Death Valley Wildflower ride, Assuming we get some rain.

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Er....Sam, you weren't clever enough to cross over to Hwy 99? Or to the river road? Just askin'.....
That's what I did eventually- the skies had opened up before stockton, it was getting wet and cold but traffic was moving so I stayed on I-5, then it slowly starts grinding down, first I thought this was just regular rush hour traffic (and so might be the same story on 99) and I will just lane split - then it came to a grinding halt and I didn't want to lane split between long lines of big rigs in BOTH lanes on I-5 so I found the Laguna Blvd exit (where I learnt the story from the gas station attendant) and made a dart to Hwy 99 and then back on to I-5 because I wanted to go get a photo tag for this game I am playing, so off I went to Old Sacramento to grab a picture of the Pony Express monument before heading home.

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You don't remember my getoff back on Labor Day 08, when I was forced off the road by a woman in an SUV near Antlers, OK? It totalled my 06, now I have an 08...
Sorry, somehow I missed all that.

Glad you're back in the saddle.

2008 was a bad year for accidents...of course in my case, nobody forced me off the road.

An evil curve in AR , combined with too much "mother hen, checking the mirrors for the riders I was leading", combined with missing the corner speed sign plus too much corner entry speed bit my cold tires and washed them out. Got to ride bitch for 60 miles on Scott/FJRider's bike...with a separated shoulder and cracked ribs. Not too bad, considering.

Here is the slideshow from Barry and Marla of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. BearTrax, from the Death Valley Wildflower Ride Weekend. Beautiful photographs of a great motorcycle adventure!

Great weather, flowers in bloom on the southside. Fun to see some old as well as meet new friends with the FJR group.

The underground/mechanical tour of Scotties Castle was very interesting, Marla and I thought is was well worth the time to see. I shot the pics of a raven wind surfing over the crater into a 50mph headwind. First trip on the new to me 05 LT, named "Goldie" big bike but eats up the miles in comfort. Mamma Bear gives it a big thumbs up.

Here is a link to more pics!
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Another fantastic event I didn't attend :ermm:

Looks like MEM got Richard hot. :lol:


Here is the slideshow from Barry and Marla of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. BearTrax, from the Death Valley Wildflower Ride Weekend. Beautiful photographs of a great motorcycle adventure!

Great weather, flowers in bloom on the southside. Fun to see some old as well as meet new friends with the FJR group.The underground/mechanical tour of Scotties Castle was very interesting, Marla and I thought is was well worth the time to see. I shot the pics of a raven wind surfing over the crater into a 50mph headwind. First trip on the new to me 05 LT, named "Goldie" big bike but eats up the miles in comfort. Mamma Bear gives it a big thumbs up. Here is a link to more pics!
Awesome photo's, we have to get down to that area real soon.

Thanks for posting.


I see Richard slowed down just long enough for a photograph .. MEM looks good back there




Definately some good fun and I very much enjoyed my short term of supervising the FJR folks.

Good to see all the typical fags, gays and homo's -and good to see Don Stanley as well.

Highligts for me:

+ Some great dialogue with Mark (from fairfield) and I look forward to the next time -and we'll definately tie in some shooting with the .357Sig

+ "Penny" (mrs John_Dumkee) damn, this chick can party. A first for me at LongStreet fun to not be the last out of the bar -Penny surely understands the meaning of Nevada style fun --->and perhaps has some indian killing potential. Penny really made the rest of the fags look pretty darn gay -Nice job Penny.

And of course good to see Carver, Richard, Michael, ......and the whole crew. Sorry I missed meeting some folks but there is always next year.

regarding this post:

MEM's Post Here

In no uncertain terms, MEM is not only one hot foreign chick, but she stepped up to the plate with great authority when it came to Nevada style fun.

+ Early on the trip from Long Steet to Vegas, she killed her first Indian, and the skill and cold-hearted passion that she put into the murder makes it hard to believe that it was her first kill. I swear, we could have continued to kill Indians all day long, but instead continued on to Vegas with the fresh and bloody corpse of the 250+pound indian in the back. Seems MEM's nurse-schooling helped her to know where to put the knife into the fat indian.

+ Death always makes me hungry, so some good twisted farm food as noted in her post and then a FUZZ ENCOUNTER.

That fuzz-encounter was pretty crazy. My work truck was not up-to-date on the paperwork and that gave the officer a chance to inform me that there was a bench warrant for my arrest. Awesome that he let me go on ALL infractions without a single piece of paper, -all warnings. The classic line of the fuzz encounter was when the cop had his flashing lights on and MEM turned to me and said: "Good thing we got that dead indian out of the back" (just moments earlier we had discarded the corpse in a dumbster in North Las Vegas.)

How true, I don't think we could have talked our way out of that.

So after indian killing, twisted farm food and a wild fuzz encounter we took a brief break and then met up again and got freaky in Vegas. Rao's for dinner and many martinis (one of the best dining experiences in the nation) Then out on the town and actions and stories that will not be told --but know that if it was illegal, immoral or just plain wrong, we did it -multiple times. When we were done, many thought the town had got it by a sunami, but instead just a guy from Reno and a foreign chick were responsible for the damage.

Here is a picture of MEM and RJ out on the town:


Thanks MEM for allowing me to show you the best of Nevada (Killing an indian) and for being a cool foreign chick.


and for the curious about my Las Vegas bench warrant. In october I had this fuzz encounter just south if Indian Springs: High rate of speed, construction zone --->not a good combination. --A pretty serious infraction.



I have been attempting dialogue with the district attorney over the last months and hopeful to keep it out of court. Well the DA has not informed the cour of anything so there was a failure to appear in their system. Monday I met with the court -got that taken care of and in September I have a face-to-face with the DA and I'll hopefully keep this off my record and out of court. If not I'll fight it in court. The bench warrant has been removed.

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...I have been attempting dialogue with the district attorney over the last months and hopeful to keep it out of court. Well the DA has not informed the cour of anything so there was a failure to appear in their system. Monday I met with the court -got that taken care of and in September I have a face-to-face with the DA and I'll hopefully keep this off my record and out of court. If not I'll fight it in court. The bench warrant has been removed.
....What a steaming pile of double-talk.

Criminal bastard.


(You should grow a ponytail before you go to court. They'd like that.)

And, is that a wiener on your bike?


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I see Richard slowed down just long enough for a photograph .. MEM looks good back there


Awwww shucks, you guys <shuffling feet and kicking at the dirt snow & ice> :wub:

So... do you think Jorstin was out of line calling my azz fat ? :p

In no uncertain terms, MEM is not only one hot foreign chick, but she stepped up to the plate with great authority when it came to Nevada style fun.

+ Early on the trip from Long Steet to Vegas, she killed her first Indian.......The classic line of the fuzz encounter was when the cop had his flashing lights on and MEM turned to me and said: "Good thing we got that dead indian out of the back" .... Rao's for dinner and many martinis (one of the best dining experiences in the nation) Then out on the town and actions and stories that will not be told --but know that if it was illegal, immoral or just plain wrong, we did it -multiple times. When we were done, many thought the town had got it by a sunami, but instead just a guy from Reno and a foreign chick were responsible for the damage.

O.M.F. EVERYone knows how RJ doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story. We did NOT have many martinis. We had TWO (actually, John had 3 since he had an hour and quarter headstart on me). And after that we had mojitos (damned good ones, too) and after that ..... things get fuzzy (no pun intended :p )

Thanks MEM for allowing me to show you the best of Nevada (Killing an indian) and for being a cool foreign chick.
RenoJohn - the pleasure was all mine. Thank YOU for hauling my butt back to Vegas and for the kazillion laughs and for the Vegas-style evening.

ps - anyone wanting to reach RJ can just dial 911. They always know where he is ;)

It was so great to see everyone again, it's been way too long since my last WFO. DCarver, Old Michael, MadMike, Fairlaner, BeemerDons etc. And it was especially cool to meet some new Feejer peeps and start some new friendships, like cibrd0wn, the FJRKs, Big-D, the Dumkes, MEM with whom I shared a room, ;) etc. We really had a cool group of peeps there!
Fixed it a wee bit for ya, M :D
You sure did, so sorry I spaced you! Was thinking about the riding and partying, not the sleeping part. Thank you again for letting me crash with you. ;)

Reno~So you also found out what hoot that Penny chick is?! Her and I were up til 2 am at the bar the night before. We had a blast!! If i hadn't had to knock out 700 miles on Sunday, I woulda stayed with her and partied with you too. :p Did she mention Hooving the jutebox?? :lol: Pretty sure that qualifies as some Nevada style fun. ;)

MadMike~Ahhh, so that's what you were getting at, ok. We didn't get a chance to really talk much so I wasn't catching the drift of where you were going with this. But yeah, that's exactly what was happening on the long trip there and back. Now that I know what it feels like to go down, I'm constantly imagining ways it could happen again, even if they are pretty far-fetched. Hopefully this trip will scrub some of that away. It was better on the way home, prolly cause I was so focused on how damn cold I was. ;)

Reno~So you also found out what hoot that Penny chick is?! Her and I were up til 2 am at the bar the night before. We had a blast!! If i hadn't had to knock out 700 miles on Sunday, I woulda stayed with her and partied with you too. :p Did she mention Hooving the jutebox?? :lol: Pretty sure that qualifies as some Nevada style fun. ;)
Penny is beyond 99,9999% of FJR dudes when it comes to Nevada-Style fun. The chick is full throttle 24/7 and sure makes the FJR guyz look like a buch of faggy little boyz.

+ Hooving the jukebox has always been a prerequisite for the next stage of fun which is Indian Killing. I think Penny just might be ready.

I'm scared to cross paths with her again, but will keep my vitamins handy and my life insurace current ....Just in case we end up in the same NV town at the same time.

Reno~So you also found out what hoot that Penny chick is?! Her and I were up til 2 am at the bar the night before. We had a blast!! If i hadn't had to knock out 700 miles on Sunday, I woulda stayed with her and partied with you too. :p Did she mention Hooving the jutebox?? :lol: Pretty sure that qualifies as some Nevada style fun. ;)
Penny is beyond 99,9999% of FJR dudes when it comes to Nevada-Style fun. The chick is full throttle 24/7 and sure makes the FJR guyz look like a buch of faggy little boyz.

+ Hooving the jukebox has always been a prerequisite for the next stage of fun which is Indian Killing. I think Penny just might be ready.

I'm scared to cross paths with her again, but will keep my vitamins handy and my life insurace current ....Just in case we end up in the same NV town at the same time.
Damnit RJ. We spent a couple of hours drinking and BS'ing that night and you don't mention anything about killing Indians.

I have to read about it several days later, and to top that, I have to read about some foreign chick doing all the killng.

How about a heads up next time?

Great fun that night.

Let's do it again soon.


Damnit RJ. We spent a couple of hours drinking and BS'ing that night and you don't mention anything about killing Indians First Nations People (I think that's the most current in Canuckistanispeak).

I have to read about it several days later, and to top that, I have to read about some one hot :p foreign chick doing all the killng.

You guys are killing ME!

I'm a Canuck for dog's sake. I don't know nuthin' about CCWs and weapons for chrissakes - let alone killing anything.

When I'm asked at the US border if I have weapons onboard, I say "Gawd no! WTF?! :blink:

ps - fixed it for ya, Marky Mark ;)
