NY - Adirondack's Ride June 14th 2008

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Greetings all.
I'm looking to head in that area the 6th of June. The thought would be to pass through the area with you and continue on to New Hampshire and maybe even Maine for a 3-4 day trip. I may be able to postpone another week to join you.

Randy, are you still looking to go? If so, maybe we can hook up for part of the trip.
As of now, still planning on it. Just noticed that it's the weekend before Laconia. I had originally planned on making that trip, but, not sure if it's gonna happen since I'll also be heading to the Indy MotoGP race in September as well as a few other AMA races. I really want to make this trip.

So, since life is sucking all of the fun from my riding life right now, I thought that I'd check in on my next planned ride. (It seems that so far this year only rides that have been planned well in advance get ridden)

Anything new pertaining to this ride?

Tentative plans are to leave Friday morning, we both have the day off, take some long cool & shady twisty roads, arrive late afternoon. Staying at the Hampton, because I got a better rate than at the Super 8 & it also bumps me up a rewards level. Looking forward to this.

So, since life is sucking all of the fun from my riding life right now, I thought that I'd check in on my next planned ride. (It seems that so far this year only rides that have been planned well in advance get ridden)
Anything new pertaining to this ride?
I have been scouting roads in my area for a warm-up ride on Friday. It's tough work, but it needs to be done. :rolleyes:

So Geez, me coming into town on Thursday is cool with you? I have Thursday off & tentatively planned on riding up.

Very cool! I just googled Norfolk to Shandaken. Looks like 474-ish miles but I guess that it really depends on my routing. Google quotes 8 hr 50 minutes. I see it taking me 10-11 hours easy... you know, gotta' stop for some butt breaks & such.

Really looking forward to this one. New roads baby!


Very cool! I just googled Norfolk to Shandaken. Looks like 474-ish miles but I guess that it really depends on my routing. Google quotes 8 hr 50 minutes. I see it taking me 10-11 hours easy... you know, gotta' stop for some butt breaks & such.
Really looking forward to this one. New roads baby!

Or maybe 7 hours at FJR speed. ;) It mostly depends on traffic. The DC and NY City areas are the worst for traffic. NYC probably has the most dangerous drivers, due to lack of paying attention and general insanity. I call them oblivions.

I won't be going thru DC. I did 95 thru DC a few weeks back. It was the toll road from hell. I thought that we'd be getting off cheaper going to NJ that way which was not the situation.

I'm going to take Rte 13 over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. There is a $12.00 toll at the Bay Bridge, two $1.00 each tolls on Rte 1, a couple few dollars for the Jersey Tunpike & probably a couple cheapies if I get on the Garden State Pkwy. I'll bet that I'll get away with under $20.00 for tolls.

I think that I'll make out better & 13 is more direct (even though there is so many reduced speed limits, it'll make you sick)

Google has me going up 13 to US 1, back onto 13, over Delaware Memorial Bridge, taking 295 to 95 into NY.

Does that sound about right?

I used to live in Norfolk (long, long ago) and I agree, take the DelMArVa route 13 up to Wilmington. But at that point I'd head due north, staying far to the west of the megalopolises of Philly, and NYC.

You could shoot north to Reading and Allentown and then take Rte 209 almost to Geezer's doorstep, never setting a tire in the marvelous state of New Jersey(and that's a good thing). The section through the Delaware River Gap is a nice ride.

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Fred, please send me your ideas. I'd rather not hit Jersey for sure... but looking for the shortest route (for slabbing)

I'll put a proposed route together and PM it to you.

Often times, in heavily traffic freeways like I95, the shortest distance is not the fastest way.

Thanks Fred, I certainly do appreciate it.

So, plans are changing as I sit here and think about it. I may leave the Hampton Roads area on Wednesday night, drive to my best friend's place in Lacey, NJ. Spend Wednesday night with her & her hub & finish the ride off on Thursday morning in order to miss metro traffic on the way in.

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Iris and I are planning to take the Adirondack loop sometime in May, just to check things out before the June 14th ride. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great day of riding. Can't wait. :yahoo:

I'm still watching things closely here. My son is red shirting this season, so that alleviates my prior concern with NCAA nationals. But that is the same weekend as the New England Regional High school track meet. For better or worse it looks like I won't have any qualifiers in the jumps this year which may put me in the Adirondacks for the weekend. :yahoo:

But it will be a late commitment for me. And my son may accompany me on the VFR.

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We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great day of riding.
Just a day of riding??? I plan on making it worth riding up there. I'll be riding Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday... Monday may be to home. Still undecided. Now, if I still have the Geez showing me around, I might just have to ride home on Tuesday, instead. (You other bike-aholics know how it is, right?) I don't have to be back to work until Wednesday.

Sorry that I'll miss Haulin' Ashe on his NY jaunt.

So, do we have a rough head count yet? This could be big. Kind of like a mini EOM.

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So, do we have a rough head count yet? This could be big. Kind of like a mini EOM.
No head count to date. We will probably start counting heads about two to three weeks out. The starting point (Circle Diner), lunch break (The Adirondack Hotel) and dinner (TBD) all have adequate space.

Just a day of riding??? I plan on making it worth riding up there. I'll be riding Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday... Monday may be to home. Still undecided. Now, if I still have the Geez showing me around, I might just have to ride home on Tuesday, instead. (You other bike-aholics know how it is, right?) I don't have to be back to work until Wednesday.
You are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. I scheduled a vacation day for Friday to ride. I'll have to see how things are going at work before I can commit to riding with you on Monday and/or Tuesday. My wife keeps the beer 'fridge well stocked.
