SOLD OUT! Skooter G and Papa Chuy ride FJR's to Cabo San Lucas!

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Who's the pussy whining about dirt roads?

And are you implying that the FJR is not a dual sport? That's not what Skooty says.

Who's the pussy whining about dirt roads?
And are you implying that the FJR is not a dual sport? That's not what Skooty says.
Eric, If my Mexico Riding Buddy Brian Boles' wife Melanie rides all of the way: They'll be on their Honda Gold Wing. BB is the same guy who is signed up for Mexico's Copper Canyon Ride in November with Shiny, rushes, Joe, fjrrider, Papa Chuy and rest of the FJR Forum Dirt Donks. Brian rides a BMW F800GS, which he could ride solo on the West Side Highway with us. Trust me, since I've ridden the West Side Highway: This track is definitely NOT passable on an FJR, not even by SkooterG!

Who's the pussy whining about dirt roads?
And are you implying that the FJR is not a dual sport? That's not what Skooty says.

FJR does dirt just fine, mostly... Moki Dugway coming out of Monument Valley was a BLAST :)




Dates are on the calendar, and will have to sort out the flight arrangements for my back-seater, as she is unlikely to have all the time off necessary to do the whole trip but sure as Hell will want to get at least part of it in...
Might have to (GOD FORBID!!!) put the Feej on a trailer and haul south for a day or so at that time of year to get out of the snow zone. Should be ok coming back though...

Need to coordinate this with another cross-country camping trip planned in conjunction with CFR11, which rumour has it will be in New Brunswick...

Saludos Griff,

You would be welcome to park your rig and trailer at mi casa: 1061 N. Amber St., Chandler, AZ 85225. We would ride over to San Diego, California on Tuesday March 15 and get a hotel for the night. The departure point is on the California side of the border at TECATE, CA and the departure time is 0800 hours sharp; and I mean SHARP! Hear that SkootyG!!!

So, everybody that is going to be going on this Mexico Run needs to be staged at a point that allows them to be at Tecate no later than 0730 hours on Wednesday March the 16th!!!

Recuerdos y Suerte, Papa Chuy

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Dates are on the calendar, and will have to sort out the flight arrangements for my back-seater, as she is unlikely to have all the time off necessary to do the whole trip but sure as Hell will want to get at least part of it in...
Hmmmm..... I wonder if I could be a back-seater ? I'd promise to behave myself :unsure:

Need to coordinate this with another cross-country camping trip planned in conjunction with CFR11, which rumour has it will be in New Brunswick...
If CFR 2011 is truly a CFR, how will you coordinate a Mexico-in-March ride with it? C = Canadian, not COLD! :D

Dates are on the calendar, and will have to sort out the flight arrangements for my back-seater, as she is unlikely to have all the time off necessary to do the whole trip but sure as Hell will want to get at least part of it in...
Hmmmm..... I wonder if I could be a back-seater ? I'd promise to behave myself :unsure:

Need to coordinate this with another cross-country camping trip planned in conjunction with CFR11, which rumour has it will be in New Brunswick...
If CFR 2011 is truly a CFR, how will you coordinate a Mexico-in-March ride with it? C = Canadian, not COLD! :D
... bulltwinkie !! No Way... you have evil in you... MEM :dribble:

B... :p :lol: :lol:

Okay then, if Mary Ellen and Brian can get a motel room, we will continue with our Baja trip planning. I highly recommend that all of the Baja Travelers get their hands on an AAA Baja California Map, this will be your bible for this trip. If you can only navigate by GPS, such as a certain individual from Lake Havasu City, Arizona: Please use this toll free number for your routing assistance I-DNT-GIV-ASHT! Senor Medina "El Burrito Ballerina" is Old School: GPS es El Trabajo del Diablo - The Devil's Work!

When I start describing our routes down and back, I will use the coordinates on this map. The front of the map is Baja California Norte and the other side of the map is Baja California Sur. So, if I say we are spending the night in Bahia de Los Angeles - BCN R-7 you will be on the front page and will see The Bay of Angels at R and 7 intersection. I would suggest making friends with those mooks from the SoCal FJR Crew and see if they can get you a copy of the map for free!

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We're looking at March 16 thru 25 to ride the length of the Baja Peninsula.
Wednesday ? to next Friday ? ? ???

Doesn't work so good for those with gainful employment.

Can't it be Friday to next Sunday?
It can be anything YOU want, but for the ride I am leading my FJR Forum friends on: March 16 through 25 is the ONLY dates available for THEM. We plan on spending Friday night March 18 in Bahia de Los Angeles, Saturday night 3/19 in Loreto and then Sunday night 3/20 in Todos Santos. Just catch up with us at any of these 3 cities!!!

On Wednesday, March 23 FJR Group needs to be heading North again. I will get SkooterG to lead them back to the border. You, Mel, Donna and I can then take the night ferry to Mazatlan; returning to U. S. on Sunday 3/27.

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Since it's 109 degrees here in Phoenix today and I'm just so damn sick of the heat, I did not want to go for a ride; I've been playing with a Trip Itinerary taking us from Ensenada to Todos Santos.

Ensenada is only 75 miles South of Tecate, but I was thinking we may want to make it our first night's stop. Some of you are traveling long distances just to get to the start point at 0730 hours on Wednesday, March 16. Eric is coming from Portland, Oregon; Griff is coming from Calgary, Alberta, Canuckistan; Rushes is coming out from Alma, Arkansananianstan. A rest day might be nice.

Ensenada is a fantastic city with lots of great sights and shopping. We have to get our Tourist Permit Cards downtown at the waterfront and then I thought we could ride out to the Blowhole - La Bufadora for lunch. This natural wonder shoots the waves spray 30 meters up into the air with each swell. We could then take a stroll on Ensenada's Malecon and have our dinner.

From Ensenada to Bahia de los Angeles is 325 miles, a full days riding on the two lane highway that is Mexico Ruta Uno. From Bay of LA to Loreto is 375 miles, also a full day's M/C riding.

Then finally from Loreto to Todos Santos is 350 miles. Our Todos Santos arrival will be on Sunday, March 20. This schedule allows us to spend an extra night in either Bahia de Los Angeles or Loreto.

What do you fine folks prefer: 1) A sleepy and tiny coastal village like Bay of LA, or, 2) A more vibrant city with a nightlife such as Loreto. We could NOT make reservations for Friday night March 18 in either location, then make our decision then which City/Village we want to spend an extra night in on the fly. I will find links for you in advance to view what each Ciudad Mexicana consists of.,_Baja_California_Sur

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Are you going to pick the hotels and let us know which hotel and the dates to make reservations for? March could fill up quick!

Are we going to have to put up with scenes like this??


Don,Are you going to pick the hotels and let us know which hotel and the dates to make reservations for? March could fill up quick!

Are we going to have to put up with scenes like this??

That was really great timing on your part, Big-D! This picture of our Bustanut joker was actually taken in Bahia de Los Angeles at the "Sacrificing of the Virgins Festival" held every year on March 18th!Ángeles

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Don,Are you going to pick the hotels and let us know which hotel and the dates to make reservations for? March could fill up quick!

Are we going to have to put up with scenes like this??

Damn right ya are!!! Ya notice how they all be leaning into me??

It's because they all want some of the Festus Sausage in hand..

Yeah.. who's yer daddy?


Don, If you have someone cancel ley me know.

Would love to go. Saw this to late.


Dates are on the calendar, and will have to sort out the flight arrangements for my back-seater, as she is unlikely to have all the time off necessary to do the whole trip but sure as Hell will want to get at least part of it in...
Hmmmm..... I wonder if I could be a back-seater ? I'd promise to behave myself :unsure:

Need to coordinate this with another cross-country camping trip planned in conjunction with CFR11, which rumour has it will be in New Brunswick...
If CFR 2011 is truly a CFR, how will you coordinate a Mexico-in-March ride with it? C = Canadian, not COLD! :D

Gotta make sure the Fearless Pillion has time off for both.. planning a month or more ride across the continent to CFR - wherever it is... :blink:

Lodging consideration for Bahia de Los Angeles
There is No way that I am riding my FJR to Bahia de Los Angeles (long dirt road). I'll meet up with you guys again (on pavement) past Guerrero Negro at San Ignacio or Santa Rosalia.

BTW, I have run this idea past the missus, and she is winking at me sort of? :clapping:

Lodging consideration for Bahia de Los Angeles
There is No way that I am riding my FJR to Bahia de Los Angeles (long dirt road). I'll meet up with you guys again (on pavement) past Guerrero Negro at San Ignacio or Santa Rosalia.

BTW, I have run this idea past the missus, and she is winking at me sort of? :clapping:
Uh George, please put down that bottle of Slovakian hooch you are swigging from and listen up to your Papa Chuy: The road to Bahia de Los Angeles is definitely NOT dirt: I just rode it less than a year ago. True, it is shitty Mexican pavement, complete with the potholes and the breakouts, but absolutely and definitely a paved roadway, all of the way to BOLA from Mexico Ruta Uno! Who in the world ever told you that was a dirt road? Don't listen to dcarver, he just wants it to be a dirt road!

Now Jorge, just to make sure we are on the same page here: You are not talking about the road that comes into Bahia de Los Angeles BOLA from the South, originating in Punta Santa Teresa, are you. If that is the road you are referring too, you are right: That FUBAR mess is a real ball buster, almost killed me on my 1996 BMW R1100GS. Un Muy Malo El Camino.

Khunajawdge, this is a pic of "our road" taken by AZ Beemers Member RJ Strayer halfway between Bahia de Los Angeles Junction and BOLA; near Laguna Agua Amarga (Dry Lake).

That's Sea of Cortez out on the horizon. Note to Baja Crew: See the steep drop offs at the sides of the roadway, that is typical Mexican Road Construction. They just mound up a road!


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A Supreme Command Decision was made by Pancho last night, for the purposes of this particular Mexico Baja trip, I - Papa Chuy will be Pancho and SkooterG will be The Cisco Kid.

Tucson Joe and ShinyPartsUp have been added to the Roster. Rank has its privileges and I want these two vato locos to ride with us. Just lays a little more responsibility on The Cisco Kid and Pancho; no problemos. Looking over Roster of Baja Riders, everybody on here is an outstanding rider with great skills; you guys are going to be easy to lead; except for OM.

Also, another AZ Beemers hombre has been added to this list; and, he is a real asset to our group. Mi Sobrino (my Nephew) Enrique Garza is coming along with us. Enrique (Henry) is a City of Mesa, Arizona Firefighter/EMT and I have ridden all over Western Mexico with Henry before. If you remember my Ride Report of going to Puerto Vallarta in 2009, Enrique was my room mate for that expedition. Senor Garza's Mother was born in the beautiful village of Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico; Henry is a Native Spanish speaker making him a huge asset on this trip, plus he will have his Paramedic kit with him and will care for any emergency medical situations that could possibly pop up.

Now, if we just had a hot red headed nurse to accompany us on this ride, we'd be all squared away on Medical Preparedness side; maybe a La Canadiense para Nuevo Brunswicko!?

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