Going to the Dark Side

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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But respectability still seems to elude us. . . <_<
Speaking on behalf of the FJR's obese cousin (the Hondapotomus), respectability will always elude... no matter how many join the Dark Side.

(Over on the GL1800 board we are banished to our own 'back of the bus' sub-board -- and there are about 1,100 of us.)

Go figure.

But respectability still seems to elude us. . . <_<
Speaking on behalf of the FJR's obese cousin (the Hondapotomus), respectability will always elude... no matter how many join the Dark Side.

(Over on the GL1800 board we are banished to our own 'back of the bus' sub-board -- and there are about 1,100 of us.)

Go figure.
Distant cousins harboring the same affliction are none the less appreciated. Welcome to the forum.


darksider #44

This is so damn personally embarrassing to me! Until I posted up pictures of our latest FJR Forum Ride to Mexico, my AZ Beemers BMW Buddies thought that only the Hondapotamus Jerks were stupid enough to run a car tire on a motorcycle. But, they now have seen the car tire on the back of SkooterG's and realize that even FJR folks are deranged. Here I have been pointing out the FJR to my BMW Friends for years as being ridden by smart motorcyclists and now they know they ugly and repulsive truth. SO DAMN SAD!!! I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!

Great pics, sounds and looks like a great trip.

So Don, is the picture of the Greggmobile with the car rear tire a photo shop trick or is that one for real? Skootie rides the "Dark Side"? (I learned last weekend at the AZ wing rally in tucson the Goldwingers call those with car rear tires Dark Siders!)
https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=112537&st=0 Read it and weep, Steve. The FJR Forum Darksider Thread is 67 pages long, has 2,660 Replies and has been viewed 92,660 Times. And on the last page is our SkooterG being awarded his Official FJR Forum Darksider No.! Those Sick Bastards!!

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You brag about (and criticize) your illegitimate son, then call him and the rest of us bastards?

It's what the word means, ya dufus!!!!!!

:p :p :p

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I just posted on FB that the CT did just fine on the high speed sweepers through the Rigolets Wildlife Refuge. Felt safe and exiierated at same speeds as PR2 (80ish).

And the new Gen 2 Adaptive TPX Radar Detect gave plenty of warning a trooper was sitting on the side of the road shooting Ka. I waived as I passed @ 54.

I decided to run 29psi till the edges are worn some.

600mi in last 7 days.

I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!
Just goes to show you what happens when you don't provide proper training to them on the use of their rubber(s)!! :rolleyes:
Brother Roy, isn't that the damn truth! In 20-20 hindsight I should have just jacked off, though his Mom and I did discuss pinching his head off and selling the milk!

I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!
Just goes to show you what happens when you don't provide proper training to them on the use of their rubber(s)!! :rolleyes:
Brother Roy, isn't that the damn truth! In 20-20 hindsight I should have just jacked off, though his Mom and I did discuss pinching his head off and selling the milk!
Jeebus Don...That there has got to be one of the worst things you have ever said. :eek: AND you have said some interesting ****. :blink: I think the AZ heat is getting to your brain. Why don't you ride to Albuquerque for the weekend and we'll ride the mountians? You can bring the ******** with you. :p

I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!
Just goes to show you what happens when you don't provide proper training to them on the use of their rubber(s)!! :rolleyes:
Brother Roy, isn't that the damn truth! In 20-20 hindsight I should have just jacked off, though his Mom and I did discuss pinching his head off and selling the milk!
Jeebus Don...That there has got to be one of the worst things you have ever said. :eek: AND you have said some interesting ****. :blink: I think the AZ heat is getting to your brain. Why don't you ride to Albuquerque for the weekend and we'll ride the mountians? You can bring the ******** with you. :p
Hola AJ, set up a roadblock on Interstate 40 at 3pm your time and you can catch that ******** yourself! Greg's roommate Dennis and I signed off on his Iron Butt Association Certification paperwork at 0915 today in Phoenix, he is coming through Albuquerque on his way to Chicago; he is knocking off a 1500 miler IBA Cert on his way to have sexual adventures with WheatonFJR and his other Illinois home boys!

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I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!
Just goes to show you what happens when you don't provide proper training to them on the use of their rubber(s)!! :rolleyes:
Brother Roy, isn't that the damn truth! In 20-20 hindsight I should have just jacked off, though his Mom and I did discuss pinching his head off and selling the milk!
Jeebus Don...That there has got to be one of the worst things you have ever said. :eek: AND you have said some interesting ****. :blink: I think the AZ heat is getting to your brain. Why don't you ride to Albuquerque for the weekend and we'll ride the mountians? You can bring the ******** with you. :p
Hola AJ, set up a roadblock on Interstate 40 at 3pm your time and you can catch that ******** yourself! Greg's roommate Dennis and I signed off on his Iron Butt Association Certification paperwork at 0915 today in Phoenix, he is coming through Albuquerque on his way to Chicago; he is knocking off a 1500 miler IBA Cert on his way to have sexual adventures breakfast with WheatonFJR and his other Illinois home boys!
I now know why this thread is called "going to the Darkside."

...oh, and Don, thanks for the warning...Skooty doesn't know it but we're all meeting at a different place for breakfast. shhhh...don't say a word.

"Roommate" That's what they're calling it now, huh? :unsure:

Is he riding that disgusting car tire or a regular motorcycle tire? Inquiring minds want to know.

I am going to disown that illegitimate bastard kid of mine!!!
Just goes to show you what happens when you don't provide proper training to them on the use of their rubber(s)!! :rolleyes:
Brother Roy, isn't that the damn truth! In 20-20 hindsight I should have just jacked off, though his Mom and I did discuss pinching his head off and selling the milk!
Jeebus Don...That there has got to be one of the worst things you have ever said. :eek: AND you have said some interesting ****. :blink: I think the AZ heat is getting to your brain. Why don't you ride to Albuquerque for the weekend and we'll ride the mountians? You can bring the ******** with you. :p
Hola AJ, set up a roadblock on Interstate 40 at 3pm your time and you can catch that ******** yourself! Greg's roommate Dennis and I signed off on his Iron Butt Association Certification paperwork at 0915 today in Phoenix, he is coming through Albuquerque on his way to Chicago; he is knocking off a 1500 miler IBA Cert on his way to have sexual adventures breakfast with WheatonFJR and his other Illinois home boys!
I now know why this thread is called "going to the Darkside."

...oh, and Don, thanks for the warning...Skooty doesn't know it but we're all meeting at a different place for breakfast. shhhh...don't say a word.
I'm enjoying this immensely, but I have to say that you guys are giving new meaning to the phrase "going off topic."

****...It's 3:44 now...If only I woulda known, I woulda had one of our new guys practice his cavity search technique on Skoot....

On second thought, no I wouldn't have. Skoot woulda liked it too much and probably began stalking my guy. :eek:

****...It's 3:44 now...If only I woulda known, I woulda had one of our new guys practice his cavity search technique on Skoot....

On second thought, no I wouldn't have. Skoot woulda liked it too much and probably began stalking my guy. :eek:
Here you go juniorfjr and HotRodZilla, Penisbreath should be rolling into Wheaton, Illinois in 30 hours time from now. His roomie Dennis and I signed his IBA 1,500miles in 36 hour forms at 0915 AZ time, Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish! He's probably rolling through Santa Rosa en Nuevo Mexico right about now!


When El Pendejo Grande (The Big *******!) submitts his IBA paperwork to Mike Kneebone, we both are going to deny we even know this *******!


I was actually really surprised that he could read and write, considering that SkooterG graduated from Wheaton High School!


And here is SkooterG's FJR with that ******* car tire on the back! Swear to God that anyone who would run a car tire on an FJR would suck a dick, if you left the duck cheese on it!


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I had to switch to the phone to see the pictures of that fine motorcycle, damn computer nazis at work. A good choice indeed u
