How fast have you been

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Hey I think I'd like the carny life! Traveling the country, eating good food and seldom bathing,seein' all those beauties,having 12 kids with 12 different wimmin, hidin from the law..... :lol:


But home is still Gibsonton
Oh Gawd, say it ain't so!

You one of them carny freaks? It would 'splain LOTS, Lucy! :)
Nope though I did spend time with em :p My Aunt owns an RV/ trailer park there, right along Bullfrog Creek. Don't know if you're familiar with the area but is the Giants Camp restaurant still there??

Holy SHIT! When I was a broke-ass college student back in '70, goin' to USF, I LIVED IN AN RV/TRAILER PARK ON BULLFROG CREEK! OMFG!!! Right on U.S. 41!


Don't know if the restaurant is still open, but I used to eat breakfast there all the time before going to work at the Cargill fertilizer plant down the road.

Ain't the world small? Kinda like your pe......... :****:

Unfreakin believable Howie! Thats the place alright. :eek:

You were there about the time my uncle started running it for his father in law. Nistol park back then. Both of those guys are gone now but uncles wife still runs the joint. Funny I had a job offer at Cargill, but went to work @ cash auto salvage in riverview.

Small world indeed.


156 according to my GPS ( "closed course" on private property). Windshield down, panniers (sidecases) on. Beware, "Verily, the horizon approacheth with much haste."

140-indicated on my old XS1100 (same "closed course" & private property). Full dress, Windjammer fairing and hard saddlebags with chrome guards, top case.

Then there was the time, on my Connie......

Et tu, cyoungmo, your speed was?
130 so far, looking for that "closed course" everyone refers to. Know of any close to Stl? Or maybe I will just try it

through my subdivision ;)

It's common law that when you ride in your neighborhood(or within five miles of yer house) you don't need to wear gear.

120 GPS on the FJR

135 on the Valkyrie

125 on the ZRX1100

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Bike spedo showed 150 and GPS showed 143. This was one up with one week worth of clothes, tent and sleeping bag on bike on the way to Death Valley.

I spent a little time on one of those "professional closed courses" in Montana last summer on my 97 CBR1100XX. The bike was still accelerating through 165 mph when I had to slow for traffic that was traveling in the same direction as me, but only going 130. No way to hit those kind of speeds anywhere near my home due to constant traffic and LEO presence.

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I've had my FJR red lined at just under 150 on the speedo with the bags on. Still trying to figure out how to make it faster. Done 158 on my SV1000S and 170ish on a buddies R1.
