Anger and the Forum

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I also had on my back protector and, if you look carefully, knee pucks. Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.

So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

Yeah, maybe you should lean off more. And maybe you should do other stuff ending with .... off too :yahoo:

Of course we all have our own guidelines. Me, I won't ride on the street with anyone who thinks touching a knee down on the street is cool. Maybe the best use for your knee pucks is to hold one between your teeth, that will stop you talking bullshit. :lol:

Speaking of anger...I don't understand how this question gets this reaction???????????????????????????? Knee puck between your teeth??? What?

Wow, you guys sure went to town with the emoticons. Too bad there's not a Barney emoticon that admins can insert when things get out of hand. You know, a little purple dino that sings the Barney song.

Gosh, then we could really just be one big happy family, like on Father Knows Best (WC knows best?).

Please excuse me while I go and puke now!


Wow, you guys sure went to town with the emoticons. Too bad there's not a Barney emoticon that admins can insert when things get out of hand. You know, a little purple dino that sings the Barney song.
Gosh, then we could really just be one big happy family, like on Father Knows Best (WC knows best?).

Please excuse me while I go and puke now!

:lol: Urine + Wheaties = acute codgerism?? :rolleyes:

The world really ain't THAT bad. Seriously. ;)

More emoticons, you say???

:p :p :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: B) B) B)


:blink: Ding, ding, ding! Ooffa, marone! :dribble:

Thanks, southern. I needed that!

When the Barney emoticon was mentioned, don'tcha know the first Barney I thought of was TWN's Fife...

The last Barney was the best, TWN ...

This forum is a wealth of knowledge and I am a relative newby here and to motorcycling. Recently I havent felt its worth it to ask something and have the different cliques chime in with their favorite smiley ( :****: ). So if I can't find it in a search...then I'll PM someone to ask. No big deal...I enjoy reading the forum too.
Like your avatar is irritatating my cerebral cortex! Has for sometime, but I am not in a polite mood today. Enough said ... not about me, but the choice of avatar - gimme a break please!

Note, I said, "please"

This forum is a wealth of knowledge and I am a relative newby here and to motorcycling. Recently I havent felt its worth it to ask something and have the different cliques chime in with their favorite smiley ( :****: ). So if I can't find it in a search...then I'll PM someone to ask. No big deal...I enjoy reading the forum too.
Like your avatar is irritatating my cerebral cortex! Has for sometime, but I am not in a polite mood today. Enough said ... not about me, but the choice of avatar - gimme a break please!

Note, I said, "please"

Drew, don't change your Avatar.

While I agree with the sense of something's up, I can't put my finger on it and have been trying.
I think y'all just need ta git laid! :rofl:


as i went back and read through the thread (it's grown a lot since i last looked), i see this has already been suggested.

so, in defference to those who mentioned it before, "what they said!"

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Let me see...

How can I put this gently?


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This forum is a wealth of knowledge and I am a relative newby here and to motorcycling. Recently I havent felt its worth it to ask something and have the different cliques chime in with their favorite smiley ( :****: ). So if I can't find it in a search...then I'll PM someone to ask. No big deal...I enjoy reading the forum too.
Like your avatar is irritatating my cerebral cortex! Has for sometime, but I am not in a polite mood today. Enough said ... not about me, but the choice of avatar - gimme a break please!

Note, I said, "please"
You have something against "cowbells" :blink: :p

So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

Yeah, maybe you should lean off more. And maybe you should do other stuff ending with .... off too :yahoo:

Of course we all have our own guidelines. Me, I won't ride on the street with anyone who thinks touching a knee down on the street is cool. Maybe the best use for your knee pucks is to hold one between your teeth, that will stop you talking bullshit. :lol:

Speaking of anger...I don't understand how this question gets this reaction???????????????????????????? Knee puck between your teeth??? What?
So some forum members give people a hard time when they ask about doing stupid stuff on the street? Asking if you can get a knee puck down on the street on a FJR is pretty lame. Sort of like asking about doing stoppies and wheelies in traffic. :blink:

It's apparent that the guy asking doesn't know too much about riding. This triggers the BS detecters of many. Some flick him some crap about it. Not a big deal, IMHO.

Too many people on forums have thin skins. Maybe it's the lack of a real name that makes people post things they might not say to someone's face. Then again, some people would say those things to someone's face, which I don't see as a bad thing. It's a good social limit when people call BS when they smell BS. :)
