Death Valley Wildflower ride, Assuming we get some rain.

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Am home. Need food, didn't get any yet today. And a shower. 2,907 miles total, 5 states. All kinds of awesome!! More to come later...

Hopefully I don't screw up this bike cause I really like it! Heading out early in the morning. A little nervous. But when I get back on a horse, I try to find the biggest one. ;>

(I haven't even done a whole day ride since the wreck)

Can't wait to see everyone! Big thanks to AJ for all his help already!
What wreck? I never saw anything about that...when did that happen?

Glad to see you got back on that horse...getting that confidence back is a good thing. :clapping:

Madmike2, Glad to see the battery worked out and you made it home without further mishap. You and Richard performed some real Macgyver magic.

But.... we are all wondering why was Richard not given a kiss and Old Michael was? What's going on here?
1.) Old Michael is easily embarrased.

2.) Richard might turn his head to the right.


Am home. Need food, didn't get any yet today. And a shower. 2,907 miles total, 5 states. All kinds of awesome!! More to come later...
Glad you made it home safe & sound Michelle! It was a long ride for you. Nice meeting you finally, it was a lot of fun!

Damn DC, those sunglasses were prefect for that helmet.
True dat! Gotta find something just like them. I bought those in 06 with the FJR, glad the FJR has outlived the glasses, :lol:

Am home. Need food, didn't get any yet today. And a shower. 2,907 miles total, 5 states. All kinds of awesome!! More to come later...
Chik, you Rock! Back on the stallion (so to speak), easily the Long Distance Anti-Candy-Butt-Association rider for the entire group (did I mention RenoJohn drove his *cage* there?) while the the lady *rode* her FJR there? :lol: :eek: :huh: Just what has happened to order of nature here?
Rode Hwy 58 today Don - I am envious you get to ride it anytime you want! Great fun! Passed by your neck of the woods too - Hwy 229 is in great shape! :)

Rode Hwy 58 today Don - I am envious you get to ride it anytime you want! Great fun! Passed by your neck of the woods too - Hwy 229 is in great shape! :)
You dog! Out having fun while I slave away at the salt mine?

Shame on you, PuppyPoop! :p

Tree Doc and I are riding today. Come join us. Thinking of Naciemento road to 1.

I am at Dunes and Morro in MorroBay not leaving till 9 am. Fog is persistent though :-(

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Nice photos Enrique, Thank You!

NOTE: Henry and Dawn Garza posted up their Death Valley Wildflower Ride photos at Link above will take you to these pics.
+1. Great shots. WTF with the snake? *in my best Indy Jones voice* "I hate snakes!"

I remember seeing them at Longstreets, but didn't realize they were with us. The Harley pokes had us scattered...

Hopefully I don't screw up this bike cause I really like it! Heading out early in the morning. A little nervous. But when I get back on a horse, I try to find the biggest one. ;>

(I haven't even done a whole day ride since the wreck)

Can't wait to see everyone! Big thanks to AJ for all his help already!
What wreck? I never saw anything about that...when did that happen?

Glad to see you got back on that horse...getting that confidence back is a good thing. :clapping:
You don't remember my getoff back on Labor Day 08, when I was forced off the road by a woman in an SUV near Antlers, OK? It totalled my 06, now I have an 08. MadMike and I talked for just a little bit on top of Dante's Peak about the mental demons and it wasn't about confidence for me. What happened on this trip was a lot of imagining of different, crazy ways that I was gonna get taken out while riding. Like a random part flying off the guy's bike in front of me and decapitating me. Total weird shit like that. Other than that I have no mental issues from the wreck, there was just too much free mental time while riding. I know I'm a good rider, after 10 years now or I would have quit. That wreck was on her, not me, sometimes a cager will take you out and there's nothing you can do about it. Hopefully your life goes on.

It was so great to see everyone again, it's been way too long since my last WFO. DCarver, Old Michael, MadMike, Fairlaner, BeemerDons etc. And it was especially cool to meet some new Feejer peeps and start some new friendships, like cibrd0wn, the FJRKs, Big-D, the Dumkes, etc. We really had a cool group of peeps there! My pics are up on Fb, I may grab a coupla highlights here for ya tonight, if my hands ever quit hurting.

And yeah, I'm pretty damn proud to be the high mileage rider of this event. How was the car ride to Vegas RenoJohn??? :p :D

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... Need food, didn't get any yet today...
Riding a FJR and not eating!?

Isn't there a rule against that??
Yeah there is and I blew it twice. Oopsie. I'm terrible about that when I ride. I just wanna get there. I hate stopping. I don't eat breakfast and I don't get hunger pains usually, so I tend to blow off lunch and keep going so I can get there for dinner.

I am home safe as well. ~2200 miles total for this entire trip. The last 80 or so in cold pouring rain stuck/lane splitting in rush hour traffic from a bit past Stockton to Elk Grove/Sacramento, because some big rig had decided to dive off the bridge and dangle over I-5 (as told to me by gas station attendant)! FRACK!

PS - I also need waterproof gloves!

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I am home safe as well. ~2200 miles total for this entire trip. The last 80 or so in cold pouring rain stuck/lane splitting in rush hour traffic from a bit past Stockton to Elk Grove/Sacramento, because some big rig had decided to dive off the bridge and dangle over I-5 (as told to me by gas station attendant)! FRACK!

PS - I also need waterproof gloves!
When I passed that accident scene around 4:30, only the back trailer of a grain-hopper set of doubles was on the bridge, the tractor and front trailer were over the edge between the North and South lanes and probably in Laguna Creek. The DART (Drowning And Rescue Team) was there and their boat was NOT on the trailer so I assume they were using it to help/rescue the driver. I also saw the search and rescue truck and team, that didn't look too good to me. Then again, I see things from a different perspective and, as a commercial driver, witnessed enough stupid-driver escapades to last me for a month.

Er....Sam, you weren't clever enough to cross over to Hwy 99? Or to the river road? Just askin'.....

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It was so great to see everyone again, it's been way too long since my last WFO. DCarver, Old Michael, MadMike, Fairlaner, BeemerDons etc. And it was especially cool to meet some new Feejer peeps and start some new friendships, like cibrd0wn, the FJRKs, Big-D, the Dumkes, MEM with whom I shared a room, ;) etc. We really had a cool group of peeps there!
Fixed it a wee bit for ya, M :D

How was the car ride to Vegas RenoJohn??? :p :D
With your respective indulgence, I'll presume to answer for RJ since he may not jump in here.

The drive was a freaking laugh a minute. We made a plan for the day (sorry, can't get into details :unsure: ) and he took me to a favorite place of his on Sahara Ave for some Twisted Farm Food keeping in mind that these platters are at least 12" in size:

"Andy's sage fried chicken w/ fresh spinach, hardwood smoked bacon, market tomato, griddled mozzarella, chipotle cream and scrambled eggs"


And "Griddled french toast dipped in banana cinnamon cream w/ pecan maple syrup "


We barely waddled out of there and went about 3 blocks in RJ's work truck before we got pulled over by one of Las Vegas' finest. And one of LV's finest he was, indeed. Polite, reasonable, IT (independent thinker) who showed excellent judgement. In actual fact, he prolly didn't want to get into sorting out the dog's breakfast that was RJ's paperwork. Essentially, it was all about DMV infractions. The Nice Policeman took the paperwork back to his car and came back to RJ's window with 3 points to make: first 2 were the registration and insurance crap - not quite in order. Point #3? Get ready for it ......"And number 3, there's a warrant out for your arrest" :blink:

O.M.G. I was feeling a little like Bonnie and Clyde and then thought "Well, why the hell not? I AM with Reno John, after all!" And then I remembered the substantial bail money he keeps on hand and I knew we were golden :rolleyes: The nice police officer finished off by asking me "do you have any questions, ma'am?" RJ pointed out that "she's a foreigner" and somehow we finished off by showing him our food porn photos and suggesting he check out the Hash House A Go Go at 1600 Sahara Ave. He countered with "YOU should try the Peppermill" and on our merry way we all went. (he lit up the very next guy on the street - prolly to make up for letting RJ walk....)

A few minutes later, RJ is lettting me out at the Golden Nugget, pointing out that the guy didn't have the balls to take us in and that we'd go out that evening and find some constabulary who could "do the job" :p

Evening.... after he stood me up for an hour and 15 minutes it was pointed out to me that, as a foreigner, I got the meeting place screwed up :huh: , we spent a nice evening eating, drinking, seeing a few sites on the Strip and I lost 40 bucks in those !@#$ bar poker machines.

If you haven't had a few good jelly-belly, pants-wetting laughs with Reno John ..... you don't know what you're missing ;)

ps - my standing around the Flamingo entrance of Caesar's Palace wasn't a total loss. I spent about 45 minutes talking to a nice MN-transplanted limo driver who admired my red shoes and decided, after a few minutes, that with my hair and eyes I must be a nice Irish lass. And y'all know what a sucker am I for that stuff :rolleyes:

pps - apologies for the hijack but you DID ask about the drive !

btw: the arrest warrant was also DMV stuff. Something about doing a buck-40 in a construction zone and he actually has until the 29th to "appear" :assassin:

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MadMike and I talked for just a little bit on top of Dante's Peak about the mental demons and it wasn't about confidence for me. What happened on this trip was a lot of imagining of different, crazy ways that I was gonna get taken out while riding. Like a random part flying off the guy's bike in front of me and decapitating me. Total weird shit like that. Other than that I have no mental issues from the wreck...........
Michelle, I was trying to warn you that those are exactly the mind-pictures that will haunt you for a time. I would sometimes picture the front end washing out on a perfect road while riding on a perfect day. I'd see myself maimed and injured lying on the pavement. Ugh...and eewwwww! Ghosts and demons will fade with time and as your core riding abilities continue to assert themselves. Every ride you will be building new muscle memory and thought life to displace the haunting images.

I know you are a smart enough and mentally agile enough person to keep your focus so that fact replaces the fiction your mind tries to place in front of you. I wish there were a short cut but I think saddle time is the key ingredient. Keep riding and building new good memories.
