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Alley Oop says Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year to us all...


Here's me with my Alaskan Malamoot Joe skiing this morning. We are not exactly in Alaska but we do have quite some snow though. No chance to ride the bike, so have to enjoy alternative activities



Hi, guys.

I need to ask a favor from ya.

My 10-year-old tuxedo kitteh, Scully, is sick. We're not sure what's wrong with her but Sooze and I are worried sick. Yes, I lost sleep over a kitteh. But she's no ordinary kitteh - I swear that she has to be one of the smartest kittehs ever. She's like the smart raptor - she's always "figuring things out."

Sooze is gonna take her to the vet at 2:00.

Do me a favor, even if you're not a "cat person" and just send 'er some get-well mojo.

Here she is doing one of her favorite things in the world - watching pretty much any wildlife show, but especially any show with tigers or bears. She likes NASCAR, too.


And one of her favorite places - on the couch with dad, even after we were gone for a 3-week road trip back in 2010.


I'm really worried about my little girl...


Scully is back home.

She has a slight urinary tract infection, so she got an antibiotics shot and a fluid IV 'cause she's a bit dehydrated.

We are awaiting the rest of the lab results to see if she has a (hopefully treatable) kidney disorder.

Should know more tomorrow...

The late, richard the cat 8/16/12
LOVE the name! Looks like it fit him!

Scully is doing better but she is not out of the woods. At her check-up last week, she weighed 8.4 pounds. Yesterday she was 7 pounds. Percentage-wise, that ain't good.

I stayed up with her until about 2:00 this morning and was able to coax her to start to drink her water. She ate a treat and a bite of food, too, which was a plus.

The vet called this morning - Scully is very, very dehydrated. She is back at the vet right now starting a 3-day fluid therapy regimen. There is a good chance that she has kidney issues, but we should be able to manage this via her diet. We'll see.

I don't have any pets, but I am looking after my ex-wife's dog for two weeks while she is in Kona - there's something wrong with this picture!

Not sure where to walk her, I thought 'all dogs like to go to the beach'. Luckily, others seem to have had the same idea, providing a well worn trail.



I decided she would be a good 'crash-test dummy' - if the ice won't support her........



"Looks like more snow comi'n Al, let's go home and warm up".



Here's me with my Alaskan Malamoot Joe skiing this morning. We are not exactly in Alaska but we do have quite some snow though. No chance to ride the bike, so have to enjoy alternative activities


Me thinks that's a russian malamute.....not alaskan. Hard to find that dog in a white out........

Damn, hoping Scully makes a full recovery. I feel your pain. When my cats or dog get sick, I get sick. I hate seeing them suffer. I'm having an issue with my Wallace Cat. He's dealing with Idiopathic Cystitis which is also a urinary issue that, according to my Vet hat we visited yesterday, should clear itself in a few days. She suggested we feed the boys canned food because it has a very high (78-82%) moisture content where dry food is well below 10%. He has blood in his urine and is likely experiencing pain when he pisses. He's got some dope to help him with the pain.

Again, we're pulling for Scully!

Here are my 2 boyzz. Misters Wallace & Gromit.

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Again, we're pulling for Scully!
Here are my 2 boyzz. Misters Wallace & Gromit.
Thanks! Hopefully Wallace gets things cleared up soon!

We brought Scully home last night and she was more energetic and had a wee bit of an appetite. The vet said she got "feisty" with 'em, which is good. She was tuckered out, though - by the time I got home from work, she was sacked out on Sooze's lap. After dinner, she crawled up on my legs and was completely alseep - she got sick yesterday so the vet gave her a little something for nausea, so add that to the antibiotic she got on Tuesday, and being severely dehydrated, the poor thing just doesn't feel good.

She has a port for her IV in her front left leg, which makes it very entertaining to watch her walk, but she spent most of last night zonked out on our laps. She is back at the vet this morning for more fluid therapy. We are hoping that she continues to improve.

Last night, zonked out on my legs.


Reese my monster paw 14 week old Leonberger pup has caught up to his 8 month old Golden Retriever big brother (in age only).


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Geek, good mojo sent your way.
In spite of her liking Asscar!
Thanks, man!

It was a bit of a rough weekend. Scully went to the vet for fluid therapy last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Keep in mind she's an "anxious" kitteh to begin with, so that whole process was pretty stressful for her. She was almost her old self on Friday night. Saturday she was very lethargic and had little to no interest in food or water. Yesterday started the same as Saturday, and I was starting to plan for the worst, as my hopes for the best were waning by the minute.

Then she got up and ate a little bit. And drank some water. And did some business in the litterbox. Then she hopped on my lap and gave me some good head-bonks and purrs. And she ate and drank some more.

The difference was VERY pronounced.

The bottom line is she is sick. Her kidneys are not functioning at 100%. The best we can do at this point is try to help her via her diet. But she needs to eat and drink in order for us to do this.

We can treat the symptoms but there is no cure for her. We are going to keep a close eye on her. I just do not want her to suffer. At this time yesterday, I figured I would be on the phone right about now with the vet scheduling her final visit to the vet to end her suffering. I'm glad I'm not.
