Death Valley Wildflower ride, Assuming we get some rain.

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Madmike2, Glad to see the battery worked out and you made it home without further mishap. You and Richard performed some real Macgyver magic.

But.... we are all wondering why was Richard not given a kiss and Old Michael was? What's going on here?

Friends indeed :lol:


The Sacramento contingent has arrived safe and mostly dry.
I wonder how long it will be before someone Photoshops this with a clever caption?

Here are my pictures. Not a lot. Enjoyed the ride too much and didn't get the camera out enough.

Enjoyed meeting some new people. Great Ride. Great people.

Mike glad you made it home safely. Glad Julie and I met up with you and the rest of the nor-cal group at the candy store. We really enjoyed riding with all of you.

Death Valley

Password is "badwater"
Badwater (capital B)
My suspicion is the electrosport stator commited suicide....after 60,000 miles. Oh well...
Ya think?

Dude - no offense, but what were you doing keeping that POS stator in there so long? Those things just don't last that long and when they go, they go relatively quick. And do you have a voltmeter?

Bummed I missed you all this year.

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Rather than doing an actual ride report I thought I would just add a couple of shots on to the end of this thread.

Old Michael and I set out a day or two early and took the long way to Death Valley. We took a lot of pictures along the way and since

I can't hold a candle to his photographic abilities, I'll just put up a few shots I'm pretty sure he didn't get.

One more thing before we get started. Old Michael, as many of you know, is a sensitive soul. Although we have a lot of fun mocking him

incessantly, it should be known that I promised not to make fun of him in my ride report. True to my word, I will refrain from making any comments.

However, you, my fellow forum members have made no such deal, so feel free to add your own captions.

Racing across Highway 138 from the Grapevine to Lancaster, I got OM to stop and admire the poppies for a few minutes.

Poppies are the California state flower and Lancaster is the poppy capital of the state.


Although it is hard to tell from this shot, if you look closely you can see orange waves of poppies blanketing

the desert floor in the background.


Just liked the look of this one.


This tiny little guy is from the southern end of Death Valley. It is about the same width as your thumbnail.


As promised.... No comment.





Thanks for looking.

Thanks to everyone who went. I enjoyed meeting new friends and reconnecting with old.

Thanks to Old Michael for putting up with me and showing me roads I didn't know existed.

Let's do it again next year, even if it is going to be Yosemite...Yawn.

One more thing before we get started. Old Michael, as many of you know, is a sensitive soul. Although we have a lot of fun mocking him

incessantly, it should be known that I promised not to make fun of him in my ride report. True to my word, I will refrain from making any comments.
Mark... Remember that this sensitive old guy was the one that referred to Barry (Bust) and me as "Dick Bags" just last week...He is so sensitive!

My suspicion is the electrosport stator commited suicide....after 60,000 miles. Oh well...
I sure wouldn't bet AGAINST that diagnosis. In fact, I suspect that you have been really lucky for at least the last 20k miles.
Hmm, I have about 47000 on my electroshit, gona replace this week with the stock that has 45000.

My suspicion is the electrosport stator commited suicide....after 60,000 miles. Oh well...
I sure wouldn't bet AGAINST that diagnosis. In fact, I suspect that you have been really lucky for at least the last 20k miles.
Hmm, I have about 47000 on my electroshit, gona replace this week with the stock that has 45000. don't want it to look like this.


GLAD you were able to make it home okay, Mike. :clapping:

My suspicion is the electrosport stator commited suicide....after 60,000 miles. Oh well...
I sure wouldn't bet AGAINST that diagnosis. In fact, I suspect that you have been really lucky for at least the last 20k miles.
Hmm, I have about 47000 on my electroshit, gona replace this week with the stock that has 45000.
Brother griff, I would second your move of replacing the Electrosport Stator as soon as possible. SkooterG and I had to run out to Blythe, California from Chandler, Arizona with my Jeep and M/C trailer to rescue Arturo Montoya - vectervp1 here on our Forum and his FJR from the side of Interstate 10 in the middle of the night.

Arte was returning from Hal - kaitsdad's home in Orange County CA. Art did some checking and these electroshit stator's are notorious for 50K mile major failures!

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