69,179. Not really much of a significant number but last year after the MoonShine burger run, I had 55,555. So that translates into 13,624. Not bad for a year considering I really did not have more than a couple of big trips. This bike had less miles in the first 10 years than it has had put on it by me in the last 2 years.
That 13,624 is more than most of the Harley guys around here have total on their rides.
I am still in awe of some of the real champs that have 6 digits on their rides. I have no doubt my silver streak will go that far, but some of these deals on Gen 3s are starting to bait me. Makes me start thinking about any potential Farkles must be transferable or I just can't justify them. Kinda like planning to cheat on a girlfriend. Seems dirty to do even think this about doing this to her.