Group Buy for the Passport 8500 X50 radar detector

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My red order w/warranty is in. Jack was very helpful.

I debated on getting the ground loop isolator $24.95 to plug the sound into my radio mixer, but decided to stick with my screamer.

Now I'm looking for a water proof box to put this thing in. I velcro my current one on the brake reservoir - I think I've seen a plastic box somewhere to put things like this into so I can leave the detector out in bad weather.

Thanks Skyway :clap:

Rogue, thanks A LOT for rubbing it in...

Rogue's good deal

Looks like a sweet unit--I got my price for the Group Buy today from Jack at Escort. For a mere $85 more, I get a brand new, never been drooled on X50 with the free hardwire kit.

Wish I had this in Oregon about a year ago, would have paid for it. By the way, life just got stiffer there...

Oh Brother, where art thou?

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Wish I had this in Oregon about a year ago, would have paid for it. By the way, life just got stiffer there...Oh Brother, where art thou?
"Fifty-one percent of all the violators involved in the citations were drivers aged 15-24."

I guess Oregon had better stop giving all those 15 yr old liscenses..then they wouldn't have to worry about the speeders... :D


Just got off the phone with Jack at Escort (nice guy) placed my order. He said I was the 7th one. Three more to make this happen. $269.95 for a 8500x50 with red LED. Check is on the way Skyway. Thank You, Flowback.

Just got off the phone with Jack at Escort (nice guy) placed my order. He said I was the 7th one. Three more to make this happen. $269.95 for a 8500x50 with red LED. Check is on the way Skyway. Thank You, Flowback.
Crossing my fingers my house sale closes Friday...

then I'm calling!



guess I am the last to get in ,, but will call on Monday and get you the $$ asap ,,

I need one !!!! Bad !!!! with the $500 I paid for violations :angry: on the BRP last year this is cheep !!!!

thanks for putting out the effort !!

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I was out of town last week and left a note for one of my kids to mail the check on the 1st. It was still on my desk when I got home. :angry:

Anyway. the check is in the mail today.

I was out of town last week and left a note for one of my kids to mail the check on the 1st. It was still on my desk when I got home. :angry:
Anyway. the check is in the mail today.
Hey, I like that one! Sure beats, "it's in the mail!" :D

Okay, it looks like this is a go. Talked to Jack just now, he said I'm number nine and Skyway makes ten, which is actually a bit disappointing in that it seemed like we had more interest than that. No worries! I'll send a cashier's check out today. Thanks again Skyway! :clap:

Someone once told me (perhaps Warchild??) that BLUE destroys night vision, where as RED does not.

I have the BLUE version but haven't ridden at night with it.

Someone once told me (perhaps Warchild??) that BLUE destroys night vision, where as RED does not.
I have the BLUE version but haven't ridden at night with it.
Nah, I have the disco blue dash in my VDub. It's mixed with red and I find the red more annoying...

I unintentionally lied when I said I was sending out a check on Friday!? I could not get in touch with Jack then to get a total. I talked to him today, got a total, and the check is on it's way. He said I was #8, not including Syway, but it looks like a few others are in and we are over the 10 we need.

Somehow I have missed this thread...doh!  I'll call tomorrow and see if I can still get in.
You can! Just make sure you call between 9 AM and 2 PM OUR TIME. And prepare to be on hold - a long time. Skyway gets back on the 8th so he'll need your check PDQ.

Somehow I have missed this thread...doh!  I'll call tomorrow and see if I can still get in.
You can! Just make sure you call between 9 AM and 2 PM OUR TIME. And prepare to be on hold - a long time. Skyway gets back on the 8th so he'll need your check PDQ.
Hmmm... I called, left my phone number, and Jack called me back about 5 minutes later...

now to send Ian a check tomorrow...

the only thing is figuring out whether to pay Ian for shipping or take a ride to his house to get it...<BG>


Somehow I have missed this thread...doh!  I'll call tomorrow and see if I can still get in.
You can! Just make sure you call between 9 AM and 2 PM OUR TIME. And prepare to be on hold - a long time. Skyway gets back on the 8th so he'll need your check PDQ.
Hmmm... I called, left my phone number, and Jack called me back about 5 minutes later...

now to send Ian a check tomorrow...

the only thing is figuring out whether to pay Ian for shipping or take a ride to his house to get it...<BG>

Escort will ship it straight to you.

I'm finally back to civilization. I will call Jack to check up on the status of this GB. It looks like enough people have commited to make this thing happen, which will include me when I call in my order as well.

If by chance there are any others who might still want in, now is the time to step up. Once I pay a visit to my bank to tie this all together, thats it.
