Troy, great information inyour post.BTW: in the german boards is also the discussion about waving at higher speeds and instable slanting drive. Some guys which didn't wait till the tyres are worm writing about lost grip when riding sporty. About the BT021 there are the most negative comments in case of very low mileage at the frontwheel (about 3000 - 4000 km).
So Troy is reporting 021 experiences like some of us are having here. At 3,500 miles, after riding to WFO-6, my front 021 looked similar to this one posted by tstaff, though I have a bit more mileage left, they are just "at" the wear bars, "wedge" shaped and "fall" into corners. Neither of which inspires confidence to keep the tire on with Winter approaching, etc.
Can anyone confirm Troy's steering wobble on PR2s? I know my PRs liked to be warmed up a few miles before pushing them into corners, so to me that is no big deal (plus I am a cautious rider, conpared to Troy's dragging his centerstand and brake pedal.......... loved the BT-021's, then after only 4,000 miles the front BT-021 looked like this;(jwillys after 3,800 miles, mine was the same)
Inquiring minds need to know before they order tires.......Though I liked the feel of the 021s, so I'll probably add a front to the order and change that out to wear ALL of the rear before going to the PR2s. Its very odd to me that I'd be wearing 2 fronts to 1 rear, but they are planted in the corners.
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