New Policy We Should Adopt?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA

Came across this at the TivoCommunity forum. Maybe we should consider adopting it? :glare:


It seems we have a lot of members with nothing better to do with their time than to reply to new members with things like "Search the forum" and "Read the manual". These replies will now be getting you suspended. The average Joe doesn't have time to sit around an internet forum for hours on end. I know I don't and I work here. They just have a question they'd like answered. Either answer it or move along to the next thread. This forum was built for people to help others, not to tell them they should be able to find the answer without asking. Keep in mind, you only get two suspensions before your account is closed. It takes less time to answer a question (and even less to walk away) than to come up with a sarcastic reply that seems witty to you.

Um, no. How about we drop the smilies and avatars? Sig lines? How are they a help? How about we drop 'Off Topic' or other non-FJR related forums. How about we toss FAQ's. How about we drop the member map? How does that help anyone as it relates the the FJR? This is a community made up of people. People make up a society. Society involves many different aspects of life that one must deal with. Asking, "Where do I buy an Yamaha oil filter?" deserves a good dog piling. I mean, c'mon! Now, I hear CVS is having a sale on mangina pads... run along, you don't wanna miss out! :lol:

(Note use of lol smilie)

Maybe we should consider adopting it?
Consider it adopted, by me anyway....not that I matter or anything. If I don't feel like searching up an answer or providing a link, I'll just keep my mouth shut and move along.

But you can't legislate courtesy. See post above....

Booting sarchastic chumps from this room is the first good idea i've heard in a long time.

Um, no. How about we drop the smilies and avatars? Sig lines? How are they a help? How about we drop 'Off Topic' or other non-FJR related forums. How about we toss FAQ's. How about we drop the member map? How does that help anyone as it relates the the FJR? This is a community made up of people. People make up a society. Society involves many different aspects of life that one must deal with.

Sad but true. But wouldn't it be a much more pleasant society if we didn't have to deal with quite so many bad attitudes??

Asking, "Where do I buy an Yamaha oil filter?" deserves a good dog piling. I mean, c'mon! Now, I hear CVS is having a sale on mangina pads... run along, you don't wanna miss out! :lol:

(Note use of lol smilie)

With or without the smilie, I'm not quite sure if you're trying to make his case or break it. I don't find the search function to be as user-friendly as it could be. Maybe that's just my own lack of skill, but if you've got time to type "use the search function asshole", you've probably got time to search it yourself, be a nice guy, and post up the link. The other type response just makes people not want to come back, but rather go to another forum and tell people what assholes they are on the FJR forum. I think the original post has alot of merit, but then again, I too am a nobody here.

Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic.

Oh, and uhhh...lighten up.

If this place didn't have sarcasm and good natured ribbing I'd only visit here when I had a question about my FJR. Screw that. Why would I want to go to WFO or the SPANK rally to hang out with a bunch of boring phuckers who have no sense of humor? Phuck that. I hang out here BECAUSE of the smart ass comments and ball busting. Hmmm...come to think of it, that's why I hang out at my favorite bar down the street, too.

If this place didn't have sarcasm and good natured ribbing I'd only visit here when I had a question about my FJR. Screw that. Why would I want to go to WFO or the SPANK rally to hang out with a bunch of boring phuckers who have no sense of humor? Phuck that. I hang out here BECAUSE of the smart ass comments and ball busting. Hmmm...come to think of it, that's why I hang out at my favorite bar down the street, too.

You're right, but that's not the same thing as when a noobie comes on with reasonable question and is just rudely told to use the search button. If you had a really good friend that was part of a minority group, you could probably get away with telling him a joke about his ethnicity. If you told the same joke to someone of the same ethnicity that you just met, it probably wouldn't be received quite as well. Same principle.

Um, no. How about we drop the smilies and avatars? Sig lines? How are they a help? How about we drop 'Off Topic' or other non-FJR related forums. How about we toss FAQ's. How about we drop the member map? How does that help anyone as it relates the the FJR? This is a community made up of people. People make up a society. Society involves many different aspects of life that one must deal with.
Sad but true. But wouldn't it be a much more pleasant society if we didn't have to deal with quite so many bad attitudes??

Asking, "Where do I buy an Yamaha oil filter?" deserves a good dog piling. I mean, c'mon! Now, I hear CVS is having a sale on mangina pads... run along, you don't wanna miss out! :lol:
(Note use of lol smilie)
With or without the smilie, I'm not quite sure if you're trying to make his case or break it. I don't find the search function to be as user-friendly as it could be. Maybe that's just my own lack of skill, but if you've got time to type "use the search function asshole", you've probably got time to search it yourself, be a nice guy, and post up the link. The other type response just makes people not want to come back, but rather go to another forum and tell people what assholes they are on the FJR forum. I think the original post has alot of merit, but then again, I too am a nobody here.
I think TWN (Dear dhog forgive me for even thinking I could read his mind :p ) is opposed and I am too. I mean, even Al Jaffee knew you deserved a snappy answer to a stupid question (1), but that's just part of the nature of this forum and if you're that much of a "whiny gash" (IIRC the term from the "welcome" notes, though it seems they've changed since I read 'em last--PC to the core, that's us :rolleyes: ), then you're probably not going to be happy here.

FWIW, I'm not a big fan of the search function on the Forum, so when I need to search I go to Google and restrict the results by including the term: "" (without the quotes. Duh. :p Works for me.

Well, mostly. Typing "whiny gash" into Google (without the quotes) netted me this priceless bit from Yamma Jamma as "fixed" by SkooterG (if I'm reading the attributions correctly): "So Please, If you're offended by anything I say, go F*** yourself you whiny-gash, no sense of humor, thin-skinned, ugly as Scab choad."

God I love this place. Nothin' but class. Who's up for drinks at Knockers?


(1) "There are no stupid questions, just stupid people." - Mr Garrison :yahoo:

Booting sarchastic sarcastic chumps from this room is the first good idea i've heard in a long time.
Spelling error in OP fixed.


:good: See? This joint needs this kinda stuff. It really does. Besides, the first one to get suspended would be Iggy for 'use the search feature' comments - although he always does provide the link within the lecture. Can you suspend an admin? :lol:

With or without the smilie, I'm not quite sure if you're trying to make his case or break it. I don't find the search function to be as user-friendly as it could be. Maybe that's just my own lack of skill, but if you've got time to type "use the search function asshole", you've probably got time to search it yourself, be a nice guy, and post up the link. The other type response just makes people not want to come back, but rather go to another forum and tell people what assholes they are on the FJR forum. I think the original post has alot of merit, but then again, I too am a nobody here.
My point is that there are some really good noob or general questions that may or may not have been asked this way or that, and should be properly answered, which I will always do - especially if it's an older issue. It's the stuff that gets asked that is easily found because the welcome email tells you where to find it that is the issue (I think). And c'mon, asking where to buy a Yamaha filter is nothing more than fishing. That kinda shit deserves a good dumping on. There is merit to your comment about people not coming back or us 'chasing them off (does downn2 ring a bell?). That stuff will happen anywhere 'cause you'll never please (appease?) everyone. As for departees calling us assholes on other forums because of some responses to their posts, well, no one has much respect for whiners. And I got news for you DD: We're all nobodies on the neenernet. ;)

Now, if you'll 'scuze me, I need to go polish up my sarcasm skills. :rolleyes:

Maybe we should consider adopting it?
Consider it adopted, by me anyway....not that I matter or anything. If I don't feel like searching up an answer or providing a link, I'll just keep my mouth shut and move along.

But you can't legislate courtesy. See post above....

Hey Bob,

You MATTER!! You are one of the few people that has encountered a Jackalope and that means you are special.

So what do you call a person who is afraid to write the word Pussification, and just gives you a link to it?


The FJR isn't a TIVO, for most of us it's a large part of our lives. If you can't afford five minutes to read the FAQ before you ask what oil you should use then you clearly need to reevaluate your priorities. :p

Um, no. Society involves many different aspects of life that one must deal with. Asking, "Where do I buy an Yamaha oil filter?" deserves a good dog piling. I mean, c'mon! Now, I hear CVS is having a sale on mangina pads... run along, you don't wanna miss out!

It doesn't take long to scroll through the look it up comments to get to the real help. Some noobs need help looking it up - I know I did and I really appreciated the members who helped me along.

sounds good to me, i think the search function is not what it should be. not knocking it, just saying that the collective human intelligence on the list is better than the search function.

sounds good to me, i think the search function is not what it should be. not knocking it, just saying that the collective human intelligence on the list is better than the search function.
I remember when most of the Gen I owners moved from the Yellow Board to the Blue Board and they was in luv :wub: with the Blue Board's search function. Not only was the Blue Board search function a vast improvement, but there was real content to search through too. If searching is too burdensome I'm sure the admins could remove the option thereby eliminating any distress. :glare: JK!

There are different levels of questions that have vastly different amounts of information required. By now most senior Forum members have memorized common torque values, capacities, recommended parts, part suppliers, assembly tips, etc and they can quickly supply answers. There are other questions that are more involved, "Why does my AVCC suddenly shut down?"; "How do I access the CO screen?"; "How do I add a power distribution?"; "How do I fix surge/heat/altitude roughness/abrupt throttle/excessive throttle force"; "Has anyone ever tried a bigger windshield?" .... etc, etc. All these questions are already covered in some depth with more insight and thoroughness than what someone would get in one or two quick replies vs. doing a search on the topic. I've tried to offer some complete (long winded?) how-to's and explanations so that they would be on tap for future owners, if searching is too much trouble then why bother to keeping any history? By this point the FJR1300 is a 'mature' product, generally owned by interested and involved riders so questions that begin, "Has anyone ever...?" will almost always have been done and covered in detail someplace here.

Search is a bit awkward and sometimes you may have to (gasp) try more than one search. I can usually find what I'm looking for and filter it down to manageable size 'cause I've done it a lot. I'm amazed when people say they have tried to find info on cruise controls and PCIIIs but the search comes up empty :dntknw:

I guess I would have to join Toe and simply pass on the questions where I would do the search, either inside or outside the Forum for someone that didn't try to help themselves first.

BTW, when I turn the key off my windshield always retracts, is my motorcycle broken? ;) :lol: (note the use of smilies)

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Here is a noobie point of view.

Hanging online since 97 with the Magna board, 99 with the Valkyrie board, 2001 with the GL1800 wing board and all last year with the ST1300 board and the VFR board as well as a lot of firearms boards I am no stranger to the environment. While each of these boards is different, way different, you named what makes this one stand out from all of the others. A lot of guys look at this board as more of a database and less of a community. THIS BOARD IS THE BEST SOURCE OF FJR KNOWLEDGE, but it is not tolerant of conversation about topics that you guys who have owned the FJR for years and have worked out all of the answers already know. Now I see this as a good thing in a way because it seems to happen because so many riders have owned this bike for a long time and are bored with discussing it and you can't beat a bike that people want to keep. But it's also really boring for a new guy because we would like to talk about our bikes since we are still very excited by them and it seems like all of our answers are "it's all been covered just look it up". It's a nice board and good guys but it does not get a lot of daily action in compararison to other board of it's size. Are you guys all done talking about your bike? Flame away.

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