Rude Behavior

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As for the comment about spell check... what? Read that to yourself and then translate that from Gunnyish to TWNish. I think you are trying to say that iespell needs to be downloaded first before this software can access it? Um, OK. Beats the **** outta me, I use FireFox and if that has spell check in it then so be it. All I know is that I use the feature - a lot.

[Translate mode]

Yeah, if'n yer usin' IE ya's gotta down-load that thar program before'n ya can spell check.

[/Translate mode]

If you don't have ieSpell installed you'll be prompted to go download it the first time you click on the little "ABC" icon that is displayed in the upper left right portion of reply window.

Ouch. This hurts. ****, I don't even use the stuff. I use Google Toolbar for my spell checker.

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Uhhhhh....[Translate mode]

Yeah, if'n yer usin' IE ya's gotta down-load that thar program before'n ya can spell check.

[/Translate mode]

If you don't have ieSpell installed you'll be prompted to go download it the first time you click on the little "ABC" icon that is displayed in the upper left portion of reply window.

Ouch. This hurts. ****, I don't even use the stuff. I use Google Toolbar for my spell checker.

Ahhh, that's better! Thanks! I have the Google check, too. Dunno how the iespell got there... musta been one of those Skooter aliens? :dntknw: Bu at lest i noes howta uz it.

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Ok freshmeat is the winner ...
Wasn't tryin to win nothin' -- just pointing out that there's an actual reason that everyone says stuff like "read the FAQ" and "use the search function." It's not like everyone here's the sort of jerk that would just dog-pile on the new guys. 'Course these are not mutually exclusive options...

Oh - and re: Trolls - see Ignacio's post clicky - these jackasses also steal a lot of time from the guys who put in the hours to keep the forum running.

Oh, and TWN... That spelling software that gives you the nice underlined words?? That's called ieSpell and (at least w/ Internet Explorer) only works once you attempt to spell check and installed the software that gets offered.
One minor addition to what GunMD pointed out -- those of us Microsoft Internet Exploder (and therefore ieSpell) don't get those pretty red underline thingies that TWN mentioned - just a dumb old pop-up box.

One More Thing -- has anyone told the FNGs that all this noise doesn't add to their post counts because its in Completely Off Topic Discussions? Or should we just let 'em read the FAQ?

Ya gotta hand it to JWAD though -- he found a post-whore-ing loop-hole in under than 10 posts. 4 of his 8 posts were in this thread -- but he got 'em in before the thread was moved to Completely Off Topic Discussions -- so they show up in his post count anyway. Not bad for a FNG.

However, it seems to me that "if the posts don't count, the record don't count" - right? Can I get a ruling from the old guyz w/ over 1000 "real" posts??

BTW - ieSpell seems to be fully qualified to bundle with Internet Exploder -- I ran spell check and ieSpell thinks "ruling" is mis-spelled above -- well, actually, it says the word "ing" is mis-spelled, ignoring the first three letters of the word. (and does the same thing with "ignoring") WTF?

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One minor addition to what GunMD pointed out -- those of us Microsoft Internet Exploder (and therefore ieSpell) don't get those pretty red underline thingies that TWN mentioned - just a dumb old pop-up box.

BTW - ieSpell seems to be fully qualified to bundle with Internet Exploder -- I ran spell check and ieSpell thinks "ruling" is mis-spelled above -- well, actually, it says the word "ing" is mis-spelled, ignoring the first three letters of the word. (and does the same thing with "ignoring") WTF?
OK, then how the hell do I have the little red dotted lines? And, I'm finding that the various spell checkers have different sets of rules and dictionary basis (basii? :blink: ). What this board's checker does is a bit different than what Google's does. Go figger.

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... OK, then how the hell do I have the little red dotted lines? And, I'm finding that the various spell checkers have different sets of rules and dictionary basis (basii? :blink: ). What this boards checker does is a bit different than what Google's does. Go figger.
Not sure. My guess - the SW used by the forum is smart enough to figure out which browser you're using, use the "correct" spell check function for that browser, and allow each of these programs to use its own user interface functions -- so you get red dotted lines in FireFox and I get a clunky pop-up dialog in IExploder - at least until I get FireFox installed <g>. Admins ??

Edit: Just tried Google's -waay cool. and to think it was sittin there on my search bar all the time!

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Not sure. My guess - the SW used by the forum is smart enough to figure out which browser you're using, use the "correct" spell check function for that browser, and allow each of these programs to use its own user interface functions -- so you get red dotted lines in FireFox and I get a clunky pop-up dialog in IExploder - at least until I get FireFox installed <g>. Admins ??


Jebus, TWN!!! Aren't you up to 10,000 yet???

Now tell the noob that there ain't no rewards for generating the most replies -- only for shameless postwhoring.

Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . I know: "postwhoring" is a misspelling, but regular old whoring isn't. It's probably hyphenated in the real world.

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ain't if funny how anytime anyone says anything about rude behavior it gets a crap load of posts. I guess it's just like an invitation. Bite...go ahead and bite


Jebus, TWN!!! Aren't you up to 10,000 yet???
Now tell the noob that there ain't no rewards for generating the most replies -- only for shameless postwhoring.

Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . I know: "postwhoring" is a misspelling, but regular old whoring isn't. It's probably hyphenated in the real world.
I dunno, only you guys keep bringing up my post count. Lemme know when I hit that mark, k?



This is the longest roll of used toilet tissue in existence. Would somebody say something?

Is this really a motorcycle forum or is it a gay pedphile forum where you ******* talk in code.

Is FJR code for..............?

Is there a real FJR forum somwhere that is really about the bike. Can I get the link?

BTW, Do some of you all stay up all night long?

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Holy crap :eek: ....this thread hasn't died yet?....Hey baiting the new guy or what? :grin: ....

Time to close this POS; others have gone the low road and have been sanctioned for less. (but really, who gives an ass rats; continue if you must) :blink:

Hot ****, Popcorn for breakfast. I hope it doesn't get soggy in the milk. :D

There ws no real point, just as with the rest of your inane posts.
And the mispelled word is?


Come on, bite, bite...
Yes, ther ws a pont. :rolleyes: The point was to help the guy figure out how to use spell check, plus toss in some slam-humor in keeping with the tone of this thread.

And, the misspelled word is mispelled. Do yourself a favor, if you willl, and put me on ignore - save yourself from my inaneness.

Got my point, addle-pate?

This is too easy.

Jeez, never a bait passed by, a comment too obvious or a thought unexpressed.

Do some of you roll out of bed and go right to your computer to check what you missed on that Completely Off-topic Discussion?06:52 AM Central?
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who has looked at the forum in the middle of the night. You know, when you just can't sleep. There's something soporific about reading all the different variants of +1.


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