NAFO 1K and 1.5K RIDES!

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As one of the growing number of virgins lining up to be sacrificed at NAFO.... is there a rally pack coming on this? And is there any advice from the veterans for us rookies?


Griff (heading out on a 750 mile tune up)

As one of the growing number of virgins lining up to be sacrificed at NAFO.... is there a rally pack coming on this? And is there any advice from the veterans for us rookies?

Griff (heading out on a 750 mile tune up)

Advice -

1. Hydrate. Not hydrating can have really bad results.

2. It ain't a race. You have 24 hours to do it. Easy as falling off a log.

4. Stay on the bike and moving. Don't hurry, but be consistent. There is absolutely no reason to speed.

5. Always do a sanity check between GPS and map. DAMHIK. (If you're using a GPS, that is.)

6. Have Fun !!

7. P.S. - don't do anything that makes you bleed.

As one of the growing number of virgins lining up to be sacrificed at NAFO.... is there a rally pack coming on this? And is there any advice from the veterans for us rookies?

Griff (heading out on a 750 mile tune up)

Advice -

1. Hydrate. Not hydrating can have really bad results.

2. It ain't a race. You have 24 hours to do it. Easy as falling off a log.

4. Stay on the bike and moving. Don't hurry, but be consistent. There is absolutely no reason to speed.

5. Always do a sanity check between GPS and map. DAMHIK. (If you're using a GPS, that is.)

6. Have Fun !!

7. P.S. - don't do anything that makes you POOP.
Fixed it for ya Hal! :unsure: :rolleyes:
I'm thinking about trying this one.... :unsure:

If I read this correctly, July 10th is the last day to sign up, right??

George- before I mention this to my XS11 friends- roughly whats the farthest distance someone might have to go on one tank this year? Thanks.
You guys need more than one tank for that stuff? Geez, I must be better than I thought... :grin: :p

(On last year's desolate, middle-o-freakin'-nowhere SS1K, awesome by the way, I think the furthest on one tank I went was about 270+ miles. I was about 25 miles into my reserve and practically giving myself an ulcer as I stressfullly road up US 6, praying for a gas station. The rest of the time, it was easy to find a gas station at least every 125-150 miles.)

Just reviewing all these posts and saw this. I'm not sure the FJR can haul my fat ass 270 miles..... any chance you can tell your humble minions how long the longest leg is this year, Mr. Beeroux sir?


Just relax until a month before the ride when ya'll get a rally pack and every question will have an answer inside.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.

Mr. Sir,

I'm heading on the ride of my dreams for a month starting Saturday, so I strongly suspect I will miss the rally pack delivery. Aside from my wife doing an overnight delivery, is there any harm or disadvantage if I pick it up from you at the hotel at NAFO?

Rally Pack heads out after the sign-up deadline. If you read it the week before the ride you'll be good.

Welcome Bluebullet to the madness.


George- before I mention this to my XS11 friends- roughly whats the farthest distance someone might have to go on one tank this year? Thanks.
You guys need more than one tank for that stuff? Geez, I must be better than I thought... :grin: :p

(On last year's desolate, middle-o-freakin'-nowhere SS1K, awesome by the way, I think the furthest on one tank I went was about 270+ miles. I was about 25 miles into my reserve and practically giving myself an ulcer as I stressfullly road up US 6, praying for a gas station. The rest of the time, it was easy to find a gas station at least every 125-150 miles.)
Just reviewing all these posts and saw this. I'm not sure the FJR can haul my fat ass 270 miles..... any chance you can tell your humble minions how long the longest leg is this year, Mr. Beeroux sir?
I've not done one of GZ's rides before, but he is aware that the majority of riders are doing so au natural and hopefully will provide a route with lots of gas stops. On the other hand, the IBA has no rules whatsoever about carrying extra fuel except for the big Rally. I just might use one saddelbag to carry an extra 2.5 or so; even if just so I don't encumber mi riding partner who has a high zoot soot extra gaz tank. [SIZE=8pt]Hey buddy, sorry about the previous comment! :rolleyes: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]I routinely hit flashing bar with less than 150 on the trip odo; typically leaving me with a safe 45 extra. Perhaps the valve adjustment/new plugs/TBS Sync will yield greater mileage. I swear, I don't know how these guys get 10k on Avon Storms and 40 mpg. :glare: [/SIZE]
Shiny and DCarver.

Stock tanks with grievous demands on juice will have ZERO problems finding gas along this route.

Focus on the curve ahead, not your gas gauge.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.


800 mile tune up ride Saturday, left at 6:00 A.M. got back home a little after 8:00. all of it in the twisties. Up through eastern Oklahoma then back down through Arkansas.

I cant imagine how those IBA guys to this every day for a couple of weeks in a row! How the heck do you train for something like that?

I spent all day on the bike, ate on the bike, drank on the bike, took a nap on the bike :eek: well I could have!

If this wasnt gonna be all in the Colorado twisties, I'm not sure I would do it.

Im ready to do this thing, what are we waiting on?

I routinely hit flashing bar with less than 150 on the trip odo; typically leaving me with a safe 45 extra. Perhaps the valve adjustment/new plugs/TBS Sync will yield greater mileage. I swear, I don't know how these guys get 10k on Avon Storms and 40 mpg. :glare: [/size]
Sounds good, for an Aprilla. What do you get on the FJR? No, really. :dribble:

dcarver, it's in the wrist. Your's is apparently spastic. Relax, smooth is fast.

<shaking head> 150? Kids these days, no control. ;)

And nobody's getting 10k on Storms, except maybe Lee. Azarros were the bomb though and did that no sweat.


All you virgins sweating this ride, all you have to do is follow some basic guidelines:

Don't pass known gas for unknown gas. There's no crime in getting it early, but the FJR gets heavier when you push it.

You have 24 hours, most will take around 18.

Hydrate or die. And I'm not shitting you on that one. A bottle doesn't cut it. You need to be able to drink while you ride. You can make up a cheap hydration system with $5 of food grade tubing, a bite valve from anyplace that sells Camelbacks or similar units and a half gal. or larger insulated jug. A couple of straps or bungees and you're good. You don't have to spend big dollars for one.

For christ's sake, eat something more than power bars and trail mix, you still need some food along the way and you have plenty of time for it. Stop and sit down and have some chow. Your butt will probably enjoy the break too. (We had a guy pass out when he got off the bike in '05, no repeats please.)

No cotton panties. Or boxers, or jeans, etc. Cotton only holds the moisture close to your skin. You want some wicking synthetics as that first layer. Doesn't have to be the most outstanding LD Comfort shorts, but you can't go wrong with that choice. Disregard this and you'll suffer mokeybutt big time. And be very uncomfortable.

If you're going to live by the radar detector, pay attention to it and don't speed back up until you've passed the source of the signal! That said, there isn't any real advantage in wicking it up uber fast. You'll just get tired quicker. Besides, you'll never save as much time as you will by just staying on the bike. Most of the time you lose will be because you're stopped.

Sit there and twist that. Get gas, take care of business, and GO! No standing around talking, that's just pissing time away. And time is miles. You don't need this to be a 22 hour ride w/o sleep. A 22 hour ride with sleep is no shame though. 22 hours w/o sleep is being stupid on a SS1k. Listen to your body. You may not need sleep. Or you may. Pay attention.

Sleep. If you need it, get some. Micro sleep is when you start nodding off on the bike. If that happens ONCE, pull over soonest and take a nap. It may only be 20 minutes, but your body is telling you it needs sleep. If you're not experienced in dealing with sleep deprivation, do what your body asks. It will reward you with a fresh brain and the ability to focus, which you need to ride safely.

Move around on the bike while you're riding. Just sitting in the same spot doesn't keep the blood flowing. I don't care how awesome your custom seat is, you still need to keep the blood flowing. Swing your legs now and then, stand up on the pegs, flex and rotate the arms, roll your back, straiten up, etc. You should be moving something every 15 minutes, at least! More is better.

Despite TWN's helpful suggestion, it's more mental than physical.


If you're still on the fence about this, let me make this easy for you.

If you want an IBA Certificate at Saturday nights Banquet, you MUST be signed up by noon ( pst ) tomorrow.



Well, after much deliberation, I have decided to pull myself out of the SS1K. I hate this decision, but it is probably the right one to make. Last year's SS1K that GZ put together was fantastic and my expectations of the in-state Colorado were so high, I thought there was no way I'd want to miss out. However, the body says otherwise.

A few of you know the tale of my back and the spine surgery recovery I've been enduring. It is an on-going thing even 9 months later and I think after riding all the way to Colorado, I've got to nurse my back while in Golden so I can ride home. An 18-hour ride like we did last year will probably be too much at this stage.

I will return next year and may have to do a BBG to make up for my puss n' boots approach this year.

Sorry for the late notice GZ, I was in denial and fooling myself. To the rest of you, good luck and I will see you off on your adventure.


I'm sorry to hear that you're wimping pussing pulling out of the SS1K FJR_pig. :(

Actually, it's good to know that you can override your ego. (I'm still working on that character defect.)

As Mr. Eastwood would say "A man's got to know his limitations."

I respect your decision FJR_pig, as I have been struggling with the same choice, but I'm still going to give the SS1K a try. Ten days ago I had a low speed tip-over (my dumb-ass fault) and although I continued on my trip, after four days I finally came home to heal up. Damage was from trying to hold a top-heavy, overloaded bike up. Only a couple small scrapes on the right bag, right can and the slider. My damage included a sprained right thumb, upper back pain, right knee sprain with bad swelling and ripped muscles in my lower back. Already had a bad back and feared more spinal problems, but the doc I saw said I'm no worse. But getting older sucks, and healing takes longer. So I've taken almost two weeks to heal up and I'm feeling better, but still sore in the lower back -- I'm going to resume my (shortened) vacation ride Sunday, and try the SS1K in Golden.

But last year I had to hold off on WFO because of the recovery time from back surgery -- so I understand your choice and ambivalence, but respect the wisdom you are showing.

Smart call, pig. You need to be 100% for these things.

BTW, I'm privy to the route designed by GZ. OMG! :good: Sadly, he made me eat the map so as not to spoil all your fun. Burp. Doesn't go so well with Summer Ale. ;)

Aw, ya big tease. Now where did I put that bottle JD with Tdub's name on it?? Oh, there it is, right next to the case of Summer Ale!! :rolleyes:
