Quincy Oct 15th

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So yall ended up at The Willo I see...


...didn't tell me Dougie you were gonna end up there.

I woulda been there for sure if I'd known that! :clapping:


Chugging along to see old and new friends..


Full of hot air?


Don't everybody look this way, OK?


Czech-in-Reno...well not in Reno but on Gold Lake Hwy.



The sun goes down over Fernley..


Fall colors over Monitor Pass





Look who found me and chased me down for more than 10 miles on Wentworth Springs road till he caught me..any guesses? It was a great and very nice surprise! :)


Nice pictures from your return ride today. I was out on the FZ1 and saw Sam go racing by while I was doing some fire suppression in the forest today. Needed the power of the 1 to catch Sam by Georgetown. Good to see you today!

Nice pictures from your return ride today. I was out on the FZ1 and saw Sam go racing by while I was doing some fire suppression in the forest today. Needed the power of the 1 to catch Sam by Georgetown. Good to see you today!
Good seeing you too Doug! I am sorry we didn't stick around to chat longer. I was pretty hungry and it was mid-afternoon and I hadn't eaten, so I wanted to head home and raid the refrigerator. See you sometime soon! :)

Some damage was done

I hate to lose that Bell Viper helmet - love the graphics, but it gave it's life for a good cause - MY FACE!!!!

Working on the video - I'm a newbie for that and don't want to bore you with the entire 11 minute clip.

By popular demand......

Once I figure out a few more controls I'll add in a few seconds before and after the crash but running out of time tonight.

Ouch !

It happens so fast, one moment you are enjoying the dynamics of the bike and the road at speed,

the next moment...


I felt that, and I wasn't even present.
Heal quick Russ, I hope the boss didn't ground you when you got home.



By popular demand......

Russ, I think you took one for the team as I never saw the gravel on road until I looked back when we stopped. Your get off may had slowed all of us down on that corner.

Heal fast, at least it was only plastic and not you that was broken. If I'm missing any parts from my Granite Gay fz1 I'll be looking you up.

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Well, the day started calmly enough...


with lots of cool people, cool bikes...


Next thing I know (some hours later...), I come upon a bunch of those people and bikes on the side of the road; most on the right, just one awkwardly on the left:


Doug's not really smiling or laughing there (okay, he is); just expressing relief that Russ is standing and cogent.

Here's the damage:


Tom fixed this with a pair of pliers:


And the camera that captured that kick-ass video... (wait, ass-kicked video):


Just glad you're alright, Russ!! And pretty tough of you to ride the rest of the way on the peg hinge! I still couldn't shake you in the twisties.

By popular demand......

I've watched that video at least 10 times now and I can't see any visual indication of the gravel, or whatever that black stuff was that I went through. I'm hoping someone took a picture looking back from the crash since you could see where I went through it clear as day.

BTW - you and Barry spent some time in front of the camera after the crash getting your face time which I thought was amusing. As soon as I figure out how to splice together all the bits I'll post an update.

Well, the day started calmly enough...

Tom fixed this with a pair of pliers:

That would be HYCLE..He didn't use this particular ones but this is an item I am adding to my toolkit a pair of sturdy locking pliers preferably with a flat jaw. Multiple uses..


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The road had a light gray/silver sandy material on it that aligned just right of center. Although the apex of the left turn was also where a dirt road intersected from the right, the material did not look like it was dragged in off the dirt road or shoulder. This road is at fairly high elevation and I think this was just an accumulation of sand used to increase traction on morning ice. We actually encountered more of it on a straight-away farther down the road. The material was less than 1/4 inch sand and chips with a sharp angular cut. I know because someone in front of me was dragging their feet in it and it sprayed all over the front of my bike.

Anyway, it's that time of year when we get persistent moisture on the roads and those areas high enough to freeze get sanded for ice control. Unfortunately, in this case, the color of the material perfectly matched the chip-seal pavement, and was almost invisible.

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Here is a screen shot from your video. Russ can probably get a still image that is better quality. Just before the skid, the sand is visible as a lighter gray color just right of the bike's line, between the wheel tracks.


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The road had a light gray/silver sandy material on it that aligned just right of center. Although the apex of the left turn was also where a dirt road intersected from the right, the material did not look like it was dragged in off the dirt road or shoulder. This road is at fairly high elevation and I think this was just an accumulation of sand used to increase traction on morning ice. We actually encountered more of it on a straight-away farther down the road. The material was less than 1/4 inch sand and chips with a sharp angular cut. I know because someone in front of me was dragging their feet in it and it sprayed all over the front of my bike.

Anyway, it's that time of year when we get persistent moisture on the roads and those areas high enough to freeze get sanded for ice control. Unfortunately, in this case, the color of the material perfectly matched the chip-seal pavement, and was almost invisible.
Yep what he said.

Well put Tom, the debris that Russ high sided on was a large grain sand. I don't remember seeing it until stopped and looked back at the mark through the sand left by Russ's rear tire as it slipped out.

The chip seal sanding was sneaky too. With such a nice day and all the snow melted it's easy to forget the passes have had several good snows already this year.

By popular demand......

Man, give me freeway rush hour for security any day compared to riding on back road twisties. Those are much scarier to me than having a bunch of cages all around me going in the same direction. There are so many variables at work out in the country, that sometimes the idea of going out for a Sunday ride fills me with anxiety....

Sorry about your accident.

It would have been nice to see you at this ride JB. Those of us riding in the "slow lane" on this ride found nice fall color, good friends and good food.

Russ was going to take some video of us going through the turns, but in retrospect, I'm kinda glad I wasn't the star of this show.
