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  1. F

    AE Redline shifts

    I couldnt even think about powershifting it. I am backing off the throttle and nailing the shift and there is still way more clutch slippage than I am comfortable with. Roy
  2. F

    AE Redline shifts

    I have really got the shifting and control of my AE nailed after owning it for 1.5 years now, and can honestly say I can do everything with it as well as I can do it with a clutch bike at this point. The only thing I have found I really dont like is that when I wind the bike out hard and shift...
  3. F

    Techlusion installation report

    I didnt know there was a different model. I guess thats what I get for being a cheapskate. :unsure: Yes they do have you disconnect the 02 sensor. Roy
  4. F

    Techlusion installation report

    I am going to have to debate some of that. And I hate internet debates. :blink: # 1 is wrong. You can just take it back out. It would probably take 1/2 an hour. It only took about 45 min to put it all in. You wouldnt even have to remove the T connectors if you didnt want to. Just unplug it...
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    Techlusion installation report

    I used the 1020. Roy
  6. F

    Techlusion installation report

    Well heres the short of it. This thing works as advertised. If you have been considering one go buy it. Heres the long version. I couldnt decide between this and a PC for a long time, I was basically sold on going the PC route because of its popularity when I saw the techlusions on ebay for...
  7. F

    Groups that wave

    Corvette owners wave.
  8. F

    CanAm Spyder

    I thought I had read that this thing came with power steering. Am I incorrect about that or does it just not work well? Roy
  9. F

    Now, this guys tough!

    I would have probably been more careful so the tree didnt fall on me. :dribble: Roy
  10. F

    Heli Triple Clamp

    Thats odd, I thought the Heli clamp rotated the bars forward slightly, thereby straightening them as you say you want them. That is certainly how I want them, if they are rotated back towards you instead then that makes the angle situation worse instead of better. Roy
  11. F

    Heli Triple Clamp

    Could you be a little more specific about what it is that you dont like about the new grip angle? I thought that the Heli rotated the bars forward a little more than stock, which is the way my hands seem to want to be anyhow. Is there something else different about the grip angle or does this...
  12. F

    '06 risers

    It seens to me the cheap and easy answer to making an inexpensive set of risers for the 06 is to just send a set of straight through bolts to put them on with. Eliminate that under the brace clip with the studs. It requires a bit more work than just bolting them on, but has been done by a member...
  13. F

    Fuel Pressure Regulator Modification

    Having seen the part Tom produces in the flesh, I can tell you that thinking he should be able to produce and distribute it for $13 may qualify as the dumbest thing I have ever seen in print. :dribble: I dont know Tom, I have never even met him. I did however volunteer to try to test out his...
  14. F

    "Abrupt off/on Throttle Reaction" Rider magazine

    Except for the fact that this has already been discussed long before the G2 came along. I already pulled mine apart and took a look at it one night in order to do this exact same thing, based on a post I read here months ago. I dont think altering the pulley ratio is really "bold new thinking"...
  15. F

    "Abrupt off/on Throttle Reaction" Rider magazine

    Having never dissasembled the FJR heated grips I do not know if the heating mechanism is in the grip itself or in the throttle sleeve. Which brings me to ask, will that replacement sleeve from G2ergo work on an AE model? Thanks Roy
  16. F

    bike wouldn't engage gear (AE)

    [ The idle on the AE seems to have a very large effect on how the bike shifts and when it disengages the clutch. The reason you have the roll off jerk is because they turned your idle down, and its probably too low as they wanted to make sure the light did not come back on. Mine seems to work...
  17. F

    Clutch engagement/disengagement RPM on an AE/AS

    Its here somewhere, I remember seeing it. There was something about having to jump some of the terminals to make it go into the adjustment mode. You can make a noticeable difference on the disengagement simply by turning the idle up and down. Roy
  18. F

    SW-Motech luggage rack for 06

    Can anyone give me a source where I can buy an SW-Motech rack and givi adapter for an 06? I have had one ordered with twisted throttle for several months, it was supposed to be available the beginning of Nov. but it doesnt look like that is happening. I want this rack with adapter so I can...
  19. F

    Poor Mans Surging Fix?

    Thats not a typo. It is simply proof that I are a lectrical idjut ant dont haf a clu as to how to complish what I wanna. :dribble: Does the ECM not read the O2 sensor in MV the same way as an automobile application does? IE more millivolts tells the ECM that it is rich, less MV tells the...
  20. F

    Poor Mans Surging Fix?

    I have this idea that I thought I would run by the forum before I tried it to see if there is a flaw in my thinking. I believe the ECM uses the O2 sensor to adjust the pulse width in order to keep the air fuel ratio in line with the factory fuel map. I dont personally think the yami fuel map is...