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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Fremont, ca
This is an old thread. If you have seen it before go to the end of page 4 for the update.

Feeling a bit sick right now about bending my bike. :(

Went on a group ride today and crashed in the first set of turns for the day. Major damage to my ego, significant damage to the bike and little to no damage to me. I entered a blind left turn at a moderate speed (not fast), veared right to miss a patch of gravel and I was headed for the shoulder (complete with a two inch drop, a rut, and very soft dirt). Oh no, I think, don’t go there. At that point I target fixated and planted my wheel right in it.

The bike went down on the left side (me too). I slid to a stop while watching my FJR do a high side followed by a 180 or two before smacking the hillside on across the road.

Preliminary damage assessment:

Scraped engine case – left side

Bent muffler hangers both sides (I think)

Smashed right muffler

Footpeg broken off (right side)

Handlebar (right side)

Thottle control

Tweaked forks (but they don’t look damaged at all)

Right mirror scraped

Rear plastic totaled

Luggage rack broken apart and off

Frame slider puck needs replaced

Fuel tank has a tiny dent

Oh yeah .... and one itsy bitsy tiny scratch to the the edge of my fairing

My biggest concern is whether there might be any damage to the rear frame or if it’s just the muffler hangers. The right muffler is about 3.5” from the edge of my tire (Avon) and left muffler is about 6” away.

This is my first accident in over thirty something years, so I’m not even sure the best way to get started on this. Last time a drunk turned left without signaling and took my bike out from under me at an intersection.

I’ll try to post some pictures tomorrow and maybe get some sage advice from the group.

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Wow, this is awful news :sad2:, but glad to hear you're okay. That's what's important in the end. Bikes can be fixed or replaced.

Thanks for the post, too. It keeps everyone thinkin' and sharp. Get fixed and well quickly (guessing you're a bit sore).

I just went thru same kinda thing last Veterans day...broken rib..major damage to right side of the bike..Cost was $ way I could pay for it so turned it into insurance (that's what we get it for). I hit oil on a freeway offramp that someone had left for me..Get the bike to a shop, turn it into the insurance company, get it fixed, and get back in the saddle...Be glad you didn't get hurt and put it behind you.

You might want to take it to your dealer and get an estimate. That way you'd have a list of parts, then call Gary McCoy (or emial/fax him) with a list and get his price quote. Then, if you feel up to it, repair it yourself.

Unless one has experienced the same, there is no way to explain the sick feeling in your gut as you watch your bike "do the Watusi" and then the mental anguish as you relive it and "beat yorself up". IIRC, the thought process goes something like, "Stupid, stupid, stupid! I know better. Why did I do that? "

I'm glad to hear that you are not injured. Looks like you ought to ride with the "torotoises" for awhile rather than the "rabbits" :D .

Re: The engine case. That's why some of us have the Engine Armour C/F cover from BikeJohnny. There's not much protecting the oil cooled alternator.

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Sorry to hear of the FJR going down.

Don't kick yourself over this, (like I would do) get the bike fixed as soon as you can and get back to riding.

Glad you are OK with nothing broken.

[SIZE=14pt]WOW!! [/SIZE]

Thanks for the kind words guys. I really am happy to be uninjured. A broken rib is a major injury compared to me. I think I might have brusied my knees, but the next couple of days might reveal othe pains, but I would be surprised. I went down gently. I think the bike would have come out much better if it hadn't taken a tumble.

My son in law was behind me when it happened. He didn't see it, but my bike was still on move when he came around the turn. He was really impressed with how tough the FJR is.

The throttle was jammed, so I removed some metal in the throttle grip and rode home using the rear peg for a foot rest and trying not to pay attention to where the handlebars were pointing.

Gonna go lick my mental wounds now.

Thanks again... you guys are the best. :D

Great to hear that you're OK.

It seems (based on your damage assesment) that the sliders did exactly what they're supposed to do, too. That's good news for your wallet.

Back on the horse!

The important thing is that you're ok. Don't worry about the bike. All the metal bits CAN BE FIXED or replaced, but the human bits can't.

Tumbling causes massive cosmetic damage. If your frame is scratched, you can probably total out the bike out and collect on the insurance (frame replacement is usually too expensive to justify replacement even if it's only cosmetic damage). Get an estimate on the bike then ask you insurance agent what the impact of the claim will be.

My gut feeling is that your bike is totalled or close to it if the insurance company has to bring it back to "pre-accident" condition. New bike time!!!! :D

Glad you didn't get hurt. If you want to ride fast next time, just go to the track. You'll never bother riding fast on the street again.

I think I might have brusied my knees, ....... I went down gently.
My son in law was behind me

You never know what perverted mind is reading a post.

Laughter the best medicine.

Glad your OK.

You just joined the waiters list! :eek:

Get a proffessional assessment of the damage and go from there on the insurance thing. If its just cosmetic damage and you can live with fairing damage do it. Fix the can hangars though. That way a report is not filed because as most of you know an insurance co will total most bikes in a heart beat over minor stuff.

Although that might be a good thing. Take the money then buy it back at the insurance auction fix it and make money on the deal! Pay for your med bills. :D

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Glad to see you come out in one piece. Bikes can be replaced-riders can't.

Also, some insurance companies will allow you to keep the bike even if they declare a total loss. Basically, if declared totaled-they issue check for $XXX.xx, if you wish to keep the bike anyway, they issue check for $YYY.yy (which will be less what they would expect to receive from said totaled bike at auction.) Then you fix it out of your pocket and ride.

Weigh it out and see what is in your best interests.

Cheers coyote. Thanks for mentioning "target fixation" as the cause. Pretty common cause of accidents,probably. One thing dirt riding teaches is to look where you want to go,not where you don't want to go.Warrants LOTS of practise. Glad you're ok.

Coyote, first I glad your okay. Second, you will be shocked on the cost of repairing your beloved FJR. When I dropped mine, I thought it wasn't that bad. It was totaled, and I road it 200 miles from the crash site. Most insurance co. will go to 80% to fix one. It sounds like a claim to me, but good luck and keep us posted.... ;) Smitty

Glad you're OK, sorry about the bike. Don't do that again!

My advice is to turn it over to the insurance company. Sounds like the cost to get it back to showroom condition is significant and there could be lot's of hidden damage. I drove mine 10 miles home and 40 miles to the shop. It drove fine but the insurance company totaled it. Been wondering if you should upgrade to an '06?


'Been there - done that on my beloved FJR. I ditto all the things mentioned.

I just remember mentally kicking myself over and over. Don't do that, just kick yourself ONE time real hard in the a## and get it over with. :angry:

Okay, take a deep breath, move on, get the feejer fixed and join the happy riding club. :rolleyes:

Glad you're okay. Some people aren't so lucky - keep that in mind. You're one of the lucky ones. :bigeyes:

"Hi my name is Mark, and I crashed my feejer. Hi Mark..." :D
