My 2013 FJR has arrived.....

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Opps! No post.
Brother Alan, I just knew we should not have closed down the Tavern together last night! I'm really hung over this morning, how about you?

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The Professor is probably a little bleary eyed this morning, as I am. Our Patriots did not finish giving their holiday gift to the Niners till after midnight.

I had all kinds of witty things to reply to the phillips screw post, then I had an "Oh shiny" moment and played around with the Review the complete topic (launches new window) option. By that point my coffee was kicking in and I realized my post was only about half as witty as I thought, so I intended to cancel my post and move along. Dunno what happened but it got posted so I did a post delete. Email needs a retraction option too

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I had all kinds of witty things to reply to the phillips screw post, then I had an "Oh shiny" moment and played around with the Review the complete topic (launches new window) option. By that point my coffee was kicking in and I realized my post was only about half as witty as I thought, so I intended to cancel my post and move along. Dunno what happened but it got posted so I did a post delete. Email needs a retraction option too
Absolutely no need to apologize there ionbeam, I'm still heavily hungover and currently drunk from celebrating San Francisco 49ers victory over your New England Patriots.

I just left this phone message with ahchui-Marcus: The rider's foot peg gap is 13/16" on both the Gen1 and Gen2 and the distance between the foot peg rubber phillips head screws is exactly the same at 1-3/4"; however the Gen1 has a tapered plate on the bottom of the metal footrest itself, whereas on the bottom of the Gen3 casting it is flat.

I recommended since he's going to be at King Richard's Tech Day this Saturday that he compares my illegitimate bastard Son SkootyG's Gen2 foot pegs to Fairlaner's Gen3.

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I just left this phone message with ahchui-Marcus: The rider's foot peg gap is 13/16" on both the Gen1 and Gen2 and the distance between the foot peg rubber phillips head screws is exactly the same at 1-3/4"; however the Gen1 has a tapered plate on the bottom of the metal footrest itself, whereas on the bottom of the Gen3 casting it is flat.
I always took that plate- which I think is just there for extra vibration damping weight- off, because it was just extra weight. IIRC (because the plate is tapered) one screw is longer than the other, so I just bought replacement allen head screws so I didn't have to worry about cheese-metal phillips head screws down the road.
Fairlaner! WTF is the matter with you???? That FJR is ...................... DIRTY!!!

You are SO fired!

I know, i just got back from Monterey and have guys here painting the kitchen cabinets so kinda hard to anything right now.....will be like new again real soon.


I had a friend ask me if the Wild Bill highway pegs would fit on the 2013? He has a set on his bike and doesn't want to go without.

Anybody know if they interchange?

I had a friend ask me if the Wild Bill highway pegs would fit on the 2013? He has a set on his bike and doesn't want to go without. Anybody know if they interchange?
Moved mine from my 07 to the 13, in fact the right side mount was a PIA on the 07 because of the fairing -not a problem on the 13.


Just picked up my painted Smuggler, i gotta say i am liking the color match. I also painted the front fender, i am putting a fenda extender on before i mount it so pics will follow soon.





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