Wrecked the '15 already

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I should edit: The package I received was actually from more than one person. I did not, in fact could not read the packing slip properly when I opened the box.

Thank you guys. Thank you. I won't forget. I just hope that when I get my chance to repay a little of your kindness it is not because one of you crashed.

Well, 'fish....tell us what was in the box!!!

Copy of this??


That's pretty cold RadioHowie. But cold in a funny sort of way.

Glad you're up and riding Redfish Hunter.

I would have told what was in the box except that would have given away the identity of one of my benefactors. I did not think that was fair.

In another update, I just returned from an all too short ride following hppants and MikeP. I did not realize just how much better the ES version handles compared to my old ST1300. I now realize I need to do something for the rear suspension on Pop's '07.

Just over 450 miles now.

Read this whole post, RFH, and I'm glad to see you're up and on it. Got the worst of it behind ya.

I'm on the other side of the state from you and this past summer, I came up on an intersection where an 18-wheeler or something had leaked a big old bunch of diesel fuel or hydraulic oil all over the place. I suddenly realized I was going on the stuff before I could really prepare for it. I had the stock tires, but I don't believe it would have mattered what was on the rims, the bike became totally squirmy as if running on ice. I was verrrry fortunate not to have lost it. Like you, I wasn't going all that fast but it was daylight and I could see the crap on the road. Nothing was coming in either direction, I stayed off the brakes of course, and just rode it out to the other side without losing it. It finally straightened out, but I wanna tell ya, the pucker factor was there...big time!! It got squirmy so fast, I really had very little time to react.
Heal up and maybe during some warmer weather, we south Louisiana boys can all get together and roll on some miles.

Stay safe and heal up fast.

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Was just thinkin'

If you have any grand-fish,

You might wanna be teaching them:

Do as I say,

Not as I do.

And thinkin' about that broken rib:

You might not want to hear this, and I dead sure ain't no doctor,

But every time it really gets to hurting

'cause yer out ridin' that bike,

Your body might be telling you

That all that bouncing around is NOT helping the healing process.

My doctor once told me that pain is your friend. It's your body's way of telling you that you should take it easy.

Just thinking that broken ribs take sooooo long to heal, and are soooooo painful during much of that process for one reason: they're always in motion. The body requires them to bend. Stop jiggling it around and it feels better. Who's to say that it might heal faster as well? Don't kill me here, but maybe consider parking the bike for a little while? Like to see ya enjoying a speedy recovery.

Just my opinion.


No Grandfish. Just the one son, he is going to be 11 in about a week. I try to teach him things but he is too much like his mother, they both hate me.

Okay, not really.

The bike's Electronic Suspension is... Unless you have time to ride one and tune it, you cannot understand its goodness. Meanwhile The Truck's suspension is not comfortable. Worse than the ride is actually turning the steering wheel in a parking lot situation.

I cannot afford to Not Work. I could draw the same money and sit at home, I have 6 months of Short Term Disability. I don't want to. I like my job and the sense of purpose it gives me. They want me out there as bad as I want to be out there.

The Truck:

The FJR:

Now honestly, which one do you think is more comfortable?

There is no getting away from the pain of my ribcage. I don't know how much damage I did, I just know it hurts and never stops. Obviously there are times on the bike that I hit a bump and can't breathe for a moment. However, just walking around the house does the same thing, so I cannot win there either.

There is no getting away from the pain of my ribcage. I don't know how much damage I did, I just know it hurts and never stops. Obviously there are times on the bike that I hit a bump and can't breathe for a moment. However, just walking around the house does the same thing, so I cannot win there either.
Have a little patience..

It needs some time to recovery..

I think that this is the best solution for all of us on our bikes..

This brand,or any other brand..

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We had a nice short ride. The sun sets fast now and we weren't able to go far, but we moved some oil around the motors anyway.

The damage on the bike is very minimal. It can be fixed real easy in one of several ways.

When visiting my son in TN we hit a highway that went to nowhere. We took a bad turn and there wasn't any traffic. Turns out there was a big farm right in the way and they faught them going thru their land won. It was a beutiful highway tho.


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Do you have any idea how odd that picture looks to me? A road of that caliber and not packed with cars? Very strange.
That road is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing. If it makes you feel any better that overpass is I-10 and it was very very busy and packed with vehicles

Based on the length of shadows, I'd say the fisherman was up pretty early that morning.
Unfortunately, no. I am still on a "Vampire Schedule" working and staying up all night, sleeping during the day. In addition we had a terrible rain front pass through and it took the life out the early part of the day. That pic was late afternoon. I rode home about 65 interstate miles in the dark.

Hey! That upper photo, with the truck? You got a barbecue grill on the back of that bike? I can bring some ribs -- oops, sorry, man .....

Wow, late afternoon and no cars on the interstate? That's something!
No, the Interstate was packed. That is the overpass in the top of the pic. I was on the road under I-10.

Hey! That upper photo, with the truck? You got a barbecue grill on the back of that bike? I can bring some ribs -- oops, sorry, man .....
Actually, that pic represents one of my better accomplishments on this forum. That bike is "Isabella", she belongs to a forum member named Patriot. I was bringing her to a mechanic. This forum came together and paid to have a new engine put into that bike and I was proud to have provided the tow truck. Many, many members contributed and much good work was done there.

AHA! ... and hppants has the old engine, except the transmission, which is now in wfooshee's bike? (I do try to keep up.)
