Our Son Andy

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Think I'm starting this mainly cause it helps me(and Deb) to write it down, but also to gather more "good thoughts" for him.Andy's our eldest (40) and he collapsed at home on Feb 26th in a diabetic coma. Nobody knew he was diabetic!. Blood sugar was 1600 - normal is 100. Admittance to Emergency was followed by admittance to ICU, where he still is and on life support. Couple of days later he went into respiratory failure and we were told "it is grave". He pulled himself out of that one but is now fighting kidney damage, lung problems and wild temperature spikes. He's sedated - if he wasn't I'm sure he'd rip out one or more of the many tubes and wires that are attached right now.

On the plus side, all the relevant tests have come back as negative, heart is good and no brain damage. Doctors haven't yet figured the cause for the high temps. That's the nutshell version.

It's a wild emotional ride as we wait for him to wake up, and hopefully tell us to "quit stroking my head will ya".

We'd welcome any good thoughts and wishes - he could use them.

Thanks for allowing us --

Rog & Deb

Rog & Deb,

Andy is in our prayers - as are you.

Keep stroking his head.

Hal & Jeannette


I'll say a prayer for you and Andy. Sounds like he is fighting hard to come back. Good luck.


Hearts breaking over here Rog..Diane & I wish you both all the best in getting your son well. Never stop talking to him and stroking his head. He'll get the message even if he's sedated. All the best from this houshold. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Wow, I just read this. There is nothing worse in this world as when one of our kids is suffering. But I know one thing for sure, our Lord will never leave us or forsake us in times of need. Right now our family is praying for yours and that all is well with Andy and that there would be no ill after effects as a result....PM. <><

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My prayers and thoughts to your family. Please post an update as it seems appropriate, for I know we care as a group.

As a student nurse I caught a homeless guy with an 800+ finger stick and he was walking and talking, so high BS can be survived. I hope your son has a total recovery, and the lack of brain damage is great news, and high on my personal wishlist for your son. My wife's sister went into a diabetic coma and it was the brain damage that changed her forever. Everything else has medical options. Don't give up hope.

And don't forget to take care of yourselves so you can take care of Andy.

Hey All,

Been too many ups and downs to post any kind of update --------------- till now :)

Andy was weaned off his sedatives early this morning and was nodding his head in reply to basic questions. This is the first sign we've had that he's aware of anything. Another round of CT scans happening this morning before they hope to remove his breathing tubes. Considering where his situation was at 2 weeks ago this is wonderful news .. to be able to talk to our son and have him know we're there -- priceless !

Why am I still guarded?

Thank you, thank you all again for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement -- really means a lot to us, especially from this community -------- who'd have known that from owning an FJR ..? :)

Still a ways to go yet, but Man !! that first ray of light :yahoo:

Thats terrific news about your son. I hope that everything keeps progressing on a successful path to a full recovery.

Great news!

Now THAT'S what we're hopin' to hear. We know there's a long road ahead...so we'll still be prayin' for your family out there.

Rog + Deb

Just to tell you that you and your son Andy are in my thoughts. I hope his recovery will be quick and complete and you can soon put all this behind you.



Breathing tube and feeding tube both out of his throat. He's now fully off sedatives also and recognizes that we are there. He's processing things real slow at the moment and we have to figure out what he's maybe thinking via facial expressions and barely noticeable nods of his head. His grip on my hand is weaker than a new born baby - more a twitch - but it's there


All your good thoughts and vibes at work :yahoo:

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