,000 miles just before I made it to work tonight. With a rush of joy and happiness that I will not attempt to describe here, I stopped the bike dead in the road and did a full throttle acceleration run to redline in gears 1,2, and 3. I know there are other bikes that are much faster but the deep growl of the FJR stirs my soul. Very Good Stuff.

Pop will be over to assist with the bar riser block installation in the next few days I think.

That is great to hear. I'm glad you're mostly completed. Heck, as soon as your ribs quit hurting, it will be like it never happened.

Schweet. If all the fixing-up works out properly, you still calling her Scar?
