Bike is back with me now. The Liquid Graphite saddlebag is on back order but the rest of the bike is back to original condition. I am very happy to have it back, its absence seemed to depress me more than it being scuffed.
I was very happy to see that the replacement mirror lined up perfectly, I had some concern that something was bent or misaligned and that the left mirror would be forever slightly tilted. This bothered me more than I would care to admit.
Scar rolled over 1,000 miles just before I made it to work tonight. With a rush of joy and happiness that I will not attempt to describe here, I stopped the bike dead in the road and did a full throttle acceleration run to redline in gears 1,2, and 3. I know there are other bikes that are much faster but the deep growl of the FJR stirs my soul. Very Good Stuff.
Pop will be over to assist with the bar riser block installation in the next few days I think.