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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. i64X

    35th Tokyo Motorcycle Show

    Some random thoughts while looking through those pics: That yellow scoot is hideous. :-) I don't really care for 90% of BMW's bikes. Ducati makes some of the hottest bikes EVER. The B-King is ugly. Japanese girls are hot.
  2. i64X

    O the Shame! O the Humiliation!

    I owned a Burgman 400 before I bought my FJR. I loved that scoot. I rode the balls off it all last summer... averaged 73 mpgs over the course of the summer (650 gets less I'm sure). For the guy who was curious, the big Burgman is 650ccs, Silverwing is 600. My 400 topped out around 100... I'm...
  3. i64X

    New BMW Models

    Not for a long time. The "Accord" in the US and the "Accord" in Japan haven't been the same for a few generations now. I think the 94-97 generation were the last generation that were the same in both places. Japan imports what the US calls the "Accord," which is built here in the US, and sells...
  4. i64X

    Yellow FJR invisible to radar and Visual sight.

    It chaps my ass when I'm in states that call all kinds of soda/pop/whatever "Coke." That's like me seeing an FJR and saying "Hey man nice Harley."
  5. i64X

    07 vs. 08 FJR

    I don't see what everyone's problem was with the 07s. I just got my 07 a few weeks ago and it's smooth as silk. Maybe I got one that was late in the production run or something? There's nothing I would change about it.
  6. i64X

    Yellow FJR invisible to radar and Visual sight.

    Coke is a brand.
  7. i64X

    A walk in the hood

    Man I never really noticed how ugly power lines really were. That'd be some cool, classic looking small town flavor if there weren't so many power lines uglying it up. On a more related topic - congratulations. You've got a job that I'd be WAY too scared to do.
  8. i64X

    Another lunch walk

    Man be glad you have it that good. Up in MI it's a cold, snowy wasteland right now. :-(
  9. i64X

    Stelvio Pass on Top Gear

    Top Gear is the best show on TV. It's nice to see that they're finally getting Season 10 on BBC America. Americans get the shaft when it comes to Top Gear, and the ones we get even on BBC America are cut down. I'll stick with downloading the British versions pulled straight from BBC UK. I have...
  10. i64X

    New "sport" bike in the garage

    I LOVE the full fairing SVs. They sell an SV650SF now that comes with the full fairings. I seriously considered one instead of the FJR... but the FJR is way more ballin. :-) Maybe when I get the FJR paid off I'll get an SV650SF as an "a to b" bike.
  11. i64X

    07 or 08 ?

    The black cherry definitely looks better in person... out in the sun in person... not under fluorescent lights in person. When I first saw my FJR at the dealer under the fluorescent lights it looked like a weird brown baby poop color. The guy was like "oh it's much different when you get it out...
  12. i64X

    New Bike on the way

    Congrats! I just got my 07 delivered on Saturday. The hardest part is sitting there looking at it when you know it's too snowy outside to ride (I live in MI). The rest of March is going to be HELL for me. :-)
  13. i64X

    Non AE owners past and present

    Not my cup. Then again, I'd never own a car with an automatic transmission either. GM cars have, bar none, the shittiest ABS systems on the planet.
  14. i64X

    Battery tender or deal with it in the Spring

    I've never used a tender and haven't had problems. I've always just gone out once a week or so and started the bike, let it heat up, and then turned it off. Sometimes I miss a week - still, never had a problem. My garage (where my bike lives) is warmer than the outdoors, since it's attached to...
  15. i64X

    Ready to buy today

    I just bought an 07 FJR1300A over the C14 because of the heat issues. I've heard TONS of people complain about the heat issues on the C14. I haven't ridden my FJR a TON, but I did about 50 miles on it on Sunday and didn't really have any issues with heat. To be honest I wish I would have...
  16. i64X

    First ride on my FJR this weekend!

    That's what I figured. 2900 revs isn't bad. I didn't check the revs at 70, but I'm sure a 6th gear wouldn't hurt for mileage sake. Oh well, I'm still more than pleased with the gearbox on the bike. So far it's the smoothest one I've ever used. I'm not sure if that's because it's new or what, but...
  17. i64X

    First ride on my FJR this weekend!

    My new FJR was delivered this weekend, and fortunately it was warm enough outside to actually get it on the road. The bike was delivered on Saturday. On Saturday, the max temperature was around 26 degrees F - far too cold to ride. I would have braved it, but I was more afraid of sliding on some...
  18. i64X

    Park Your Ego at the Door

    Haha you guys think you've had it bad in this situation when riding your FJR with other FJR riders... you're gonna love this. My last bike before my FJR was a Suzuki Burgman 400... scooter. I'd regularly go riding with my friends and my brother. Here's a list of what they owned: Brother: 2007...
  19. i64X

    07 or 08 ?

    I just went with an 07 because I saved $2800 over the 08. :-) The little upgrades would have been nice, but not $2800 nice. If I really get sick of the color, which after seeing it out in the sun I don't think I will, I have a friend that sprays cars that will spray the bike for me for the cost...