2006 FJR1300AE

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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A bunch of dinosaurs in here. Geez, embrace change!

125 horsies on such a capable tourer is not (repeat) not a scooter. Looks like this thing still shifts, just like it always has, except now it shifts (hopefully) a lot faster than you or I could. Yamaha is taking a chance to make a real big splash in the sport-tourer market and we will soon be cooing about an FJR on the cover of all the cycle mags. Maybe they will even advertise!

Mama Yama is not in the habit if stiffling the engineering group from trying new things, and perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt and see/ride the product before the whine-fest begins. At this rate you'll be compalining about linked brakes soon. :)

If the engineers at the moto company are not allowed free reign then you get stagnant throwback designs from Milwaukee. No thanks.

Where do I sign up for the test drive?

- brownant

If the engineers at the moto company are not allowed free reign then you get stagnant throwback designs from Milwaukee. No thanks.
Next up for the 07 model year -> FJ-ROD. :haha:

A bunch of dinosaurs in here. Geez, embrace change!
125 horsies on such a capable tourer is not (repeat) not a scooter. Looks like this thing still shifts, just like it always has, except now it shifts (hopefully) a lot faster than you or I could. Yamaha is taking a chance to make a real big splash in the sport-tourer market and we will soon be cooing about an FJR on the cover of all the cycle mags. Maybe they will even advertise!

Mama Yama is not in the habit if stiffling the engineering group from trying new things, and perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt and see/ride the product before the whine-fest begins. At this rate you'll be compalining about linked brakes soon. :)

If the engineers at the moto company are not allowed free reign then you get stagnant throwback designs from Milwaukee. No thanks.

Where do I sign up for the test drive?

- brownant

Well said. But when talking stagnant throwback designs, don't forget Honda, as they seem to be heading in the ultra-conservative direction also, IMHO.

I can't frickin believe that we the people they supposed listened to wanted an auto shift bike! Unbelievable! When the first info about the 06 hit the board I seriously thought about replacing my 04. Even spoke w/ the dealer about it. NOT NOW

I'd really like one of those AE's as well, however, I'm sure it will be at least another year before I can convince my wife of my need to upgrade. Unless I win the lottery or something? hmm...

Well the only thinng I don't like about shift lights, well I don't like anything about them, but the main thing is that they are always set to some "shift now for best gas milage" rpm. I don't need or want anything like that.

Really don't understand what's all the grumbling about -like it's going to do any good? For any of you guys that get the new 06 and don't like it, I'll be glad to trade you my 04 -- even steven :) , just wait until the new 06 come's out - the electronic shifter is going to be a huge hit -- you guys sound like the ole harley guys when the vrod came out, don't be like that. From all the bikes that I saw at EOM - this group of riders are most gadget-happy folks I've ever seen, imagine what it's going to be like soon --- instead of a push to talk button, it'll be a pull to talk(clutch) lever!!!!!!! Get over it.

I can't frickin believe that we the people they supposed listened to wanted an auto shift bike! Unbelievable! When the first info about the 06 hit the board I seriously thought about replacing my 04. Even spoke w/ the dealer about it. NOT NOW
Cripes! What's with the bitchin?

Simply, what's stopping you from getting the "A" only version of the 06? Normal shifting and all. It's not like they are forcing you to get one of the coolest innovations to come from a major motorcycle manufacturer in quite a while.

And it ain't an "autoshift" bike! Operator still has to shift. It's an autoclutch bike! Big difference.

I applaud Yamaha for thinking outside the box, or the crankcase for that matter.

Lets all sit back and laugh to see how fast the other mfr's try to catch up to this innovation.

Ok, I might as well start it. Did anyone else notice that they painted the E version silver?

I guess they figured you silver guys need help shifting.

Sorry, couldn't help it.

How about the new price. 15k for the E model. The wider ratio trans might be a response to the 4000rpm vibration. Get cruising speed out of that range. Air temp gauge is kinda cool. Now I can take the cocacola thermometer off the fairing. The new mirrors are cool. Shift light is gay.

Inch narrower at the rear is cool. I wish I was an inch narrower at the rear. Gear indicator is kinda cool. As wide as the powerband is, sometimes I forget what gear I'm in. Then again, since its so wide, it doesn't often matter. I'm glad the 06 is radically different. It'll be easier to pick on the new guys if their bikes are not the same as mine.

Kind of like what you silver guys did last year. Irony. Silver guys wanting an 06 have to buy blue, or get the scooter. Welcome to the dark(fast) side guys. :haha:

ok, your turn. ;)

No offense to any fags, but shift lights and autoshifters are for fags. Adds more bullshit distractions, too.

Hopefully the "SHIFT FAG!" light is for the scooter only.

BTW I propose to add a topic to the forums for the E fags.


I thought the same thing as a lot of you did, but then I started thinking about what's hot right now in my other "passion" sport; off road riding.

Over there, the hot setup (for amateurs anyway) is a Rekluse (or similar) type auto-clutch. Not exactly sure how it works, but it basically elliminates the need to use the clutch lever. You can either leave it in place and use it like normal or remove it and go totally automatic. Some people have even replaced the clutch lever with a rear brake lever. I know I know , change is scary, but think about it. Not haveing to shift your weight to apply the rear brakes could be a good thing

Racers and novices agree, this set up cooks. It does take some getting used to. But it then becomes one less thing to worry about. It still lets you use compression braking, and doesn't dissengage until the rpm's drop to a preset level.

From what I hear, it makes most riders a lot smoother. Rocky, slippery hills are scaled with much more ease.

Granted, off road riding/racing is a lot more dependent on smooth and accurate clutch work, but smooth should be everyone's goal, regardless of the terrain. Downshifting as you appraoch a corner and are braking hard, or accelerating smoothly through a long sweeper, I'm pretty sure I don't do it exactly the same every time. If you notice, that's what the quickest racers do; perfect a lap, then repeat.

I think that you're much more likely to have the same shift everytime with one of these units than you are by doing it manually.

Anything that gives me an edge, I'm not going to bash. At least not till I hear a lot more about it and maybe even try one myself.

Let's hear some actual reviews before we decide it's a failure.

No offense to any fags, but shift lights and autoshifters are for fags.
yeah - you're right. All of the MotoGP guys, AMA superbike, and WSB riders are all fags for using shift lights and autoshifters

BrunDog, you're killin' me! :haha:

It sure doesn't seem like the bike is moving in an F1 direction to me. :huh:

I think if it were a performance upgrade, we'd hear Yamaha selling it as such. "Easy" is the word they seem to be using.

I've ridden with a RevLok clutch on a dirtbike, and it can be handy getting you out of a tight spot... especially if you suck at using the clutch. Still, you won't find any top GNCC guys running them, unless a sponsor makes them. I don't think you'll see any in MX or SX, either.

Dirt or street, the clutch is an important tool for advanced riding.

What happens if you're coming hard into a turn and you accidentally activate too low of a gear? Monster Hackey? (read super motard)

Originally, I thought the 'geriatric shift' was a big joke. My dealer did too.

I know it's completely irrational to be irked about this, but I guess there are two reasons why I am;

1) I would wish for engineers of the bike I ride to be striving to make it faster, lighter without sacrificing comfort and function. I applaud the airflow and instrument changes, I can deal with the linked brakes, but to go for a GoldWing feature like geriatric shift? Dang! Couldn't they just give me another 10 pounds of torque in the motor, figure out the tick, and call it a day?

2) I LIKED the fact that the FJR was considered the 'bad boy' of sport tourers. The ST was for the more touring-oriented set. For a bike to gain weight, and be called an improvement just bothers me.

I know, maybe I'm crazy. It's OPTIONAL, I know. But I can't help feeling like my '05 just became more like my uncle's bike (with the little lights ALL over it.)

- Seeking therapy in St. Louis.


And what about seized engine or slippery stuff on the road ? The clutch needs to be dipped on many different occasions.

8 pot calipers with rear to front linking ? Have they not learned from BMW's experience ? How do you trickle round full lock turns without the front brake bumping the forks down ?

I have an '05 ABS and will probably stick with it until the new BMW1200GT proves itself or someone finds a way to disconnect the rear to front link ( or proves it works ! )

20kg less with cooler running, no tick, lighter throttle action, glovebox opening in gear, adjustable bars, wider adjustable screen, full adjustable rear shock and stiffer forks, 10% taller gearing and/or 6 gears plus deeper paint would have done it fine.

Whadda bunch of monkey spankers....


Reminds me of all those whiney-ass yuppies complaining about Porsche watercooling their motors. You would have thought it was the end of the world.

STFU and go polish your FJR1100s while the rest of us move into the 21st century.

No offense to any fags, but shift lights and autoshifters are for fags.
yeah - you're right. All of the MotoGP guys, AMA superbike, and WSB riders are all fags for using shift lights and autoshifters
Uhhhh, hello? This is a sport touring street bike, not a drag bike. I doub't Yamaha wants everyone going as fast as the bike can all the time in an effort to shave 0.01 seconds of their ride to work or their cruise across the country.

And I doubt the shift light will come on for peak acceleration. Those things will be lighting up at 2000 rpm in light throttle - its gonna drive everyone fucking crazy.

I guarantee the first common farkle on the '06 will be to disable that light.

LiquidSilver: You hit the nail on the head, brother. Give us USEFUL stuff and make the bike BETTER. Don't add gee-whiz crap for the sake of science. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Supposedly Yami "listened to FJR owners" for this round of mods. Not exactly sure I have ever heard anyone say, "I like my bike, but I wish I didn't have to deal with that pesky clutch and shifter..."

RadioHowie: No comparison. Porsche NEEDED to water cool their engine, and that was a very worthwhile change. Too many warped heads in their history.

