2008 EOM Registration Site

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A few people have emailed me asking if they can bring a friend that doesn't ride an FJR. Anyone is welcome to attend, just be aware that they will have to buy drinks or could become the official whipping boy!!

Just kidding, anyone is welcome to attend.


All are invited... please tell these non-feej folks that they are still asked to register if they want to partake in EOM festivities.

I see that Borrec is registered... Borrec, it might rain at some point over the weekend. You sure that you want to come? :rolleyes:
Not anymore.
Ahhh mannn, I was bustin' on ya'... that's all. I promise that I'll leave you alone from here on out.

Hopefully, your non-participation isn't because I was foolin' around.

I will check with Kandy about the sunday to monday rate; she is who I spoke to about the group reservation. We have 70 rooms blocked, and only 30 booked as of a week ago. Give me a couple of days, as I am deployed / in the field right now.

You can stay through Monday, it just won't be at the group rate. If someone told you that you can't stay, you might want to call back tomorrow during normal business hours and talk to a manager. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

The lady I spoke with said even trying to set me up with a complety diff. reservation (one without any ties to the 1300 special) she showed no rooms avail. for Sun. into Monday....though she did suggest (like you did--thanks) to call back tomorrow when "the guy" that does the room blocks will be in and he may be able to figure it out...so I'll try again tomorrow and will let ya know. BTW thanks for the quick response :D
Problem resolved during the week I'm now there from thurs to check out monday same rate for all nights :rolleyes:

Thank you all


I am in - however lady at hotel said we only have rooms Fri-Sat nites. Thought Monday was checkout? Is this being addressed? Right now I am only there till Sunday - are we moving to another hotel?

Hmmm, interesting. Our block SHOULD be for Sunday night, also. Will try to get in touch with Wayne about this. We aren't planning to go to another motel.

Ok, I checked with Brier Inn. Our room block is for Friday 9/19 thru Monday 9/22. That makes Friday, Saturday & Sunday within our block. Not sure why anyone was told that Sunday wasn't within our room block.

Anyway, I've confirmed it in case there is anyone else with a problem.

Don't forget that when you make reservations to use the "Group 1300" code to be sure that you're included within our block of rooms.

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Registered !

I'll be leaving Friday morning. If anyone coming from the east wants to meetup, I'll be heading west via route 60, south on the Blue Ridge Parkway, west at Troutville through Fincastle and Paint Bank, then north on 311.

I got all registered and made my reservations at the Brier Inn. Looking forward to meeting everybody. I will be coming from 460 from VA to 219. I will be arriving Friday midday and stay until Monday morning.

BTW, I registered, but haven't received an invoice yet.

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Nobody told you? Newbs buy the beer. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk... JK

So, has anyone looked at the attendees page lately? We have member Tinker, from Berkeley, CA coming.

Are any of the Canadian contigent joining us this year?

Edited to add: I just went & looked. We've got our first Canukian... Canadian FJR

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