NAFO, Dates & City Secured!

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Hey I have a buddy who has no freinds cause he rides a FZ1 but would like to go. Can he or would he be like a Outcast?
Sure, no prob, just make sure he slips a benny to El Jefe. ;)
I didn't know you were still into drugs?!?! :eek: Do you prefer mini-benny with the cross on top???

Oh....wait....did you mean a "benny" as in Benjamin (Franklin)? Like a green, folded $100 bill? You know you'd settle for a Jackson! (And be lucky to get that...) OTH, the parking brute-squad.... :dribble:

Hey I have a buddy who has no freinds cause he rides a FZ1 but would like to go. Can he or would he be like a Outcast?
Sure, no prob, just make sure he slips a benny to El Jefe. ;)
I didn't know you were still into drugs?!?! :eek: Do you prefer mini-benny with the cross on top???

Oh....wait....did you mean a "benny" as in Benjamin (Franklin)? Like a green, folded $100 bill? You know you'd settle for a Jackson! (And be lucky to get that...) OTH, the parking brute-squad.... :dribble:
I'd settle for a Lincoln!

When will lodging info be posted?
I thought we were staying at DaveT's place!?!?!? :dribble:

Barring that, the exact lodging is usually posted on the "official" website. Once Warchild gets that done and does the test-runs, the registration will begin. When someone registers for the event, they will be given a code to give the hotel for the reduced rate.

Last year the hotel name was given out and SOME people registered "outside" the group. Not only were there issues regarding the discount, it skewed the number of rooms the organizing committee needs to comply with a "base" (guaranteed) number of registrants.

Patience, Grasshopper, good things come to those who wait.

When someone registers for the event, they will be given a code....
Last year when you called the hotel you had to say "The fat man walks alone." If they replied "The bus to Fresno leaves on Thursday." You knew it was safe to book your room. :laughingsmiley:


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When someone registers for the event, they will be given a code....
Last year when you called the hotel you had to say "The fat man walks alone." If they replied "The bus to Fresno leaves on Thursday." You knew it was safe to book your room. :laughingsmiley:

Cool! I love clever secret stuff like that!
Don't forget the secret handshake.... ;)

Everybody already knows the semi-secret hand signal :blink: ....TWN uses it all the time! :eek:

Everybody already knows the semi-secret hand signal :blink: ....TWN uses it all the time! :eek: secret anymore...if you go back at pictures of most FJR seems that atleast one picture has that universal "Hi, I own an FJR" sign. :)

When will lodging info be posted?
As I type, WC is working out the final updates and changes to the NAFO website database. The venue hotel has provided the reservation code and the REQUIRED ON-LINE RESERVATION linkage, so it's just a matter of tying those back into the sign-up section, among a few other things. Please be a bit more patient as I'm sure, given the season, WC would prolly like to spend a bit more time with his family rather than crunching code.


- El Jefe

Spend time with family???? I have had a week with "Family" and I volunteered to go to work... Nice and quiet and I get paid too...

Coors? Ugh. Life's too short for light beer.
Dont knock it untill you've actually been to the brewery and had beer that has never left the premises, its on average less than a week old.

I tell you, it's not the same beer you buy at the store.

Oh, and living in CSprings, count me in!

I almost didn't get a room last year, I came last minute. Please but me down for a room when you decide. It is going to be fun. Chris you owe a ride over Pikes Pike if you go this year. I didn't go home for five weeks after riding into the Rockies last year for the first time. Shit, I guess I may be moving this summer.

Oh, pertaining to that go-kart thing......

I wasn't going to tell anyone until I lapped everyone & accepted my trophy, but I do race karts (I have 3) & I'm vewy vewy good! :evilsmiley03:

Now, whose money do I get to take?

(throwing down the gauntlet)

Oh, pertaining to that go-kart thing......
I wasn't going to tell anyone until I lapped everyone & accepted my trophy, but I do race karts (I have 3) & I'm vewy vewy good! :evilsmiley03:

Now, whose money do I get to take?

(throwing down the gauntlet)
We've secured a track in Kansas. Be there, k?

I got the vacation time approved so I'm ready. :yahoo: See y'all in Golden.


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