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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Silverbullet

    I am more

    Congrats, you will love it. The hot deals on the leftovers are very appealing. So appealing in fact I sold my 06 and took delivery today of a leftover 08 myself.
  2. Silverbullet

    Anyone riding with music, a question for ya...

    I put together my first helmet speaker system in 1980 and once Jenny started riding with me I added the Autocomm. I've tried a ton of different "in ear" speakers but my ears just won't tolerate them for any length of time so I've pretty much given up on that approach and continue to install...
  3. Silverbullet

    It happened to me too.

    Pat, do you have the "plus RV" plan? It's what I have and (from personal experience) it worked great.
  4. Silverbullet

    Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

    Prayers sent for Dennis, family and friends. Special prayers sent for you Bob as well. Hang in there buddy, sometimes things just happen. As one who has seen more than their share of crashes/injuries/deaths on bikes, just seeing this thread title sent a chill down my spine. While our sport...
  5. Silverbullet

    First Ride of the Season

    Same thing we do. Last year, Jenny took 3200 pics over 2 and a half weeks. She made about 400 of them into a 5 part DVD set with music. It's great to plug it into the big screen in the middle of winter and re-live fun times past, and dream of fun times to come.
  6. Silverbullet

    First Ride of the Season

    One of my favorite places. Jenny and I will be there, again, in a couple of weeks. We like it so much we are staying over an extra day as well.
  7. Silverbullet

    Doggie Down .. Cdog sez.. I fell of the bike!! ARF!!

    So glad everyone is ok, unlike you or your wife, they are still building new FJRs. Still, it sure is sad to see your FJR like that. I Love that road and will be riding it again next month. Never been on it in the rain but if I am, I sure will keep your experience in mind.
  8. Silverbullet

    Question on electrical failures?

    Oh yeah, I guess you want to know that. Yes, complete failure in the end. I managed to limp from Arizona to Idaho before the harness gave up the ghost. That was two years ago, I think I was the first if not real close to it. Hopefully Yamaha will start stocking harnesses in the states, I waited...
  9. Silverbullet

    Question on electrical failures?

    Everything right off the battery, no invasion in any form of the harnesses.
  10. Silverbullet

    1300AE Reliability?

    Gunny that Turbodave. As much as I love my 06, it has had more "issues" than any new bike I have ever owned. None of the problems have been AE related however. I've had the melted harness, (left me stranded in the middle of no-where) the ignition failure (limped it back home thanks to the bypass...
  11. Silverbullet

    Going to the Dark Side

    Hi, my name is Mark and I'm a Dingo-Kidneyoholic...
  12. Silverbullet

    1300AE Reliability?

    I must have missed that thread. That is exactly what happened to mine in Utah 2 years ago. I managed to limp it back into Idaho before it died. U-Hauled it to Prosser where it spent the next six weeks waiting on parts. I was just outside the factory warrenty but the Y.E.S. picked up the tab and...
  13. Silverbullet

    Close Call

    Gunny with Toecutter and flyball. You only have to be almost rear-ended once to (In my experience) deceide to keep the bike in gear and an escape route handy at stops. My own worst personal experience with the rear end unexpectedly stepping out came on my V-65 Magna on an Interstate on-ramp...
  14. Silverbullet

    Air Filter

    Gunny that. That and the TBS were less disassembly on the Gen I. It must be the price of progress. :)
  15. Silverbullet

    Feejer is done... finally!

    Real nice touch on the mirrors and glove box cover, makes me wonder why I never thought of it for my 04. The rest is looking good too. Cup holder? Hmmm, I've thought of that for those morning trips through the mocha stand on my way to work, but don't think I'm ready to make that leap yet. For...
  16. Silverbullet

    promised pic of my newly aquired FJR poster...

    Or clutch lever even. I still have the 04 poster hanging in my garage. I told my buddy who bought my 04 I'll give it to him when he gets me the 06AE poster to replace it with. At the rate it's going, I will have the 06s replacement before he comes through.
  17. Silverbullet

    boots scratching side cover?

    Fur Boots? :huh:
  18. Silverbullet

    REVISED POLL - How old are you

    Mark, is that when a "long line" was 3 or 4 people? Umm, yeah. It seems that everyone from the wagon train showed up that day. The worst part was avoiding the lava flows as we waited for the DMV to open.
  19. Silverbullet

    Did my part to save the economy!

    Now, about those farkles, does this disease ever go away? Thanks all. Mike :yahoo: Not if you still have a pulse.
  20. Silverbullet

    REVISED POLL - How old are you

    Almost 53. First motorcycle at age 11 and was on the doorstep of the DMV the morning of my 16th birthday. Damn that was a long time ago, man I sure am getting old. :lol: