The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Glad you joined. You'll like it here :D .

Lots of free-thinking, straight-talking folks on this Forum.

(As you have gathered, most of them come from the other one, which had its days of glory, but they can think freer and talk straighter over here B) ).


Guarding the Forum's easternmost border :axeman:

I have been trying to keep up with Marc Newman's statements and positions but am getting confused due to all his editing and deletions. I think he has clarified that he regards the other forum as his personal sandbox and if anyone wants to play in it they have to play by his rules -- which are subject to change at any time.

Yesterday he banned "bounce" because he was upset that "Bounce" was promoting this site but today he unbanned "bounce" and decided to give "Bounce" another chance, probably because they have actual face to face contact on occasion. Marc does not like to be reminded of the 2001 Waltz because he was a DNF due to an incorrect phone number he was given. I don't know why he is so sensitive about that issue since most endurance riders (except the ones that finished) probably would have done the same thing he did -- stand by the road and keep dialing until his cell phone died. He finished the Waltz a couple of years later, I assume that time he carried extra batteries for his cell phone.

He also has banned Warchild and SkooterG from his site because ??? -- someone is going to have to fill in the blanks on that one because I can't figure it out. According to Marc, his site is still the premier site because he has far more registered members and he doesn't want to let them down by coexisting with this site -- at least that is what I think he said. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and everything may be clarified -- or more convoluted.

PS -- Many thanks to "Bounce" (not bounce) for his very informative "how to" website and the link that led me to this site.

Marc does not like to be reminded of the 2001 Waltz because he was a DNF due to an incorrect phone number he was given.  I don't know why he is so sensitive about that issue since most endurance riders (except the ones that finished) probably would have done the same thing he did -- stand by the road and keep dialing until his cell phone died.  He finished the Waltz a couple of years later, I assume that time he carried extra batteries for his cell phone.
Actually it was a correct phone number. We all had it. It was the host hotel's phone system that was wonky and couldn't handle the number of calls coming in. Most riders adapted. Some called the main number and asked that a message be given to the RM (many of which were NOT passed along). Some others (like me) didn't think to write down the main number, so called home (after unsuccessfully trying on 2 or 3 different times) and let our SO's know we were okay, asked them to note the time of the call (that it was in the required window) and then noted the problem on our gas log or rally pack. We then went on about our business; addressing the issue at the scoring table.

Back at the ranch, the RM found out about the problems and threw out any penalties for those who couldn't get through. It was the right thing to do.

Back out in left field, a newbie who had plotted a 23.5 hour route in a 24 hour rally (apparently without making allowances for the unknown or the time it takes to get gas or collect bonuses), was biting the bushes because he couldn't get through for an hour or two instead of adapting and bending with the tides of adversity. A newbie mistake that anyone could make; learn and adapt.

After the DQ for missing the close of the window at the finish line, he spent the next 3 years bad mouthing the RM (rally master) instead of manning up to his FUBAR like everyone else does when they screw the pooch. 3 years of blaming someone else (when all the other riders adapted) got really old. Publicly castigating the RM and the rally on at least one forum and in every FtF meeting with other LDRiders was more than uncalled for. Especially when the basic 2 rules of rallies are:

1: The RM has the last say on all rulings.

2. No whining.

And I'd not have brought any of this up at all if it hadn't been for him now throwing the same kind of tantrum over on that other list when clearly that list exists today because of the references it got from other forums and mail lists that didn't think twice about extending that courtesy to his board when it started up.

It's not that he DNF'd. Some of the best stories are those of going our in a ball of fire in the course of a glorious, but failed, grab for the brass ring. It's how he dealt with it after the fact that was so dramatically different than anything I have seen or heard of (before or since).

PS -- Many thanks to "Bounce" (not bounce) for his very informative "how to" website and the link that led me to this site.
De nada. I tied to provide a link unobtrusively so as to be considerate for the wishes of the other SysOp. It's now become more obscure in the hopes that it doesn't get edited out.

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I read everything I could here and over there about the subject and then my head exploded. The only thing I can remember is, I like cheese too.

I'm getting to the point where it's my mid-day soap opera that I don't want to miss. I never understood the attraction until "General Forum" and "All My FJRs"

I read everything I could here and over there about the subject and then my head exploded. The only thing I can remember is, I like cheese too.
I am going for a EZ ride. I will put cheese on my burger when I return.

Sometimes I worry about you guys.....


Someone posted on the EZBoard site asking why activity is so low. Mark posted a wishy-washy answer worthy of a politician. I took the liberty of emailing the individual to explain the lack of activity.


I hope that eventually all of the pissed off people on both boards get over it and we get on talking or complaining about the FJR instead of the people on the boards, the best board or who can fart the loudest.

Let's Hurry and get all of the hate and disgust out of our system and contiue on.

I am on several FJR forums and plan on staying on them all.

Hope to see each and everyone on the road sometime no matter what forum you like or dislike.

See ya.......


no hate or disgust here, just complete confusion.

Just another normal day

BTW, I feeling much better now. I had been a bitter, dried-up husk of myself on the other board I wasn't sure if I could post normally. :blink: I was going off on the admin's ludicrous effort to hold back the inevitable tide rushing over here that I couldn't post post without flaming. :angry:

Then a couple souls here posted earnest questions that I thought I had the ability to answer and add value to. :) I found myself using bolded characters, witty euphemisms, and even threw in a "Correctumundo!"

My swagger is restored and online persona is a contributing member to society again. (Can you hear the music?)


I'm Ignacio and I'm a contributor to [SIZE=21pt]![/SIZE] :dance:

I don't know why he is so sensitive about that issue since most endurance riders (except the ones that finished) probably would have done the same thing he did
Sounds Like Mr. Newman is is a sensitive, touchy feely kinda guy... Not that's wrong or anything..... :D :D

After all this whole Mr. Newman thing... (That I just think I started...) He just doesn't like it... He's like

Guuuuyyyyyzzzz, please cut out this Mr. Newman stuf, my name is Marc


Well -- I've been banned! Damn sure going to miss the EZ site, NOT!!! All I did was post a message on the board telling everyone to check out this new site for themselves, you know - kinda like another resource for us FJR owners -- guess the man ( if you can call him that ) in charge took offense to it -- I posted in the reply the web address to this site like this www.fjrforum and when I did a preview it looked like this www.#$@%#$^@$ -- so I went back and type this site's address like this, w w w . f j r f o r u m . c o m , worked like a champ! I had to laugh today when I tried to go on the ez site -- banned! Who gives a damn -- I'm at the best fjr site in the USA now -- whats his name needs to wake up and smell the walls crashing in on him and get out -- too late to save face now -- anyway, thought some of you would enjoy a chuckle -- ride safe! :D


04 FJR

I am confused. Why is this site different from all other sites? (FJR Exodus) I do not recall if links to other FJR-oriented resources were freely posted at the EZBoard site but everyone there knew of the FJR Owners International, Mica Peak, FJR Information ond other sites. The second WFO was organized, in part, with us EZBoard'rs linking over to where Ed and Jackie were organizing things. Many of us found information and camraderie on more than one site. How is another source of information a threat? References to Motorcycle Consumer News are the next to go? Are the references and links to the FJRTech site going to be removed? Why would this site need to be treated as other than just another good quality FJR site? It seems that for some reason interactive places where we can trade information in a "conversational" manner are being viewed differently than are "archival" sources of information. Interesting distinction. Ultimately a silly distinction, but interesting nonetheless.

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Dale, are you stiring up s--- again?  :p
I tells ya what, that paranoid EZOp clown is now starting to piss me the **** off with some of the OUTRIGHT LIES he is now posting over on EZCrap about SkooterG and myself. I'm not going to specifically identify the posts (it's stupid to perpetuate this riff unless it truly becomes necessary), but I'd be less than honest if I didn't say it's taking a fair amount of discipline not to rip him an entirely new orifice.

But if he continues, that would be unfortunate. In a number of ways.

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