The 2006 Wfo-5 Event

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Nice Work!

Thats a great ride south!

Now, can ya ride across Cali. and ride UP the coast home?

Thats a beautiful ride too! :haha:

All -

Here are a few WFO-5 recent developments since we announced this event last week:

  • As of this morning (10 Oct 05), we have over 50 registered attendees already signed up!
  • The Reno Hilton is furiously working to get the Contracts snafu cleared up. Should be able to reserve rooms in another day or two, tops.
  • As previously mentioned, the WFO-5 web site now has the new awesome banner artwork online.
  • While we await Cypress to respond regarding their level of participation, we have gone courting Yamaha Canada to come out and play. If they respond in a big way (which is entirely possible), we will adjust the event title to reflect this as a North American FJR Owners Gathering. :D
  • We are investigating holding a FJR1300 Track School (vice a typical "Track Day") at the Reno-Fernley Raceway. More to follow as the Track School concept develops.
Track Day ?

Dang, it just keeps getting better & better !!!

Let us know sched & prices !!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The new artwork is fantastic...Will this change be reflected on the T shirts??
The final Rallyshirt artwork will reflect whatever theme this event eventually morphs into.... right now, it'e a Western theme, as all WFO's have been. If Cypress steps in big, it will reflect a more FJR National theme. If Yamaha Canada steps in big, it will reflect a more general North American FJR Gathering theme.

Dang, it just keeps getting better & better !!!
Oh, there all kinds of fun times planned in addition to the killer Rides and partying with your FJR brethren!
Take a gander at the very bottom of the WFO-5 "Event" page for just a sampling of what is planned....

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Hey WC,

Who do we Snail-Mail a check to?

I was going to use a credit card and it sent me to Pay-Pal and I don't want to use them.

I would think riding 4200 km on interstate highways in 47 hours wouldn't be so difficult time wise...ass wise might be different. Now if you are thinking about doing it in 47 hours straight....therein lies the challenge. In reality you are looking at roughly 5 days of 9 hours each.

There are programs out there like Trip Maker which allow you to enter the parameters you wish to ride by. (how many hours a day; scenic routes; average speed on types of roads, etc). These will give you more accurate travel times. You can pick up the Rand McNally Trip Maker at Chapters or Indigo.


Track school idea kicks some serious buttage....

Can't wait for next July...

@Gypsy, There will likely be a squadron coming down from BC. Contact me closer to the event and I will provide details. I hoping to do Laguna-Seca MotoGP races the week before, but that is still up in the air.

I will be in touch. I am thinking about going early and riding the Pacific coast down to San Francisco. Anyway I will change my plan 50 times before I actually go. That is part of the fun for me on cold winter nights. Mapping and re-mapping.

Rocketdoc you should get a vanity plate the reads HIHOAG


WC is there eventually going to be a map on the site showing the locations of all who are coming?



Wednesday nite!

Bike night!

Applebee's Restaraunt, Columbia Center, Tri-Cities

Hope you can make it!

Ok, Sorry for the Hi-jack!


WC is there eventually going to be a map on the site showing the locations of all who are coming?
I will endeavor to do just that. If I can get a member map for this forum (see Member Map Thread) I think I can easily adapt the technology over.

Struggle point now are my skills as a javascript programmer. I'm lost in a loop. A twenty-something V-Star rider at work with mad skillz is going to help me through my though. Hopefully, this week.

In the meantime, imagine something like Member Map Prototype with everybody on the list.

....damn day job getting in the way of the important stuff ;)

I rode up to the top of Sonora pass last weekend. Was a great ride as always. I have a few digital photos from up there. Anybody wantys to have a look let me know. I am not sure how to go about uploading on to this site as am very new but can email if anybody wants them.


So anyone know how many have registered for Reno so far?

Just curious,


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