Pilot Road 2 - who's got 'em?

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BTW: in the german boards is also the discussion about waving at higher speeds and instable slanting drive. Some guys which didn't wait till the tyres are worm writing about lost grip when riding sporty. About the BT021 there are the most negative comments in case of very low mileage at the frontwheel (about 3000 - 4000 km).
Troy, great information inyour post.

So Troy is reporting 021 experiences like some of us are having here. At 3,500 miles, after riding to WFO-6, my front 021 looked similar to this one posted by tstaff, though I have a bit more mileage left, they are just "at" the wear bars, "wedge" shaped and "fall" into corners. Neither of which inspires confidence to keep the tire on with Winter approaching, etc.

......... loved the BT-021's, then after only 4,000 miles the front BT-021 looked like this;(jwillys after 3,800 miles, mine was the same)

Can anyone confirm Troy's steering wobble on PR2s? I know my PRs liked to be warmed up a few miles before pushing them into corners, so to me that is no big deal (plus I am a cautious rider, conpared to Troy's dragging his centerstand and brake pedal. :eek: ) I know some have had troubles with the Avon's wobble, but Troy seems able to adjust his suspension to eliminate the problem with the PR2s mounted.

Inquiring minds need to know before they order tires.......Though I liked the feel of the 021s, so I'll probably add a front to the order and change that out to wear ALL of the rear before going to the PR2s. Its very odd to me that I'd be wearing 2 fronts to 1 rear, but they are planted in the corners.

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I put my PR2's on Friday night. So far I only have 120mi. 2 up. All I can report so far is that they're: black, Round, and ride smooth (like all new tires do). I'll give my opinion later after I put some solo miles on!

Keeeee-rap! I stopped yesterday at my dealer to order up a set... His price has gone up almost $30 since the last time I checked, while the Avons stayed put. Now we're talking about an $80 difference between the PR2's and the Storms. **** it. I'll stay with the Storms.

that fat donut boy has to afford his donuts. Michellin has NOTHING that makes it worth $80 more than the Avons or the BT021's. IMO

Man, I have to agree here. Can't beleive all the folks willing to shovel out $300 for an unknown tire. Lucky for me, I still have TWO sets of untouched Azaros sitting in the garage. In fact, a brand new Azaro rear is currently on it's way to my house. :rolleyes: As racking up the miles on my FJR should be curtailed here for the foreseeable future, those should last me a while. Don't know what I will buy then. Was going to try the Bridgestones, but sounds like the front don't last. The Storms are ok, they just don't get the miles the Azaros did. And the front has a predeliction for cupping. Just replaced my first front storm with 15,000 miles on it and it was worn bad, and uneven.

... Just replaced my first front storm with 15,000 miles on it and it was worn bad, and uneven.

it's mystery in my mind to wear a tire for 15000 miles ... roundabout 24000 kilometer. Wow! BUT ...

what is your style? If you drive tourist style, carefully, always in the speedlimits, never asume any risk, most on straight roads, never in the rain ... it can be happen. Then you're right and really don't need a high grip tire. It's not a fact anybody must shame on it. But be aware that there are also other styles like touristsport, sporty and supersporty. Okay, somebody says a FJR cannot be driven supersporty. I belive: you can! Then you need every f--king grip you can get to take over a Ninja or Gixxer in the corner and show him the backlights when using the full torque and hp of a bigbike in acceleration. Next corner hard braking, lift the rearwheel, banking the bike and full throttle with light striking footrest - drawing black rubberstripes on the tarmac. Here it seperates the wheat from the chaff of tires. You cannot do this with a PR, PR-S, Z4 or Madacam ... with a PP, PR2 or M3 you can do. Long lasting goes mostly together with the lost of grip. Going sporty loose mileage.

If you are crying about the prices ... I pay about €290 ($414) for a set of MPP and €330 ($471,50) for a set of MPR-S or MPR2, round €320 ($457) for a set of BT021 and €280 ($400) for the Storm (including service). :angry:

... Just replaced my first front storm with 15,000 miles on it and it was worn bad, and uneven.

it's mystery in my mind to wear a tire for 15000 miles ... roundabout 24000 kilometer. Wow! BUT ...

what is your style? If you drive tourist style, carefully, always in the speedlimits, never asume any risk, most on straight roads, never in the rain ... it can be happen. Then you're right and really don't need a high grip tire. It's not a fact anybody must shame on it. But be aware that there are also other styles like touristsport, sporty and supersporty. Okay, somebody says a FJR cannot be driven supersporty. I belive: you can! Then you need every f--king grip you can get to take over a Ninja or Gixxer in the corner and show him the backlights when using the full torque and hp of a bigbike in acceleration. Next corner hard braking, lift the rearwheel, banking the bike and full throttle with light striking footrest - drawing black rubberstripes on the tarmac. Here it seperates the wheat from the chaff of tires. You cannot do this with a PR, PR-S, Z4 or Madacam ... with a PP, PR2 or M3 you can do. Long lasting goes mostly together with the lost of grip. Going sporty loose mileage.

If you are crying about the prices ... I pay about €290 ($414) for a set of MPP and €330 ($471,50) for a set of MPR-S or MPR2, round €320 ($457) for a set of BT021 and €280 ($400) for the Storm (including service). :angry:
:poster_stupid: Yeah I pay more for tires, but hey, they're the only thing between you and the road. Some like to go straight and see how many miles they can get out of a set! Other like to go around curves and see how fast they can go. Being an X racer, I find myself pushing the tires at times and I want to know I have tires capable of it! I'm hoping the PR 2's will give me the best of both! We'll see!

it's mystery in my mind to wear a tire for 15000 miles ... roundabout 24000 kilometer. Wow! BUT ...

what is your style?
Troy, a valid question for our esteemed Mr. Spinny Head. It has to do with the airfoils attached to either side of his head. They tend to create lift, thereby easing the burden of the tires. Of course, when needed, he can rotate them to act as air brakes, easing the work the tires have to do. This helps reduce frictional forces of conventional braking and extends tire life.

That, and he's always been a little light in his loafers. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

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From the looks of your mileage, you’re set for the next 200 years. :rolleyes:
You never get tired of this, do you? I am glad I keep you entertained by NOT riding much.

But hey, I am headed up to GA/NC/TN this week. That'll be good for at least a solid 1k! Man, that is some distance, huh!!

Glad I got those new shoes, it might have been dangerous otherwise. :blink:


From the looks of your mileage, you’re set for the next 200 years. :rolleyes:
You never get tired of this, do you? I am glad I keep you entertained by NOT riding much.

But hey, I am headed up to GA/NC/TN this week. That'll be good for at least a solid 1k! Man, that is some distance, huh!!

Glad I got those new shoes, it might have been dangerous otherwise. :blink:


It's those droopy eyes you have, Brun. They scream, 'where's the peanut butter?!' I'm only too happy to oblige. ;)

Besides, you know we luv you, man, er dog! :lol:

it's mystery in my mind to wear a tire for 15000 miles ... roundabout 24000 kilometer. Wow! BUT ...
what is your style? If you drive tourist style, carefully, always in the speedlimits, never asume any risk, most on straight roads, never in the rain ... it can be happen. Then you're right and really don't need a high grip tire. It's not a fact anybody must shame on it. But be aware that there are also other styles like touristsport, sporty and supersporty.

Skooter is a "Long Distance" rider of the Iron Butt rallies, etc. While he doesn't necessarily ride "tourist" (meaning slowly), he has learned how to save his tires to get the most mileage out of them.

One way is NOT being aggressive when leaving stop signs and signals. Also to not accelerate extremely fast on merge ramps. Another way to preserve tires so that a rider can finish a long rally without changing tires is to be more "gentle" on the entrance and exit of corners. Smooth is the way they must ride to extend their tire miles.

IIRC, one of the members of this type of riding managed to do over 2,000 miles in 24 hours, including stopping for fuel, etc. That means that particular rider averaged over 100 mph for that length of time. Its a different style of riding to participate in and to raise one's stamina and ability to that level.

Most of us understand that aggressive cornering will wear tires more quickly. Just as aggressive use of the throttle will ruin the back tire quickly. The long distance riders have trained themselves to "control" the urge-to-compete the rest of us seem to enjoy.

@TWN: :rofl: And I am an alien! :yahoo:


I don't want to offend him (Skooter) or anybody else. If it lookslike excuse me please.

I agree with you about disciplined, smoothly riding and mileage.

My basic argue in my last post was that: someone who's hunting for mileage needs other rubber than the bad guy who's fighting for seconds.

So nobody is right when he say: THIS is the best tire overall.

Please only vote: this is the best tire FOR ME.

I'm still wondering about / marvel at the 15000 miles. :clapping:

I'm sure somebody is wondering about killing a set of tires in 3000 miles likes me.

I'm still wondering about / marvel at the 15000 miles. :clapping: I'm sure somebody is wondering about killing a set of tires in 3000 miles likes me.
Nope....I just shake my head at both cases and say, "It isn't me!" I do have a local rider/friend/forum member who destroys a set of tires in 35oo miles. He lives in the Sierra foothills and always on very winding roads at a "fun" pace. Its not out-of-the-ordinary. I don't posess that skill level.


Has any members burnt up a set of the PR2's yet??? Haven't heard of any completed mileage reports yet.


Yeah...I'm about to order tires...either PR2 or Diablo Stradas...so it would be good to hear mileage report of PR2s versus say Storms or Azarros or Stradas.

:clapping: :clapping:

Yeah...I'm about to order tires...either PR2 or Diablo Stradas...so it would be good to hear mileage report of PR2s versus say Storms or Azarros or Stradas.
:clapping: :clapping:

I have over 3000 miles on my PR2s and they are working great. Based on the tread depth left I expect to get 8 to 10 thousand miles with no problems. I will probably need new tires just before NAFO.

I have over 3000 miles on my PR2s and they are working great. Based on the tread depth left I expect to get 8 to 10 thousand miles with no problems. I will probably need new tires just before NAFO.
I'll be looking forward to your (or someone's) report of actual final mileage on the PR2, since I expect (no matter the condition of my PRs at the time) to spoon a new pair of skins onto my bike a week or so before leaving for NAFO. While my route isn't set in stone yet, a rough guess is 6 or 7 thousand two up miles in 11 or 12 days. I have only gotten that many miles out of Pilot Roads before, and hope the PR2 will provide equivalent longevity with more twisties stickiness. Everything else has been toast by 5000 miles or less for me, whether on a Blackbird or the Feejer.

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Is this mostly commuting, or canyon carving? PSI? 2-up? Road Conditions?

Common...with Ashe in semi-retirement, someone's gotta review these things ;)

I have over 3000 miles on my PR2s and they are working great. Based on the tread depth left I expect to get 8 to 10 thousand miles with no problems. I will probably need new tires just before NAFO.

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