FJRBluesman is Buying Lunch in NorCal

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Jun 8, 2007
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Shingle Springs, California
As some are aware, FJRBluesman (Simon) will be up in this area this weekend,(riding the best motorcycle roads in the world),

and we're trying to gather some of you local knobs to join him for lunch near Placerville, on Sunday, the 20th.

He's not really gonna buy us lunch, ...but he will be handing out dollar bills. ...I think.

Sooo, perhaps a little ride over some Sierra roads that morning, and a rendezvous with Simon at noon,

for group pictures and insult-trading?

Lunch Spot - (I've never eaten there. I hear it's great!)

Poor Red's Bar-B-Q

6221 Pleasant Valley Road

El Dorado, CA 95623-4232 -

(530) 622-2901

(They open at exactly 12 on Sundays, and will take orders immediately.)


Meeting at Starbucks in Auburn, CA. Foresthill Exit off I-80 east.

Right next to the Chevron Station.

KSU - 0900!

So far, we've got -

exskibum and Judy


Sacramento Mike

HYCLE -and Terri?





Flying Junior





It would be great to see ALL of the area Forumites there. It'll be a short day, and the weather forecast

looks great! (COOL!)

(We realize that it's Father's Day and many will have other plans already. Sorry for the short notice.)

Let us know if you can make it so we'll know how many to expect.

Sacramento Mike will call Poor Red's and make sure they're ready for us.

exskibum and MadMike are working on a route for the "pre-ribs" ride.

0800 or 0900? [SIZE=8pt]49/193/Wentworth Springs Rd.? and back to Placerville/El Dorado?[/SIZE]

(I ain't no route planner.)

Simon. Be on time!

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:( Alas ............... would that we could, but we can't ......... A previous heavy metal (NOT the FJR) engagement awaits me, with Son n Grandson :) A Daddy - Daddy Day..

You all ride safe huh? Hi to Simon.

Damn... Poor Reds is only 5 miles from my house, but I already have plans to go hiking on Sunday.

BTW, I saw You and MM2 last weekend riding up Hwy 50 on my way back from hiking Horsetail Falls. I honked and waved from my 4Runner.

Can I go?

This was a Top Secret ride and OM just blew the lid off. The Feds will be at your door in a few minutes...

Poor Red's BBQ may be crowded for Fathers Day, who knows. I've never eaten there but hear it's a great place in food and history.

I hope to be there about noonish, depends on pic shots, and other stops, etc.

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OM, Dood! I'd be there in a NY minute, but I also have prior plans. Judging by the attendance list so far, looks to be a great bunch, most of whom I've ridden with at one time or another. Sorry I can't make this one, but I know with you on the job, quality pics of the guilty will be published!

Can I go?

This was a Top Secret ride and OM just blew the lid off.
That's what I was led to believe!

The Feds will be at your door in a few minutes...
With guns and handcuffs drawn, I hope!

exskibum and MadMike are working on a route for the "pre-ribs" ride.We'll meet in Auburn, at the Foresthill exit Starbucks, if that's cool with y'all.

0800 or 0900?
Well, that's news to me! Uhm....Rich?

49/193/Wentworth Springs Rd.? and back to Placerville/El Dorado?(I ain't no route planner.)
The last time I was on that road it was with Andrew and we had to turn around because of the snow.
Er.....Simon, don't be late. Oh, we'll be the ones riding the cool bikes. :rolleyes:

Lets see;

1. B-fast with Dad and daughter #2 Erin.

2. Ride dirt roads with Erin to scout out a camp site at Bear River Reservoir.

3. Take the dirt roads to El Dorado in time for lunch.

I think it's doable. :blink:

Count us in for lunch as a hopeful two!

Top secret, but I was under the misimpression that it was Saturday. Not a problem to me either way, though. Yes, Judy is coming, but probably won't have her Motoport suit until next week (I believe it was built today).

Poor Reds is famous for its Golden Cadillacs -- an unusually tasty alcoholic beverage with Galliano (and cream?) that they concocted decades ago. I think it was about 25 years ago that I was there for the purpose of sampling them one summer night -- but in a limo with the ex's bosses, instead of on 2 wheels.

Looks like OM already more or less planned a fine route with his suggestion, subject only to finishing it off and calculating the time it will take to get to Poor Reds that way (and therefore, the time for meeting and kickstands up). I'll finish his Foresthill Rd. to Old Foresthill Rd. (down to the confluence) to 49 to 193 to Wentworth Springs initial offering with the following: Ice House Road south to 50 west to Sly Park Road south and west to Pleasant Valley Road west into the burg of El Dorado and its Poor Reds eating establishment. That's at least 2 hours, almost certainly more, but will require a bit of MapSource route wrangling to get an estimate.

Should be fun. Poor Reds isn't a big place, in case someone is checking on availability of seating.

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Good point on seating. I didn't make any arrangements as I didn't think anyone would show. OM said the CBA NoCal'ers probably wouldn't make it. :p It is Father's Day and Poor Red's is very small from what I hear. We'll play it buy ear.

MM2 - No worries, the Fed's will do their job... they like tasing people for the fun of it. Should be a hoot on OM, we can all take turns. :lol:

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Called Poor Red's earlier.

They assured me that 10-14 people shouldn't be a problem,

especially if we get there at noon, just as they're opening.

(Just updated the list.)

We'll nail down the morning meeting time by Saturday morning, okay?

Poor Red's Bar-B-Q6221 Pleasant Valley Road

El Dorado, CA 95623-4232 -

(530) 622-2901

(They open at exactly 12 on Sundays, and will take orders immediately.)
Oh Good! Now if I get "lost" again, I know exactly where to be at what time to catch up :)

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He's not really gonna buy us lunch, ...but he will be handing out dollar bills. ...I think.
A natural mistake. He gets that impression about everybody cuz folks are always tucking dollar bills into his waistband.

Sacramento Mike will call Poor Red's and make sure they're ready for us.
Being a "plan ahead" kind of guy, I called Tuesday. They're ready, all right. ;)

Poor Reds is famous for its Golden Cadillacs --
Yep, sure is ....and like Rich says for millions of years now. I use to frequent the place but took a 20year break and recently went back. It's great to see a place that keeps things going year after year. This was a good choice.

I'm not sure I'll be there, but it is tempting ........

Will somebody volunteer to be RJ's cut-man?
Hell To The No.

I wouldn't bring a tub of Vaseline anywhere near that guy. God knows what he would try to do!!!!! :dribble:

I need to tell my Dad that he is jacking up my riding plans. I definitely wanted to be there.

Mormon Emigrant Trail is open (and has been for a while?), it is mostly clear of debris, except near Iron Mountain Lake Road (according to GPS) where I had to slice my way through gravel which was everywhere in the West bound lane.


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