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welcome to the "the zipper club" Adam and glad to hear you are doing OK.

The hardest part of the recovery is being patient and letting your chest heal - if you overdo it on exertion you will pay - and for several days after that.

Keep your "clutch pillow" close and use it. And get into cardio rehab as soon as you can.

It's been four years for me and I still have some discomfort in my chest on cold days due to the wires but every day is better and I feel good now.

I'v been knocked off the forum for the past several days. Just now getting caught up on your progress Adam......................Glad to hear things went so well for you, consider yourself one of the few lucky ones with another chance at life. Way to go Adam!


After 2 whole weeks in the hospital, I am home!

What a wild 2 weeks!

Special Thanks to everyone who stood by me in my time of need.

It sure feels weird sitting in my living room, It does not even look like my house! It looks like Mr.& Mrs. CLEAN took over my house! (How sweet it is)

Oh, By the way, I am a NON SMOKER now, So my house and cars are as well :blink:

Heya Rogue, Our plans might have changed for WFO, If the non smoking will be a a problem. sorry


After 2 whole weeks in the hospital, I am home!

What a wild 2 weeks!

Special Thanks to everyone who stood by me in my time of need.

It sure feels weird sitting in my living room, It does not even look like my house! It looks like Mr.& Mrs. CLEAN took over my house! (How sweet it is)

Oh, By the way, I am a NON SMOKER now, So my house and cars are as well :blink:

Heya Rogue, Our plans might have changed for WFO, If the non smoking will be a a problem. sorry

Good time for rogue to quit, too! ;)

So, GB, do I still need to keep you on the Vegen menu or will the doctors clear you for some yummy beef flavored tofu? ;)

Glad you're back a home and doing better!

Adam, glad your back in your own digs. That has to feel good for you. Good luck with your healing and recovery period.

Nice to hear that you are home. Based on the number of friends that have been posting and taking care of you. you have plenty of good reasons to take care of yourself. I'll be happy to eat veggies, maybe even tofu, with you.

After 2 whole weeks in the hospital, I am home!

What a wild 2 weeks!

Special Thanks to everyone who stood by me in my time of need.

It sure feels weird sitting in my living room, It does not even look like my house! It looks like Mr.& Mrs. CLEAN took over my house! (How sweet it is)

Oh, By the way, I am a NON SMOKER now, So my house and cars are as well :blink:

Heya Rogue, Our plans might have changed for WFO, If the non smoking will be a a problem. sorry

Good time for rogue to quit, too! ;)

So, GB, do I still need to keep you on the Vegen menu or will the doctors clear you for some yummy beef flavored tofu? ;)

Glad you're back a home and doing better!
lLike i said, After you! :****: :lol:
Adam, glad to hear you made it home... heck, glad to hear you made it, PERIOD!

Now that you are home, you can get some real rest. Ahhh... rehab. Ugh. Keep us posted on your, uh, recovery antics. And good luck with the nic habit. Talk about cold turkey! :eek:

Great to hear you made it home GB.

You are doing the cardio rehab, right? Get you by in shape quick without over stressing yourself.

Wifey is Japanese, would you like to exchange some yummy tofu recipes? :blink:

GB, very happy you made it thru the past two weeks. Getting rid of the nicotine habit is a great start...good for you! I'm sure we'll cross paths in a couple months, well, if not... I'll see you in Park City.

Take care.


Glad to here you are home.

Guess you'll have to will me those farkles at a MUCH later date afterall :yahoo:

GB, Adam, we've not met but I did see you on stage at WFO Reno.. Here is seriously hoping that you NEVER qualify for the contest again as it shows the conditions prone to what you have gone through. I speak from experience and need to change some habits too so I cast no stones... I am very happy that you too have a second chance at life. Live it Adam..

GB, you just do all the hard work that's before you...and you will return to your motorcycling life just fine. Hard stuff now...BIG payback later. As you can tell from all of the posts in the threads - we are rooting for you all the way. Even if we aren't posting about you - we are thinking good thoughts for you and wish you the best GB.

If you need stuff, or just some encouragement in the hard days now and ahead, just ask your forum friends...we are here to serve.

After 2 whole weeks in the hospital, I am home!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Oh, By the way, I am a NON SMOKER now, So my house and cars are as well :blink:
Heya Rogue, Our plans might have changed for WFO, If the non smoking will be a a problem. sorry


Not a problem,

I think the whole hotel is non-smoking. :blink:

I don't smoke in the house at home anyway.

Good time for rogue to quit, too! ;)


My dad didn't raise no quitter! :p :p :p :p :p :p

Adam, good glad to hear that you're home.

After my surgery, the doctor told me "If it tastes good, spit it out." ( A little hospital humor there!)

Good work!!! Do you have a Physicalterrorist for this kind of rhab? If you do I hope she is a hottie. When I was recovering from a spine injury I had a good lookin PT and when she say do this and I said I can't it hurts and she said do it anyway it helps when the view is fine. Glad you are home.
