I bet Ponyfool and Pigster know this guy...

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I'll be out $225 (that's about a gazillion US dollars these days)
:lol: :****:

Well like the pig said, none of us were there. Could be the guy from Bend displayed a totally shitty/offensive attitude when he tried to badge his way out of a ticket. I'm sure not all cops blindly give a pass to other cops though I'm sure most will. Could be the State Trooper just lost it and isn't about to admit making a mistake. Point is, we'll never know cuz we weren't there.

Well It sounds like your "friend" was WRONG.. Egos and anger should always take a backseat to common sense when an officer is using descretion when determining a charge level... This being a big "Should" but doesn't always happen.. Hence the check and balance of the Courts. I guess your friends side of the story has been determined to be incorrect..at least for eluding... BY YOUR COURTS. What is he suppose to say? I stand corrected.... Over zealous trooper.
Like I said, none of us were there - what's the purpose in getting into the mind of the Trooper or the LEO who ended up pleading guilty to violations? Makes no difference, really, unless you're merely looking for a place to blow hot air about cops.

I could say you were butt ugly at birth - you'd say I was. Fact is, neither of us were in a position to make that call - only our mamas could...and who are we to doubt 'em?

Possibly, he didn't know he was being chased.....
Considering he is being vouched for as "a good guy", has been an officer for quite awhile, had his daughter riding pillion, and eventually did stop, I have to think that he didn't know he was being chased.

(Slight hijack to support my thoughts on this article) For example, I once had no idea I was being pursued years ago when I was driving a car on a hilly, twisty road (but I never passed anyone nor was I at the speeds of this guy on his bike). I never heard a siren and never saw any lights. An officer pursued me for about 5 miles until he found me stopped at a light. One reason he believed that I didn't know he was chasing me was that I was stopped at a stoplight at 1am with no other other traffic...I could easily have gone through the light well before he caught up to me. Of course, I still I got a ticket! :rolleyes:

Anyway, the truth may never be known but I think there is a good chance he didn't know he was being chased. Nevertheless, I hate the fact that he was riding like that with his daughter on the back. :glare:
Seems likely that he just didnt realize he was being chased. I too have been chased by a state trooper near Issaquah WA on I-90 when i was 16-17 years old. I managed to get off the freeway and shoot up a mile long hill and get to my neighborhood before he caught up with me. He only caught me because I never speed in the neighborhood. He was pissed but I told him i had no idea he was back there (i didnt).

Well It sounds like your "friend" was WRONG.. Egos and anger should always take a backseat to common sense when an officer is using descretion when determining a charge level... This being a big "Should" but doesn't always happen.. Hence the check and balance of the Courts. I guess your friends side of the story has been determined to be incorrect..at least for eluding... BY YOUR COURTS. What is he suppose to say? I stand corrected.... Over zealous trooper.
Like I said, none of us were there - what's the purpose in getting into the mind of the Trooper or the LEO who ended up pleading guilty to violations? Makes no difference, really, unless you're merely looking for a place to blow hot air about cops.

I could say you were butt ugly at birth - you'd say I was. Fact is, neither of us were in a position to make that call - only our mamas could...and who are we to doubt 'em?


I could never doubt your Mammy or mine.....

Hahahahaha!!!! Too funny!!

Well,... I really ain't into blowing hot air about you or I..

I don't appreciate that as much as the next(but my opinions,

training and experience are first hand I assure you)...

The mind of someone who is unable to determine friends

or foes is not something I can relate to OR would ever care to!!

In the business of millions of colors it is a shame to be

color blind. Now if the Bend Officer was "cocking off" to the

trooper then I can understand the trooper not offering any

"professional courtesy" and tagging him BUT... inflating a

charge and making a shaky arrest because of your

ego is poor police work..(if you refer to writing traffic citations

for a living police work)..If thats what happened. Again I wasn't



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Well like the pig said, none of us were there. Could be the guy from Bend displayed a totally shitty/offensive attitude when he tried to badge his way out of a ticket. I'm sure not all cops blindly give a pass to other cops though I'm sure most will. Could be the State Trooper just lost it and isn't about to admit making a mistake. Point is, we'll never know cuz we weren't there.

Well evil, you have pretty good instincts. The Bend LEO actually did get a bit mouthy with the OSP trooper. However,the OSP trooper has some issues of his own, from what I understand. Unfortunately, when you put the two together in this type of situation something unpleasant is going to happen. I suppose ego and inter agency rivalry were factors as well. I don't have a dog in this fight so I think things worked out reasonably well for all concerned.

There's something here that just doesn't gel? A career Copper, By all accounts very good at his job and well respected? And to do something potentially dangerous with his daughter on the back? Na something here is not quite right.
Gotta agree with you Thug....something more than meets the eye.

Just speculating here....the guy takes off 'cause he's got a beer or two on his breath. Hopes he can make it to a cut-off somewhere and lose his LEO brother, but wises-up and finally pulls over.

The reason he doesn't get the "common courtesy 'slow down and c'ya, brother'" speech is the beer on his breath. The arresting LEO has already called it in during the pursuit so he charges the dude with the lesser of 2 evils.

SOMETHING impaired his judgment.

Pure wild-ass-guess speculation.
Of all the scenarios and speculation put forth here, this one sounds the most plausible. Don't get a big head Radio. :D

I agree FJRrambo,

The Bend Officer got some traffic tags(probably was riding with his head up his ass BUT I wasn't there) and the trooper got his name on cops tagging cops dot com(sounds deserved, Sorry FJRpig and Pony I don't need to be there to have that opinion).


Nuttin' wrong with cops taggin' cops if you ask me. Been there, done that a few times from violations to DUII. They deserved it, they knew it and I'd expect nothing less if I got scooped. An off-duty cop's poor decision is no reason for me to make one too and risk my employment - and I can assure you that I, or any other Trooper with the Oregon State Police, would be risking our job to give a pass on a traffic crime.

Professional courtesy out west isn't exactly what you see in other parts of the country, what you saw twenty years ago or what you see on TV (the basis for most folks' assumptions about our profession <_< ). There's such a thing called integrity and it's the basis of every aspect of how we run our outfit here. Check out our website Oregon State Police and I think that will be evident in our mission. (To take a peek at one of the two sections I manage, click here FJR Pig on the job - NAFO beer to the lucky guy or gal who can find my photo)

Oh, and I took so long to type this, that the Sox just won the World Series. Woohoo! :yahoo:

Pig, over and out

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NAFO beer to the lucky guy or gal who can find my photo
That was too easy (too few red herring links), Pigster. I'll have an amber ale, please. I'm thinking that there'll be a line behind me, though.
We'll judge your success by your ability to pick me out of the crowd at the NAFO bar...I'll be in my FJR uniform then. ;)

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How many FJR Owners can say they have not exceeded the speed limit with a passenger on board??????? ( Not Freaking many)
Give the Guy a break, He wasn't doing anything that you or I haven't done numerous times.

+1 Gunny!!

Nuttin' wrong with cops taggin' cops if you ask me. Been there, done that a few times from violations to DUII. They deserved it, they knew it and I'd expect nothing less if I got scooped. An off-duty cop's poor decision is no reason for me to make one too and risk my employment - and I can assure you that I, or any other Trooper with the Oregon State Police, would be risking our job to give a pass on a traffic crime.

Wow Pig!!! I bet you keep your FJR at the speed limit all the time. Either that or you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror. Your saying the Oregon State Police don't allow their troopers any discretion???? HUH... lose your job for not writing a traffic citation...BULLSHIT! You might be able to sell that one to the poor saps you "have to" tag but you wont be able to sell that to any real street cops(cause they know better). Nuttin wrong with taggin cops HMMMM... You been there and done that too... I suspect you have never had your ass kicked on the job and have no understanding of what it feels like to have the calvary(other cops) arrive to save your ass. Because you wouldn't be that way if you did. I guess when all you do is write tags ... thats all you know... And that is a shame... Here is some advice. There are much much much bigger fish to fry if you really want to make a difference in this World.. Let that poor taxpayer go for the minor stuff(if they aren't running their mouths), grow some balls actually put yourself in harms way and find some GUNS, DOPE, and FELONS. In other words.. Change your priorities and figure out what is a BIG deal!! Pretend that your a real street cop dealing with real problems and real bad people.... Not just a over paid meter maid, acting holier than now, taggin everything that moves. If this post rubs you the wrong way... It should!! :angry:


Your saying the Oregon State Police don't allow their troopers any discretion???? HUH... lose your job for not writing a traffic citation...BULLSHIT!
I guess when all you do is write tags ... thats all you know... And that is a shame... Here is some advice. There are much much much bigger fish to fry if you really want to make a difference in this World.. Let that poor taxpayer go for the minor stuff(if they aren't running their mouths), grow some balls actually put yourself in harms way and find some GUNS, DOPE, and FELONS. In other words.. Change your priorities and figure out what is a BIG deal!! Pretend that your a real street cop dealing with real problems and real bad people.... Not just a over paid meter maid, acting holier than now, taggin everything that moves. If this post rubs you the wrong way... It should!! :angry:
WW - your post doesn't rub me the wrong way. Your ignorance was evident several posts ago, so I kind of laugh when I see a new one.

First - take a breath, man. Second, if you re-read what I said, I was discussing traffic crimes, not violations - to which I assume you refer when you say citation. The elude which this thread was based on is a traffic crime out here, WW, not a violation. You might have missed this, too, but as I mentioned, maybe it works a bit different out here in Orygun than in your state, eh? Come on out here and I'll give you a tour, take you for a ride and open your eyes to 21st century law enforcement.

Take a second to really re-read my last post and understand what I actually do. The link is right in front of you if you read what I provided. My days of writing tix are behind me and I am working what you would call a "big" deal.

By the way, what do YOU do for a living? Come out from behind that door your yelling from and open yourself up to some unprovoked criticism.

There's no reason to get upset, WW. No one is attacking you. Maybe its best you leave this thread alone and let the grown ups discuss it until you can contribute adequately. :dntknw:

Fjr Pig,

I ain't mad at you.. Even though you consider your references to law enforcement as "grown up,adequate or proper."

Don't mistake my lack of career advertising or braggart on a public forum as a lack of career or Education. I have

had this discussion with Pony about your state and mine. Fortunately, my state has more privacy laws than yours

(from what I gathered from Pony). I respect Pony for keeping our PM's regarding jobs private because they were. See

my state cannot make personal information public(unless you want it to be) and I choose not to be googled. Though, if

you want to have a personal (PM) debate about the whole career outlook I don't have a problem with that. I suspect by

your demeaner you haven't seen much more than the inside of a tag book. BUT maybe I am wrong.. Will see.


I suspect by your demeaner you haven't seen much more than the inside of a tag book. BUT maybe I am wrong.. Will see.
Hey, just ask around this site. Quite a few people here know me, my "demeaner" as you say, and what I do, specifically.

I provided a link to my office earlier - literally my section, not just the Department. It's on the world wide "webby" so there's little secrecy or privacy there. Read up when you get a sec and you'll see there is little work with a "tag book" being done by my shop. Honestly, you know little about me. I'm offering you a chance to read up on some public records here because your statements "ain't" accurate.

Know need to name drop in my backyard. Pony and I briefly discussed your conversation with him when it occurred and it started off just like ours has, full of ignorance and disgust from you for what we do out here. I know that he got you calmed down. Do the same thing here. Seriously, man, don't speak to things you know little about. It makes you look foolish.

I've got to save the rest of my comments for Friday.

Sorry Pig,

I post on this forum because I love bikes.. NOT to brag about my J.O.B. Like you have done. I just find it funny how you

want to be known as one of the LEO GURU's of this forum and you can have it. Though, I find it very interesting how your

statements, ethics and opinions are so drastically different from the majority of real street Cops, maybe even a lot of

Troopers of this great Nation. Your misrepresenting everytime you start offering your OSP supervisor stories. Then you take

offense when you get called on it. If you don't think bragging about arresting and tagging good people (including off-duty

cops) is offensive to LEO's and good folks alike, then you are lost in your ethical highrise. Sorry that I ain't buying into it and

I want other good people to see through what your typing. Based on your statments, most good LEO's are nothing like you.

That is my point MR.ALLGROWNUP. Now, you just need to find some friends (people that don't work for you) who want to

hear (but don't have to) all about your ethical considerations and that you are a LEO. Then you will not feel the need to put it

in print on this forum. I will leave the name calling to you. Levels of intelligence and education they are.


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Excellent subject to post, warchild.......I tacitly applaud you.


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

You are correct! He deserves a few hands!


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