Oops. Blew it. These are from our stop in La Porte,
before we got to Quincy.
TominCa, Bluestreek, Mrs. Bluestreek (Cindy), Mrs. UberKul (Christy), and with his back to us, puppychow -
Bokerfork, Mrs. RogDeb, Russperry -
Bugnatr, RogDeb -
Brodie and Zip -
Okay. Back in Quincy ...
after lunch.
The Bluestreeks and RogDebs -
Bugnatr -
Zip (who
might be happy to be back in California with a motorcycle
) -
Back outta the sticks, on Hwy. 49 -
The RogDebs terrorizing the Clampetts.
Yup, we sorta got stuck behind a classic car outing.
Never get tired of 49.
Our last stop before spitting up for our rides home.
HYCLE (Mike). Mike has been working double shifts for weeks now, and he was beat after our day on the road. Still, he
never fails to remain cheerful.
Mrs. HYCLE (Terri). I
love this gal.
Mrs. RogDeb (Deb). I
love this gal.
TominCa (Tom). I
love this gal. Good man.
A final group shot of what was left of the larger group. (Many had departed for other destinations by this time in the afternoon.)
L to R -
Russperry, Bugnatr, Brodie, Mrs. Bug (Gayle - great to finally meet you!), RogDeb, Mrs. RogDeb, Zip, Elizabeth, exskibum, TominCa, Mrs. HYCLE, Bokerfork, and HYCLE (seated).
Our original group then headed out on 174 to 80 and down the hill.
Bokerfork pointing the way.
Last shot.
As group rides go, I can't remember one that I've enjoyed more. Must be gettin' soft.
Thanks, all!