Ever Touched a Knee Puck Down?

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Maybe because the admins like to play "Do as I say not as I do?"

Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning, eh?


I mean, think about it: Would YOU like to do as SkooterG does?

Broken collarbones and ribs are sooooo much fun!

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Maybe because the admins like to play "Do as I say not as I do?"

Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning, eh?


I mean, think about it: Would YOU like to do as SkooterG does?

Broken collarbones and ribs are sooooo much fun!

Mike -H has you beat by a looong shot... all you have is a broken fingernail in comparrision ...compared to his past !!! :D

Mike -H has you beat by a looong shot... all you have is a broken fingernail in comparrision ...compared to his past !!! :D
No doubt there. Didn't think he got to be an ornery Old Fart (I say that affectionately :D ) by playing tiddlywinks. Must of been that purty bride of his that mellowed him out.

What happened to the photos at the beginning of this thread? Computer glitch?

Maybe because the admins like to play "Do as I say not as I do?"

Not a FJRF.com problem... burleigh's photo hosting service porked the photos. Well, that or burleigh couldn't take the pressure of reality and yanked 'em. Snigger.

Gravity sucks.

Er, me thinks you have that wrong, Vicadin boy. Gravity is a wonderful thing - it's the sudden, unexpected body slam to the ground at warp speed that sucks. ;)

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TWN....on gravity.....+1 :lol: .....(I thought Greg was only old enough for asprin?)

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Actualy I tried it and it was easy.

You have to lean enough (or as we say get enough off the seat) and then You also don't have to be very gymnastic (I'm sure not :) )

But it would be advisable to train this stunt on cheaper bike just in case.

As it was mentione, kneeing to the ground can bi done on just about any bike.

Gay Area,

Can dish it out, but can't take it, eh noob? Figgers.
Hey TWN, You use to TAKEN IT?

Man, where have you been? Seems lately all the noobs come in here with a Costco sized container of Astroglide and wierd smirks... :) Butt yeah, I'm getting used to it... Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown and all, you know? You will notice that the noob in question hasn't been back though, right? ;)

Oh, yeah, :****:

Man, where have you been? Seems lately all the noobs come in here with a Costco sized container of Astroglide and wierd smirks... :) Butt yeah, I'm getting used to it... Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown and all, you know? You will notice that the noob in question hasn't been back though, right? ;)
Oh, yeah, :****:
I guess I am a noob then (I assume that mean new guy) but I can take it (but dont freak when I dish some out too peeps :assassin: :lol: ) Now, a question from a noob, WTF is astroglide ;)

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I guess I am a noob then but I can take it Now, a question from a noob, WTF is astroglide ;)



What a set up!!! TWN you want this or should I? On second thought, you take it TWN. He is too much man for me if he takes it without the glide :D

Have fun, fence! I'm worn out... :lol:

By the way... all you aerospace dudes are pervs, arn'cha?

The name relates to its origin, as its inventor, Dan Wray, discovered it while working on the cooling system of a space shuttle at Edwards Air Force Base in 1977. It was originally licensed to a small company in North Hollywood (in 1982) which failed in 1991, allowing Wray to regain the rights.[2]


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I've touched just once or twice... its all about form and technique. I had had two other FJR's take the Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic (www.totalcontroltraining.net) in Seattle this year and one touched and the other came really close. Both were touring riders, one had more gray hair than a bald eagle. It's not about flexability and bravery!

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Hmmm.... Touched a knee puck down?

Wifey wears those things on occasion; though not on the FJR. :rolleyes:

Man, hers are all scraped up. :dribble:

So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?
First, on the street = stupid. But we all know that. With that out of the way, the instructor at the Parks' Total Control clinic I attended make a big point of telling us about a guy on a road king who wore the knee out of his leather chaps getting his knee down during a previous class.

I've come close on the FJR, way closer than I ever could on the CBR.

In a big-ass parking lot, by the way, not out in traffic.
