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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Rik6417

    Hot legs

    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  2. Rik6417

    Stacking feeler gauges

    An .008 feeler gauge. Less that half a thousandth difference .21 MM =.00827
  3. Rik6417


    Been serchin these interwebs all day for the definition of "weak tit" with no success. :confusedsmiley: I know it has to be there some where as the young lady that represents the native Montanans used it in a sentence. Guess I'll go ask my GAY neighbor, Mr Purple Nurple.
  4. Rik6417


    :good: :good:
  5. Rik6417


    Husband never has wanted a thing to do with the FJR since he was forced to ride her home for me so I could get her lowered. Finally since you were all so concerned about my husband he sends a message “tell the weak tits to get a life and learn how to ride a real bike!!” :yahoo:
  6. Rik6417

    SICK of this bike!!

    IOFNS.... This could be the most serious case ever documented! Not sure one could ever recover. "Her name is Jazz and I REALLY like this bike. Her new name is "Namu" like the Orca Worst ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life. Guess she is the bike for me!!! She does not feel at all...
  7. Rik6417

    SICK of this bike!!

    Appears the OP has Inanimate Object Feminine Naming Syndrome. Usually associated with IOFNS is the inability to make up one's mind (Favre's Syndrome) and name calling. Jus sayin.
  8. Rik6417

    2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

    Just curious if the OKC bombing memorial is a boni? It was closed a couple days ago for an lighting update.
  9. Rik6417

    FJR Assistance Directory Address

    Info sent for Oklahoma. Better late than never.
  10. Rik6417

    How to get on the bike?

    :rofl: :rofl: :headbonk: :focus: :rolleyes:
  11. Rik6417

    Anyone here on the BA near Tulsa Sun. AM?

    Not me , I was in SW Okla. with the bird dog at 7:30 AM. Still curious about who it was @ Clinton on I-40 around 4 PM.....
  12. Rik6417

    Nice black FJR

    There were lots of bikes on the slab today.... The nicest one was a black Feejer about 4 PM on I 40 @ Clinton, Oklahoma headed west.......Just curious who it was. :detective2:
  13. Rik6417

    Bikes, Blues, and Barbecue

    Went last year on Sat. Kinda wild and really hot that day... Might do it again this year... get there early and find a cool place to sit and have a few cold drinks while the show passes below. Jessie James was there that day and it was a mad house. :huh:
  14. Rik6417

    Lost my 06 heat shield

    A local dealer mentioned that an 06 heat shield will fit my 05 and he has had one in stock that another guy bailed on, "Had it for months". Figured I would pick it up when I had the new Road Smart skins mounted. Well as it turned out it was sold and shipped to CO (Wednesday) the day before I...
  15. Rik6417

    Do I look like a Cop ?

    Try pulling up behind a cage dogging it in the passing lane and flip the headlight modulator on.. Watch out for their reflex foot on break and then look for a way to pull over. Had several comments about it from cage drivers (I had passed) while fueling up the bike.. Good for a smile once and...
  16. Rik6417

    New FJR Owner

    Congrats on the new bike. I came through Dallas yesterday heading home from Houston and it was a hot one. 525 miles in 102 degree heat can wear on a person.. My 05 is stock and personally like turbine like sound of the stock exhaust. South TX Hyw 6 to Waco was a nice ride before the heat came...
  17. Rik6417

    Summer Heat

    Luvtoride...... How bout trading off bikes for a ride or two.... You'll be toast on the 05 :blink: and I'll be jelous at the end... :angry2: Not that often does a solution come to my pea brain BUT I've got a really good feeling bout this one :lol: Later Rik
  18. Rik6417

    Building up for eventual IB run

    Glad you made it back safe and had a good time. Great pics too.
  19. Rik6417

    Going There

    Nice post. Well said.
  20. Rik6417

    Blue FJR

    Could have been ME! was a long (short , busy) week. I don't live to far from 244 and Yale. Sorry I missed ya. Rik